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I am with you now, though our voice is mild enough, very strongly this evening, and I am making an effort to make my presence known quite definitely to you and to Ruburt; and I shall do this more frequently to build up Ruburt’s confidence.
(Pause at 9:58.) I am not suggesting that you not visit doctors or not take drugs of that nature, as long as you believe in the structure of medical discipline that the Western world has evolved. [...]
In the body’s spontaneous functioning you see the easy mobility of the soul, the “going with that which I am,” which is an indication of the soul’s inner freedom and yet innate sense of direction. [...]
[...] I for one am in favor of taking a stand, as Jane well knows, but as I’ve told her, I don’t expect her to go along. [...]
(I am merely making these observations here to get them on the record for possible later reference, and to give some background to my own personal problems of recent days. [...]
I am in no way putting the business world down. [...]
(A quick recheck with the pendulum as I write these notes reaffirms that I want Jane to be a success, that I am not jealous, that I am happy to have left the job, and that I want to be a painter.)
The fact that you would say “I am giving you the opportunity to do this by my job” entrapped him further, for he felt basically that underneath this was another reason: that if you wanted badly enough to paint all the time that you would do so, that you should have done so, that you should do so, that you would and could have managed without jobs, particularly in the later years, and that you were betraying yourself and therefore him. [...]
[...] If you did not—I am using his terms now—flirt with him and play with him in those terms, he was afraid he would look for that assurance in other men’s eyes.
Tell him I am smiling, but I am telling him to trust himself and not look to others for readings. [...]
[...] Still in trance, Seth/Jane said while pouring some wine: “I am giving you Tam’s material together—it will be easier to type.” [...]
[...] “All I want to know is,” she said, “how am I going to get from here [the living room] into there?” Meaning across the hall to the bedroom.
I am sparing no one here, incidentally, for your benefits. [...]
I am suggesting, Joseph, nothing. [...]
The pressure, I am sorry to say, has also some connection with our sessions, in that he feels caught betwixt and between; somewhat under pressure to hold sessions regularly, although he may not feel like particularly doing so; and under pressure not to hold sessions when he may feel particularly like doing so. [...]
I am indeed, under usual circumstances, at your beck and call. [...]
[...] To say “I am weightless,” as Ruburt does, simply reinforces the idea of bulk, and should be discarded. [...]
I am not minimizing the necessity or power of intellect, but any activity in which the individual momentarily forgets the props of identity, and immerses himself, such an activity allows him to dispense with the practical limitations inherent in a closed system, and refreshes his psychic ability.
It follows then that I am aware of the other Seth personality, and he of me. [...]
Here I am merely using your terms to make the point. [...]
An individual, and I am speaking in your terms now, again to make a point: an individual is the 60 or 70-odd years of his earthly existence, as much as he is the 150-odd pounds that he may be.
“I feel sometimes as if I am expected to justify life’s conditions, when of course they do not need any such justification.”
I am pleased that Roarck came for a regular session, and also that he brought with him a friend, who has been a friend of his, though not of mine, on countless instances.
No thought or idea is extinguished, and they all follow the laws which I am in the process of giving you. [...]
(Long pause.) I am not denying the importance of true reason. Certainly I am not telling you to ignore the intellect. [...]
Now: I am using this group of Ruburt’s class as an example, but the same applies, again, to any group.
Far from any constant suggestions on my part as to changes, I am trying to the contrary to set you up in the most beneficial ways possible so that these constant readjustments will not be necessary.
[...] I should think that with your educations you should have known this yourselves, and I am quite honestly embarrassed for having to tell you this.
[...] Again, if you speak the English sentence “I am here,” you cannot speak the Chinese version at the same time. [...]
[...] I am speaking in your terms of experience, for in each word spoken in your present, you evoke that past time, or you stimulate it into existence so that its reality and yours are coexistent.