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UR2 Section 4: Session 705 June 24, 1974 mutants cells kingdoms species cellular

[...] The body’s adaptability is not simply an adjusting mechanism or quality. [...]

[...] Those cells that now compose your own bodies have combined and discombined many times to form other portions of the natural environment.

[...] There are groups of people in isolated places who hold such beliefs, and in all such cases the body responds. [...]

Now: It is true, then, that the cells do operate on the one hand apart from time, and on the other with a firm basis in time, so that the body’s integrity as a time-space organism results.

TES6 Session 259 May 16, 1966 pigment object Fox white shape

Now I do not like the term astral bodies, simply because of the sometimes weird connotations connected with the phrase. There is a kind of idea, or mental body, a counterpart in many ways, but not always, to the physical body, which is the structure the self takes in what you may call for now fourth dimension.

[...] Since it is a heavy-bodied pigment, it was built up in spots on the object as much as 1/32 of an inch thick. [...]

[...] There is no reason for Ruburt to be surprised at Mr. Fox’s thesis on dreams and out-of-body experiences.

Certain dream experiences are valid out-of-the-body experiences, in that you do indeed travel in this mental vehicle. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 802, April 25, 1977 epidemics disease plagues inoculation die

Not only do such states of mind lower the defenses, however, but they activate and change the body’s chemistries, alter its balances, and initiate disease conditions. Many viruses inherently capable of causing death, in normal conditions contribute to the overall health of the body, existing side by side as it were with other viruses, each contributing quite necessary activities that maintain bodily equilibrium.

[...] The immunization, while specifically effective, may only reinforce prior beliefs about the body’s ineffectiveness. It may appear that left alone the body would surely develop whatever disease might be “fashionable” at the time, so that the specific victory might result in the ultimate defeat as far as your beliefs are concerned.

[...] You would feel it in the activity of your bodies, in which the vital individual affirmation of your cells brings about the mass, immensely complicated achievement of your physical being. [...]

[...] They directly affect the behavior of your body. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, August 10, 1971 path backward selves everyone skull

Now I want you to follow that channel backward to land in the other room and feel yourselves enter the bodies that sit there. Now the selves that you know are now returning through the channels, and as they do you will experience a relaxation of the neck and shoulder area and as you return into the selves that you know the back of your heads will also feel more rested for the body knew that there was a difference in consciousness for some of you. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1983 Darlene foot streak leg hydro

[...] I told her its obvious now that her body is filling itself in gradually, for it has a softer look. [...] It was another sign of the body’s willingness to move at any time, I thought.

The body is indeed continuing its improvements under my auspices, and under the auspices of other levels of the self, so that, again, a new higher organization comes into being in which indeed impediments do vanish. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 19, 1984 Joe Bumbalo tape steps pleasure

[...] Often, while you are in pain, for example, you concentrate upon that sensation alone, ignoring the feelings of ease that may be felt by other portions of the body, and unaware of the conglomeration of sounds, sights, and impressions that are also in the immediate environment. [...]

Ruburt’s (session) reading today also shows the body’s own resiliency.

[...] I found myself thinking about the cancer being a new, explosive growth within a body that was aging. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April 22, 1969 bacon discipline bees demand Dean

[...] You are not your physical body. [...]

[...] You have emotions; you have thoughts; you have a physical body—but you are far more than these. [...]

[...] For you can consider the body of the earth and all that you know—the trees and the seasons and the sky—to some extent as your own contribution—the combination of spontaneity and discipline that gives fruit to the earth. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 859, June 6, 1979 impulses Heroics Freudian overweight murderous

[...] But many people fear that any change is detrimental, since they have been taught, after all, that left alone their bodies or their minds or their relationships are bound to deteriorate. [...]

[...] He suggested X-rays, however, “just to be on the safe side,” and so her body was treated to a basically unnecessary dose of radiation in the name of preventative medicine.

I am not suggesting that you do not visit doctors under such situations, because the weight of your negative beliefs about your bodies usually makes it too difficult for you to bear such uncertainties alone. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 20, 1979 fundamental Vallee repudiation alternatives upsurges

[...] Oftentimes body language is used in such cases, to state a situation, to communicate an attitude that is otherwise not clearly stated. [...] You do not need your body then to make such a statement for you. [...]

[...] They can only serve so far, of course, before the body’s objections state most clearly its disagreement. [...]

[...] Matter actually pulsates at a different rate when you are in that kind of a creative state, so the body is then very amiable to healing. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1976 paperbacks hardcover occult stance market

When you are concerned it is because each time the body behaves differently. [...]

[...] In that process, and only at times, there are periods when it seems his body, or certain portions of it, are less dependable. [...]

What can appear as disquieting, as for example his behavior on occasion at the garageway, is instead the body’s abandonment of past dependable but limited action, and its attempt to initiate new response. [...]

[...] The only way now is ahead, and accepting those natural body changes that are a part of that healing process. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session January 26, 1981 hostages impulses public private national

[...] Her bodily condition presented rather large contrasts: Her upper body was very relaxed, her eyes bleary. [...]

[...] I wanted to hear from Seth something about why her body was taking so long to respond in those areas.

You have definite signs of the body’s overall positive response: the arms are straighter, the feet stronger, the ankles more flexible, and overall adjustments are constantly being made. [...]

[...] Each day the entire body is learning to relax more. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 615, September 18, 1972 false mind beliefs stained examine

Your conscious beliefs direct the functioning of your body. [...]

[...] Some contradict each other; the signals given to the body and to the inner self are not smoothly flowing or clear-cut, but a muddied jumble of counter-directions.

[...] The body will not function properly, or the overall emotional environment will suffer. [...]

[...] You are here to use, enjoy, and express yourself through the body. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 9: May 31, 1984 shin Margaret stretcher thirst Georgia

[...] Remind yourselves also that despite all of your worrying, the spirit of life itself is continually within your experience, and forms your physical body.

(Long pause.) In this session, again I accelerate those coordinates that encourage well-being and peace of body and mind. [...]

TES3 Session 103 November 2, 1964 chest peaks wine unscheduled indulgence

[...] By now, however, felt as if lightness rose through body, and this changed so that suddenly I felt as if lower part of body had dissolved completely, up to chest. [...] First, I was aware that I felt as if body had dissolved below chest; but then thought that it really might have. [...] I know this is silly, but felt scared that if lower part of body was dissolved; and all that was left was chest and shoulder and head region, then I would just fall down; a chest, shoulders, and head on street. [...] Afraid I might...leave body or something...unprotected in street. [...]

[...] The 59th session furnishes an example of hand enlargement, which Seth labels as the attempt of the physical body to expand in rhythm with psychic, or inner, expansion. [...]

[...] From there in, the sensation of lightness spread throughout my body except for chest region. [...]

(Forgot to mention: during the morning experience, before the whole thing started, felt that “ecstasy” sensation, don’t know what else to call it; a physical flow of pleasurable waves over body.)

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 8, 1984 Helen Bowman Park Danny strings

Please do lovingly remind him (Jane sneezed) to trust his body and its processes. [...] Trust in the body automatically quickens all healing processes, and this session can put Ruburt’s mind at rest. [...]

I am speaking to reassure Ruburt his temperature is a sign of healing as the body throws off what it does not need.

TES9 Session 448 November 13, 1968 Mischa dog astral succeed image

[...] First however imagine your consciousness out of your body in its astral form. [...]

Then, will yourself to return to your own astral image, then to your physical body. [...]

After you have managed to feel yourself above your body in your astral form, you again tell yourself to see the image of the same past self. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 22, 1978 Jones Jonestown suicide temple quickie

[...] There is some anticipatory motion, in that while in one position the body anticipates new motions—better ones—that it cannot as yet take.

[...] Certain portions of the body have been carried along, so to speak. [...]

This is an excellent time to try the library together, to lie down on purpose to try out-of-bodies, or psy-time. [...]

TPS3 Monday, August 15, 1977 Notes married James session doing times

Eyes & body doing stuff all day. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 9, 1978 Christ thy condemnation thesis crucified

Ruburt’s eyes are definitely improving these last few days, as the strain is being relieved from the rest of the body—the neck area particularly, the jaws and muscles of the brow. Nearly all eye difficulties are related to other stresses in the body.

[...] Literal minds, looking for evidential proof, would insist that the physical body itself must rise, ascending, hence the related stories, the misinterpretation of data. [...]

[...] The body can right itself, and the methods that you use work.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 19, 1984 coughing steam cold loge stage

The body has many ways of accelerating its own defenses (cough). The so-called common cold is a case in point. [...] The body is now, then, going full steam ahead, so to speak. [...]

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