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TPS1 Deleted Session February 3, 1971 retracing fears chiropractor repressive symptoms

You must follow the practical advice however.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 824, March 1, 1978 Cinderella fairy tale godmother adult

[...] Dumb advice, surely, or so it seems. [...]

TES3 Session 145 April 12, 1965 hate evil ego roles assimilate

[...] Because I have given you so much advice, I did want you to know that I realize that you have already taken significant strides, as you will, I know, continue.

TES9 Session 456 January 8, 1969 approach restricts portrait potato technique

[...] You have been given advice geared to you and to your needs. [...]

TES9 Session 472 April 2, 1969 problems sculptor predisposes emergence boy

[...] The information I am giving you this evening will be far more helpful to many individuals than any information I could give you this evening concerning your student or his family; for the boy at this point would not put my advice into practice. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 739 February 24, 1975 hill house trees neighborhood fireplace

[...] Of course we knew what Seth had suggested during last Wednesday’s session, and his advice was valuable; at the same time we’d been strongly inclined to make the purchase after looking at the house anew that Wednesday afternoon. [...]

TES4 Session 172 July 26, 1965 Lorraine wings voice deep louder

[...] Seth has discussed them at various times in the past and his advice has been very helpful. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 28, 1978 authority authoritative Atlantis crazy professor

In certain terms then, and following a given line of probabilities, in future lives you know the outcome of your work now, and you can also ask for advice from your future selves, who are very actively interested, since their reality is so involved with your own. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session (For Mary Smith) May 3, 1972 Mary hear sound husband listen

[...] Now my first piece of homely advice is you should get up at a decent time and immediately dress, and “dress.” [...]

I would put it off, then, if you are asking my advice.

TES8 Session 359 August 7, 1967 Stephen Pete Ferd goals Denver

[...] Now, you may or may not take my advice as you prefer. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 28, 1982 Wrigley thyroid Mr chair commending

[...] These kinds of dilemmas are what bother us about the medical establishment: We don’t know whether to completely ignore such advice, or to heed it and thus accept medicine’s prognosis. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session May 27, 1982 vasculitis waterbed Dr Kardon trimmer

[...] In that case I had trusted myself—not for example taking tetanus shots, though early radio medical advice insisted upon the shots as an emergency procedure. [...]

TPS1 Session 382 (Deleted) November 27, 1967 Psycho Cybernetics table compassionate divan

[...] I am also getting advice before I hold these sessions, from someone who is much more of an artist than me.

TPS1 Session 479 (Deleted) April 30, 1969 parking Halliday sell landlord painting

[...] The inner self does offer advice, intuitional help, inspiration, all of these things, but it does not force the ego to accept them.

TPS1 Deleted Session December 6, 1971 disappointment emotional interaction inhibition relationship

[...] This, with the information given in the last session, if followed, can help you greatly, and clear Ruburt’s symptoms; but not if the advice is not followed.

SS Part One: Chapter 8: Session 532, May 27, 1970 sleep hours periods inactivity recuperate

Your own periods of creative work would also be more effective and efficient if you followed the advice given here.

TPS5 Deleted Session November 12, 1979 Wonderland play Michelangelo masterpiece artist

Sometimes the advice I give you at any given time is meant to take the place of natural creative corrective behavior that ideally you would have taken on your own, but did not. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 22, 1970 onion Gert Cato Natalie church

[...] Would you have any advice for me then in pursuing my own ministry? [...]

TES1 Session 18 January 22, 1964 tree bark Burrell Miami Mr

[...] I hesitate, and I mean this, to offer practical advice to one who tries to be so practical. [...]

[...] I will not attempt to give you definite so-called practical advice now, but you can learn from this and the paths will be clear.

TPS4 Deleted Session December 12, 1977 inoculations speakers disease medicine bacteria

[...] There is a passage Ruburt read somewhere: “Do not take counsel from your fears”—an excellent piece of advice.

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