1 result for (book:tes4 AND session:193 AND stemmed:form)
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
So are thoughts constantly sent outward, and other projections which we have not yet discussed. Therefore as the individual sends out these projections, so does he receive the projections of others. As you know, telepathy operates constantly beneath the dictates of the ego, and so is your intellectual climate formed.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
It is formed equally by those experiences which are purely subjective, and which exist only within the psychological time framework. The subjective experiences therefore result in definite changes within the physical body framework. These changes are not caused because of a physical event, but because of an event occurring within a dream condition which has no reality in your physical universe.
Such subjective events therefore manipulate physical matter through the personality who experiences them. The field of reality for any given personality must and does include all these areas of activity, for they give form and dimension to his existence. I have said earlier that the individual could not exist in a physical universe if he did not also exist in the dream universe. Again, there are chemical and electromagnetic connections that cannot be severed between all these states of consciousness.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
Now. Any form, even an imaginary form, exists in some dimension as a form.
It may not exist in space but it exists in some dimension as a form, and all forms have structure; and so dream images have structure and form, although they do not exist in your space. And so I have a structure and a form, although I do not exist in your space.
My form may be changed, but so do you change the form of your own thoughts. When you dream of a particular location, that location does then exist in fact. It has a definite reality, although it may not have a physical reality. Because you experience it, and you are partially physical, it does have some basis of reality in physical terms, even though it may not exist full-blown in physical terms.
[... 40 paragraphs ...]