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TES9 Session 432 August 28, 1968 14/36 (39%) nontime system advanced dependent continents
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 432 August 28, 1968 9:20 PM Wednesday

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now. All of this does not mean that personalities within other systems do not construct their own kind of time structures, but in all of these cases the personalities realize quite well that the structures are adapted for the sake of organization of experience.

They do not suppose any given time system to have any reality of its own. Such systems do not use the consecutive structure of your own however. In much the same manner materializations of a kind may be utilized, but the personalities do not give the materializations any reality outside of themselves. They know the origin of images.

It is rather difficult for those who have not been in your system to understand that you give time and images a reality of their own, as if they existed apart from you. Form does not necessarily presuppose the existence of images. (Long pause.) Give us a moment here.

Form is not dependent upon mass. This comes closer to what I am trying to tell you. In your time system the growth of mass seems to be dependent upon continuity of moments. Time has nothing to do with form, however.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

His development began in your terms in such ancient times that for all intents and purposes you could say that in terms of value fulfillment he was so far advanced as to be alien entirely.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

They learn from you almost through a process of osmosis. Dimly through many cycles of such activities, they become aware of the existence of conceptual thought. At the same time they support you. The capsule comprehension within them will evolve more and more toward the direction of conscious endeavor.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now it is quite possible for the advanced personalities of which I have spoken to take upon themselves the camouflage of a particular system, enter it, become for, in quotes “a time” dependent upon its rules in order to help those who dwell within it; and this has been done on occasions too countless to mention.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The well-advanced personality then is aware of nontime, but can use the time illusions of others and can enter the particular camouflage structures. The nontime principle however operates in such a manner that a personality can only participate in the ways that I have described, in systems with which he has some familiarity because of his own experience.

It would be extremely difficult for our friend, for example, to limit himself to existence within your time schedule. It’s illusion is far too apparent to him. He could however send other portions of his entity who were familiar with it.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Such personalities will concentrate their main activities in such a way that they can best affect conceptual thought, and bring about necessary changes. Many large families are representative of this group. They appear and reappear in your histories, always as dominant and significant entities. Here the family represents an entity who has taken upon itself the nurturing of your civilization. Knowing intuitively those changes which must come about in your future, they try to bring them about by appearing in your past; though to them your future and the past are the same they must still work within probabilities, you see, and what they are doing is affecting probabilities within your system. Even your time is basically plastic, though it does not seem so to you.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

They may leave the system then (pause), sometimes as aborted infants, but if they grow through childhood the first time, in your terms, then they must work out their development within the system.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You block out the realization of nontime, and accept your ideas of time along with the camouflage structure, for one is dependent upon the other. Once you accept physical matter as you know it, then the time system is indispensable. In those projections still within your system, you are still bound by a time relationship, in that it seems to you that perception operates as usual.

There are some freedoms ever here however, for mobility is not constrained by time. You can travel instantaneously in many projections. Some projections will involve you in nontime, but these are advanced projections and would be chaotic to you unless you were prepared.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Time is useful only as a method of organizing perceptions. Perception itself does not require time. Within your system however perception does seem dependent upon it. Using your terms nontime is as plastic as space seems to be. Space can be formed into tables and chairs, mountains and continents, but space is not dependent upon tables or chairs, mountains or continents. Now you may take a break or end the session as you prefer.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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