Results 21 to 40 of 129 for stemmed:buy
(Peggy Gallagher visited briefly during the session, to tell me that a camera I wanted to buy was on sale at a certain store.
“Give us a moment … Do not buy a house with a dirt cellar. Do not buy a house heated by oil. [...] Use your psychic abilities to ascertain the house’s atmosphere, by all means — and no matter how fine it seems, do not buy it if you do not feel comfortable inside. [...]
[...] Debbie had pointed out a photograph of it in a local real estate catalog, and we were quite aware that it bore a good resemblance to the house we’d considered buying in Sayre, Pennsylvania, in the spring of 1974.3 Besides being bungalows, both houses were of about the same age, and even of similar colors.
The letter had little to do with your joint decision not to buy. [...]
Your decision not to buy occurred the first time that you heard the traffic, and Ruburt’s occurred when the children took his precious berries. [...]
[...] You remain as uncommitted to a united community, and this has something to do with your aversion to buying property which would tend to tie you down to a community, even while it would also fulfill a need to own land.
2. Our survival in this society exists in financial terms—money buys us the time etc. [...]
[...] I felt he had to have his chance and was confident I could swing the financial end without buying a house, etc., anyhow.
[...] One thing I can give him; buy time for him to do whatever he wants, be free of family and money problems, if he worries about me he isn’t going to feel responsible to get a job and my symptoms give him an excuse not to socially (old ideas) and the symptoms cut down on my flamboyance which has class to express itself in. [...]
[...] People do not feel silly buying such a paperback, but many of these people, in the general public now, have to make certain mental adjustments before they will spend more. [...]
[...] The people who really enjoy these books will buy Prentice editions as their own wear out, using hardcovers to make notations, etc.
(“Well, I know you said in the last session [just before 10:33] that from her nonphysical reality my mother isn’t trying to coerce Jane and me into buying Mr. Markle’s house — yet I keep wondering what others will think about the idea of influence being felt in our reality from ‘the other side,’ you might say — ”)
[...] She is quite aware, therefore, of his decision not to buy the [Markle] house.5 In her level of reality, she was aware of the fact that Joseph wanted the house strongly; that one portion of him thought of possessing a large home, even though this would require upkeep and attention that another part of him did not want to provide because he felt it would take too much time from his painting and our work.
[...] If you are poor, it can involve such a simple thing as buying an item you want that costs two cents more than the one you would usually buy — acting on the faith, even that feebly, that the two cents will somehow be given you or come into your experience; but acting as if you had more than you do.