1 result for (book:tes3 AND session:128 AND stemmed:form)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
You could imagine it for example as having a shape, but the shape would not be formed by matter, but by pattern masses; and all the multitudinous portions of it, the shapes on it, would be composed in terms of mass intensity. To bring this even clearer, you could even imagine that the whole inner universe was an organism, of which your universe represented but one small portion. Yet in using the inner senses, you yourselves probe into this universe, and at least in analogy dissect it, the inner self acting as the imaginary knife.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
The physical body is formed about its electrical counterpart, yet they are both intertwined in completely different dimensions. All the knowledge gained by the present ego is retained in electrical form, as is all experience so retained. The camouflage material will be discarded as a physical gestalt, as far as the individual is concerned. The matter of the physical body will simply be used in other gestalts, in the manner that I have explained in earlier sessions.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
In codified form these outer senses still exist, and with codified memory any sensuous or sensual data that has been experienced may be experienced again. And with some, though very few personalities, such experiences are indeed constantly played back, though of course not indefinitely.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
To be inside a concept is to be inside an electrical field formed by varying intensities, each intensity meaningful, distinct, simultaneous and separate, yet all taken together forming a particular electrical field. I told you, I believe, that it is an error to think at all in terms of size when fields are mentioned. In a way I cannot yet explain to you, these fields of intensity, while having mass in terms of intensity, do not have size.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
I told you at one time that my form was somehow a man’s form. I use the form rarely. The electric reality of it, coded in a particular range of intensities, is now in my possession, in what you may call capsule form, though this is not a good analogy. But an explanation will have to wait until you understand more clearly the nature of electrical reality itself.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
These personality intensities are themselves formed within ranges that would appear minute, but contain within them, truly, eons of experience. In our further discussions concerning the nature of electrical reality, we will also come closer to an understanding of those pyramid gestalts of which I have spoken.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]