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TES1 Session 29 February 26, 1964 14/86 (16%) plane Callahan Miss Watts camouflage
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 29 February 26, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Instructed

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane and I were back home from visiting Miss Callahan, in the hospital, by 8:30. We spent the time remaining before the session was due in discussing the flash Jane had received from Seth, concerning her dream about Miss C., and then in sitting quietly for a few minutes.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

At the precise time of Ruburt’s dream, your friend Miss Callahan had, or rather was, deciding to leave this plane. Ruburt received this message directly. The unwillingness on Miss Callahan’s part represented of course her present personality’s protest against the change that a deeper part of herself deemed necessary and proper.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

The shock of birth of course is worse, since the personality is not entirely focused as a personality, and it must make immediate and critical adjustments of the strongest nature. Death on your plane is a termination but does not involve a new immediately-critical adjustment, since there is a time for rest and a time to catch up, so to speak.

You do not have to learn new things at the same time as you are struggling to exist in a strange environment. After death there is no instant struggle, where birth on your plane involves a pressing, agonizing attempt to get one’s bearings, and learn new patterns of behavior, when there is no time in your sense really to make any mistakes at all. The termination is always easier, believe it or not, than a beginning under such pressing circumstances as survival on a strange camouflage plane.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

I have mentioned that the emotions, if you will forgive me, are the tail end of the inner senses. Frank Watts would be aware of the approaching death of a previous child, for example, though not of the approaching death of Miss Callahan at this time. He has been resting. For a while his energies were directed toward your plane in a strong, almost compulsive personal manner, and had Miss Callahan been ill then he would have known.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Now, so do the cells in your own body have self-consciousness and individuality to some extent, and so on a different scale entirely do they make decisions. Their decisions affect you, though they have but vague awareness that you exist as a whole at all. Their decisions indirectly affect your manipulations of camouflage, and of course directly influence your whole state of being. The cells are developed to the fullest at this time.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

None of the above mentioned are aware of your plane. There is among others another classification beside culture establishment existences, and these keep camouflage patterns at a minimum and are not as similar as cultural establishment existences are to your own plane. These materialize camouflage pattern only at certain times to express and deal with inner conflicts not yet worked out. I did not intend to get into this so deeply yet, as it may be confusing to say the least.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

Later I will attempt to show you where the boundaries are, though (Jane laughed) there really are no boundaries, that form a variety of such planes into a sphere of relation in which to some extent cause and effect operates as you understand it. Beyond that for a long time there is no need for me to go any more deeply. I will speak of the entity, the personalities, the reincarnations, the diverse fragment groupings, the planes with which you are either familiar with or can understand, and ultimately try to deal with your question, implied if not spoken, as to where entities came from to begin with.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Q-u-a-n-d-r-a-n-t-s, will not concern you for quite some time. Needless to say I wanted you to know that there is much more than even this, complexities that are truly astounding, intelligences that operate in what I suppose you would call a gestalt fashion, building blocks of vitalities of truly unbelievable maturity, awareness and comprehension. These are the near ultimate.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

I have given you so much new material this evening that I will end the session shortly. You will see that we are getting as much material as before, that is as much actual material, and in lesser amounts of time.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Indeed, Jane and I had both been strongly aware that Seth was evidently doing something with respect to time, during the last few sessions. The peculiar thing is that while the session is underway neither of us is aware of any change. It is only at a break, for instance, that we will notice the amount of material we have taken in half an hour or thereabouts. Without running actual physical tests for comparison, we seem to accumulate quite a bit more than would usually be possible without going at top speed. Yet during a session Jane while talking steadily, nevertheless pauses often, and I am no longer pressed to write at top speed to keep up with her.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now my dear friends, you are doing very well. Joseph, get your Ruburt his dowels this weekend. You will find your living arrangements much more adequate now. The changes are worthwhile. Without them you would begin thinking of more severe changes that might be convenient some time but would only be disruptive now.

Any innovations such as building yourself shelves of some sort would be helpful also. Any old gripes, if you will forgive such an unlofty word, should be settled in your living quarters as much as possible. Day-to-day small pleasures are important to you. It would not be beneficial at this time for you to find other living quarters, and any changes or improvements you make here will pay off in many ways.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I do strongly suggest that you begin work with these cards and also (Jane laughed) when you have the time that you continue your own attempt to use the inner senses outside these sessions. And (Jane laughed again) all of this with a balanced social life.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

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