1 result for (book:tps1 AND session:479 AND stemmed:paint)

TPS1 Session 479 (Deleted) April 30, 1969 12/70 (17%) parking Halliday sell landlord painting
– The Personal Sessions: Book 1 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 479 (Deleted) April 30, 1969 9:10 PM Wednesday

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

You have already sold a painting, and will learn of it shortly.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

Put in the letters P A L here. I do not know if this has to do with the house situation, or to your painting. When more comes on this I will give it to you.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Once begun it contains its own motive power then, repelling those elements that do not fit in with its sense of unity, and attracting those that do. All of this goes on before any event appears in physical terms, in the same way that much creative activity goes on hidden in your mind, behind each movement of your hand as you apply paint with a brush to a painting. You see the color and the brush strokes but you do not see the inner workings that led you to produce those particular brush strokes. You know they are there, the inner meanings, but you do not see them in physical terms. You see instead their effects in the color, the brush strokes and the painting.

Now you give yourself conscious direction by taking it for granted that you paint well, by trying to see the completed painting in your mind. This is the function of the conscious self, to use the emotions and expectations to bring about a desired result.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

The sale of the painting has already taken place within inner reality. I am not sure here, I believe a three-week period may be involved before the actualization. But an individual has already decided to buy; and two will be bought shortly, one by a man and one by a woman.

Imagine vividly an empty space on the wall in place of any painting now hanging there that you wish to sell. Imagine yourself wondering what to put there now that the painting has sold. See yourself discussing this with Ruburt.

Now. Imagine someone asking you if you have sold any paintings lately. See and hear yourself telling them (long pause) that you are selling more paintings than you ever believed possible. See an envelope marked with painting money and see it stuffed full of painting money that you have received from your paintings. Imagine how you will spend it.

Think how thankful you are to have such a talent. This is most important. Never think that perhaps you would be better off without it, or that it presents more difficulties than those encountered by other men. Be thankful for the talent, be thankful that others appreciate it. See how natural it is that it should be appreciated. Think in terms of the intuitional help your painting gives to others.

Be careful of the suggestion “I will sell all the paintings that I want to sell,” for you are setting up conditions and limitations. Either say “I will sell all my paintings,” or “I will sell these paintings,” referring to specificness. Do you understand the difference?

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Give us a moment. (Pause.) Do not say “so-and-so will buy such-and-such a painting, he has the money,” if there is any touch of accusation in the statement “He has money.” Do you follow me?

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

The feeling of freedom on both of your parts has increased. Do not overwhelm yourself with suggestions before sleep, but it is a very good time to give yourself suggestions concerning your painting in terms of creative intuitions to help you use your abilities.

(“Yes.... Why haven’t I put the ad in the paper about selling my paintings?”)

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

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