Results 141 to 156 of 156 for stemmed:alert

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 19 projections levitate form panicked third

[...] Fully alert and conscious, I was terrified of falling.

UR2 Section 6: Session 735 February 3, 1975 apple composition melody music contradictions

[...] I am alert to the fact that I am using many terms, and that it may seem difficult to understand the differences between probable and reincarnational selves, counterparts and families of consciousness. [...]

TES4 Session 184 September 3, 1965 test Gallagher border Leonard trends

[...] Nevertheless Jane and I will be alert on Leonard’s behalf, especially between September 15 and October 15.

TES3 Session 103 November 2, 1964 chest peaks wine unscheduled indulgence

[...] I mention the affair in general merely so that you can be alert to the possibilities, and to aid Ruburt in the development of his inner distinctions.

TMA Session Three August 13, 1980 magical intellect Mary rational pad

[...] They must be alert for dangers of all kinds. [...]

TES2 Session 46 April 22, 1964 Mark Ed barn discipline son

[...] I was of course more alert by now, but I have the feeling that I did succeed, partially, in allowing it to return. [...]

SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

I’m alert, yet open and receptive — suspended in a strange psychic elasticity between poised attention and passivity. [...]

TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964 camouflage Callahan cube hypnotism Miss

(We were by now more used to our new schedule, and felt more alert for the sessions. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session (For Mary Smith) May 3, 1972 Mary hear sound husband listen

[...] Now, you can even catch yourself if you are alert enough doing this by the feeling that you have. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 17 Nicoll Sue bitter probable Carl

I was totally alert and critical at the time, focused at a high point of concentration, though, in that all of my attention was pivoted expectantly. [...]

TSM Chapter Seventeen Rob Phil peering contact pyramid

[...] When the session resumed, I felt myself seemingly suspended, fully alert and aware—but bodiless—in space. [...]

TES1 Session 14 January 8, 1964 solidified plane counteraction board cup

[...] Yet all the while my senses were amazingly alert and I conversed with Rob more or less normally. [...]

TES1 Session 18 January 22, 1964 tree bark Burrell Miami Mr

[...] The inner senses of all plant life are well attuned, alert and very important. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 708 September 30, 1974 sleepwalkers hibernation flesh code secondary

All alert,

TSM Chapter Twelve Doris Matt reincarnation Rev Jon

The girls were all intelligent, bright, alert—and wary. [...]

TSM Chapter Fourteen dream waking clerks locations Turkish

[...] I’ve often awakened, fully alert, in the middle of the night, suddenly conscious that I’ve been giving a kind of Seth session. [...]

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