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UR2 Section 5: Session 724 December 4, 1974 counterparts personage races century personhood

[...] Earlier in this work I hinted at the hypothetical existence of a truly fulfilled earth-person — with a hyphen.1 All of the spiritual, mental, and biological abilities would be actualized to whatever extent possible. [...] At the same time, all of the latent spiritual and mental qualities would be fulfilled in a like manner, so that all of the potentials of the species would find actualization in the most developed way in the experience of each individual. All aspects of the sciences and the arts would be explored.

(“I’m getting all this stuff,” Jane said at 9:43, as we waited for Seth to come through, “but I can’t verbalize it yet. [...]

Those seeds form the physical races, which are all variations on a theme, or as Ruburt would say, eccentricities2 of an everchanging model. [...]

TSM Chapter One pointer Rob board spelled Withers

Despite all my previous ideas and common sense, I knew that time wasn’t a series of moments one before the other, each one like a clothespin stuck on a line, but that all experience existed in some kind of eternal now. All of this was scribbled down so fast—and I still have that manuscript. [...]

[...] My first novel had just been published in paperback, and all my energies were channeled into becoming a good novelist and poet. [...]

[...] Perhaps, all unknowing, I had reached a crisis and my psychic abilities awoke as the result of inner need.

TSM Chapter Fifteen Pietra probable selves Rob injections

[...] [All of this is the method used by Rob’s probable self as he projects out of his probable system.]

[...] The drug allows for regulated periods of highly intensified consciousness, operating at peak levels, with all the mental faculties accelerated. [...]

If, as Seth maintains, we have probable selves and if, besides all this, we live various existences on this planet, what happens to the concept of a single soul?

TPS5 Deleted Session April 16, 1979 taxes Joyce Bill Gallagher conventional

[...] In other words, I’m very concerned about my financial contribution, and paying all those taxes exacerbates it all.

[...] Jane was too, yet tried to take it all in. I probably spoke more frankly than I had in the past, yet was oddly unbothered by it all.

[...] Imagine and visualize the energy all around the corner of the house and sky, rushing toward him; then am surprised when mentally the top of his head comes neatly off, like a lid from a jar. [...] I thought he was in his studio and that’s where I saw all this. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 18, 1977 retreat responsiveness guests novelists popular

The word combines all of his goals—physical and creative—into one clear focus in which there is no ambiguity. [...] The joints have all begun to move better. [...]

[...] None of these remarks apply to all people, however, or even to a majority of people. You can, however, collect information and statistics applying to any one group, and keep collecting it until you find that you do live in a reality in which all men certainly seem to be fools, or murderers, or hostile to creative people.

[...] This is noticeable particularly in the feet, and all of the ligaments are beginning to release. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 744 April 23, 1975 strands Steffans counterparts Unknown library

All sorts of interesting questions arise. [...] How does Seth tell all of us apart? [...] Moreover — what do all of those other Janes and Robs think of their Seths? [...]

[...] Not all of his material tonight is given over to questions, however; much of the rest of it, covering matters other than those relating to “Unknown” Reality, is deleted.)

[...] They will try out the ideas, many of them, to the best of their ability, and learn and gain much — all the time (much more forcefully.) hanging on safely to the banners of conventional beliefs. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session June 11, 1979 ideal define executor contraption Yale

[...] It would seem to you that all of the books were marred, in that manner, now, or it would seem to Ruburt that nothing was wrong at all, in that manner. [...]

[...] “I couldn’t do it, but I have the feeling that he could go on all night. You know, tie it all together. [...]

Generally speaking, in those terms, the law is wise, for it forces you to make specifications, each one bringing about further definition, so that all parties at least understand (in parentheses theoretically [louder]) the meaning of the terms.

TES4 Session 154 May 12, 1965 automobile perceived sound system sniffed

Reality is indeed not necessarily that which is constant within the various appearances of reality through all systems, as it is the perception of the whole picture of reality, or the sum of all reality as seen within the various systems. [...] It would not be that which appears identical to the two systems, but it would be indeed the sum of the realities of all systems, as applied to our weary automobile.

[...] Within some systems the automobile would not be perceived at all, unless it were in motion. In other systems it would not be perceived at all, unless it were not in motion.

[...] Any reality, regardless of which system it originates within, will appear to some degree within all systems. Even within your own system, though perhaps on a subconscious level, all emotions have a reality in color. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session May 5, 1981 panic superself dj poohed Sinful

[...] When Debbie showed up and the time approached 9 PM, I thought Jane might choose to pass up the session after all. [...] Jane agreed, saying DJ was ready to leave, and we held the session after all.)

(10:36.) A note to Frank Longwell, by the way—that all in all he is handling the events of his life well at this time. [...]

[...] I should add that she stayed up all day yesterday, for the first time in many days. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session May 26, 1975 distractions chores laughable painting novelist

Ruburt fears that if he were suddenly better he would add to your distractions, so when distractions seem threatening to you he emphasizes the symptoms: if he were better, would you want him to do all the chores? [...] If he were better he could help you with the chores—but if he could, would you then withdraw to your studio and leave them all to him? All of this because distractions, so to speak, are considered threats. All of this because you both believe there are serious impediments in the way of creative work, and obstacles ever-present to mitigate against your creativity. [...] At the same time, because of some cultural beliefs, you are still not all that trustful about creativity to begin with.

First of all, let us get a clearer view of your own intents through the years. [...]

[...] I put this to you—that you spend time in the same way, but in your way, concentrating upon all that stands in the way of your work and concentration, until finally your work time seems consumed. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, August 3, 1971 Margie Wally joy class strangers

[...] When possible think of these persons also when you discover them so that in your daily waking life you can receive some more intuitional information as to the kind of work and endeavors in which you are all involved. We want you to become aware of all of your activities, not simply your conscious ones. [...]

[...] Now if there is any discipline that I would tell you to adapt, it would be the discipline of joy which is spontaneous and from which, initially, all creativity comes. [...] Joy, faithfully followed, can lead you to the inner vitality that dwells within yourself and, hence, to All That Is. [...]

[...] Now first of all you are not afraid of psychic reality in any sense of the word. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 700 May 29, 1974 science chaos Wonderworks art scientist

Dictation: You must first of all understand that your own greater reality exists whether you are in flesh or out of it, and that your subjective experience has a far greater scope than the physical brain itself allows.

Give us a moment, and rest your hand … A practitioner of this ancient art learns first of all how to become conscious in normal terms, while in the sleep state. [...]

[...] All of this, however, is but a beginning for our dream-art scientist, for he or she then begins to recognize the fact of involvement with many different levels and kinds of reality and activity. [...]

NotP Chapter 9: Session 788, September 6, 1976 significances predream aunt vase Sarah

Now: All of this sounds very complicated. Yet in a different way the same processes occur at other levels, as in its way cellular consciousness perceives all of the probabilities concerned with physical survival in its most far-reaching complications. [...] Your cells are aware of the motion of the planets and of all circumstances regarding the body’s equilibrium, stability, and survival. [...]

[...] In doing so, to some extent you multiply the creative possibilities of the universe, forming from it a personal reality that would otherwise be absent, in those terms; and in so doing you also add in an immeasurable fashion to the reality of all other consciousness by increasing the bank of reality from which all consciousness draws.

The inner significances, however, the associations, existed all at once, to be tuned in to at any point of time. [...]

TES7 Session 327 March 20, 1967 projection waking beneath self papaers

In one respect, and in quite a legitimate and objective manner, all thoughts are also projections. [...] You could not retain simultaneously all and exert all the thoughts of your lifetime thus far in any normally conscious way. [...]

[...] All of these exercises provide training that helps you in all your other work. [...]

[...] These become valid limitations for all practical purposes however. [...]

TES8 Session 363 September 12, 1967 island Monchuco slurred port boat

My heartiest wishes to all here present. [...]

Now, all of you in this room know but a small portion of your whole inner self. [...]

(Voice very slow and slurred all through here, and many pauses.)

TPS6 Deleted Session May 2, 1982 intro bitch raging Robbie Walt

[...] Last year I started wondering where all the birds had gone.” [...]

[...] “And I wish I’d written down all I’ve just told you,” I said. [...]

[...] I wonder if I could work with small ink sketches at all now. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 16, 1978 recaptured rearouse strides tend jestful

Framework 2 begins to open doors in all areas, and only you and Ruburt can possibly stand in the way of excellent developments that have begun now in all avenues, including Ruburt’s condition. [...]

[...] Once again, I wondered what we’d been doing while all that time passed.)

[...] All of the recent material I have given you has enabled you to see some considerable results because for a time you have managed to give yourselves some peace of mind—at least enough to move ahead.

TES4 Session 196 October 6, 1965 sig Bill office upstairs layout

[...] Bill’s own office is downstairs, as I knew, and if I thought about it at all I assumed that all his business took place there. I had no idea that Bill had any connection with the upstairs offices at all, since the editorial work is done there, and he has nothing to do with that at all. [...]

[...] The physical organism is constantly changed by all stimuli, whether or not the ego is aware of the stimuli. [...] All of these realities go into the formation of the personality, and unless they are all understood the personality itself will remain a mystery.

This, and all such effects, represent one of the most basic ways in which one action causes another action to change. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 939, January 25, 1982 magical clouds approach singing Chapter

[...] At first I thought it contradictory that such conflicts can arise within nature’s framework—then I realized that they must happen all of the time, and so, actually, are natural after all. [...] The use or nonuse of an attribute can have as many ramifications as there are human beings who possess whatever version of it: ranging all the way from being completely buried in a life, to being simply left alone, used just “as is,” or thoroughly transformed in expression.

[...] My position is that all of the qualities listed, by both Jane and me, represent creative portions of her as she is—and I accept them all.

“i read over that chapter 1 this a.m. and thats about all i did and think about these ideas… and so far this is all i’ve done this afternoon, want to look chapter over again…

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 649, March 19, 1973 race moral judgments wealth illness

1. The “big bang” theory postulates that 10 to 15 billion years ago all matter — or energy — was concentrated in one great primordial “atom.” [...] One variation of the theory considered a pulsating universe that results from the repeated collapsing and expanding of all matter-energy.

[...] As you come into your body with all of its physical surroundings, so at birth do you emerge into a rich natural psychological environment in which beliefs and ideas are every bit as real.

In all such cases, however, blanket moral judgments are being applied that involve feelings of guilt in which individual experience is forgotten.

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