Results 221 to 240 of 263 for stemmed:chose

TES4 Session 158 May 30, 1965 Trainor voice features badger indeed

[...] But I could indeed blow apart the rooftops, in theory, if I so chose.

[...] But I would like it understood that now, if I so chose, there would be no doubt (louder, very loud) as to my identity (and now also deeper) or my abilities.

TES2 Session 65 June 28, 1964 land acre purchase house intimacy

[...] And this is the reason that Ruburt chose the apartment to begin with, and why you went along despite realization of its other disadvantages.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 920, October 6, 1980 magical Iran schizophrenia approach debased

2. When Jane and I married on December 27, 1954, we promised each other that neither one of us would interfere with the other’s creative approach to life, no matter what resulted from the actions we individually chose. [...]

7. At first some of these excerpts might seem quite diverse in content from one another, but with Jane’s poem in mind I intuitively chose each one for inclusion here. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session April 16, 1979 taxes Joyce Bill Gallagher conventional

(10:07.) Now: the route you chose was far different than your friend’s. You did not choose a job as a life endeavor, where money would be clearly paid for acts specifically assigned, nor did you choose a route for which there was any conventional role for you to follow.

TES3 Session 94 October 5, 1964 vessel leaking lad Loren pajamas

[...] Because of the originating area of the dream, you chose the Potter lad’s mother, and she was the connecting image from one area to another. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 692 April 24, 1974 double barrack simultaneous dream Sue

[...] Rather than material on the dreams themselves, I chose the first paragraphs in which Sue outlines the subjective framework of the whole dream event:

TES2 Session 47 April 24, 1964 Roarck Jim esthetic a.s.p.r office

[...] He chose to be born under rather poor circumstances, and until the near present made little real or rather effective attempts, but only halfhearted attempts, to seek better conditions for his present personality. [...]

TES5 Session 215 December 8, 1965 candle flame Roy height test

[...] We would like to know why Seth chose to use Roy’s name as a springboard, however, instead of sticking to the test object.

UR2 Section 6: Session 742 April 16, 1975 Atlantis civilizations selfhood legend ruins

[...] Jane and I felt those same uneasy twinges then, too, but chose not to explore them at that time.

TES4 Session 176 August 9, 1965 Ella buttons Aunt Jay Alice

You must also realize that the entity who became her son also chose the circumstances, knowing of them in advance, for his own purposes. [...]

TES1 Session 32 March 4, 1964 Jews starlings gulping killing reverence

[...] In other lives he was able to exist without too much adversity and this time he chose troublesome and truly tragic circumstances as a needed challenge.

TES4 Session 183 August 30, 1965 calendar test intensity clipping solution

(As will be seen, there were some very interesting developments because I chose this particular subject for a test.

TES4 Session 196 October 6, 1965 sig Bill office upstairs layout

(For the envelope test this evening I chose a piece of an old furniture label that Jane and I had peeled from the back of a bureau a couple of weeks ago. [...]

TES6 Session 250 April 11, 1966 Aunt funeral Mabel Ella quasars

[...] Jane possessed strong emotional memories regarding the funeral, and clairvoyant knowledge of the envelope object in some form; evidently Seth responded to, or deliberately chose, what he perceived as the stronger intensities pertaining to Aunt Ella’s funeral over the object itself.

TES7 Session 298 October 31, 1966 teaching Piccadilly teacher object school

[...] She chose the saint’s name of Ann however, as a Catholic girl at about age 12. [...]

TES1 Session 34 March 11, 1964 fluent outer camouflage plane error

[...] She said it was not frightening because she knew she could snap out of it any time she chose.)

UR1 Section 1: Session 686 February 27, 1974 neurological selectivity carriage pulses corporal

[...] The biological structure and the mental consciousness together, however, chose the most comfortable sequence in which a present area of activity, brought about by neurological recognition, would be backed up by unconscious mental knowledge and other biologically invisible neurological connections.

TSM Chapter One pointer Rob board spelled Withers

[...] You could change your ideas toward it if you chose, but this would in no way change what reality was. [...]

TPS1 Introduction By Rob Butts Laurel Ed hawk Walt wife

In 1931 in Saratoga Springs, New York, Jane’s father, Delmer Roberts (or Del) chose to exercise the probability that he would leave his wife Marie and their daughter Jane, who was not yet three years old. [...]

[...] Yes, I chose to be creatively involved (as I still am, obviously) for my own intuitive reasons—not only as an intensely interested observer and recorder, but as an artist too. [...]

[...] So even if Seth did help, still Jane chose to live her own life within the face and force of her own very creative present personality. [...]

If they chose to do so together, how did Jane and Seth explore the new reality they were committed to? [...]

TES1 Session 17 January 20, 1964 Malba Joseph tool semiplane midplane

[...] Looking back, can you not agree with me that it was a much more practical solution than the one you ultimately chose?

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