1 result for (book:tes8 AND session:376 AND stemmed:was)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Jane’s pace was relatively slower than it has been recently.)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
I will go into the matter of the tables to some degree. (Long pause.) Give us a moment. I am simply clearing our lines. Ruburt did overemphasize his critical faculties this evening, yet he was psychically alert.
You are, as I have told you, far more important than a stenographer, and your active energy was indeed not here earlier.
The willing fingers and good intent, yes, but the active focus of your energies was not here. (Pause.) Ruburt does rely on you as a partner in these endeavors. It is not a matter necessarily of how much time you spend, for admittedly your hours are well consumed. It is a matter of your active, active (underlined)interest, and the enthusiastic focus of energy, whether or not you are directly involved in a given experiment.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
(Break at 9:58. Jane said she was far-out. Peculiarly, she had a mental image which she described now; while speaking for Seth she had seen, in color, blue water as in an ocean, and white sand and two people running toward the beach in bathing suits. She didn’t know what the vision meant.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
(Jane and I and some people we had not met before, with Bill, tried to table tip in the darkness on the third floor. Bill took infrared pictures. A foot doctor had committed suicide on the third floor several years ago, and October was the month of the deed. Bill thought we might be able to contact the doctor’s personality—name of Willamin—through the table.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(Seth spoke for less than a minute, but Jane said later that she was far-out. When she came out of trance she nearly fell in the darkness, feeling a momentary disorientation because of the depth of the trance.)
Now, beside the information given this evening, it is true that some tables will move more easily than others. This has nothing to do with weight or size, but to the psychic connections that have built up about the object. Your wooden table should be a good one. (Jane pointed toward our kitchen, where we have a small table we haven’t tried.) The small table is particularly good because it was built by its owner, whose own abilities are definite, though untrained. (Ruth Klebert’s table.)
[... 7 paragraphs ...]