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UR2 Section 6: Session 743 April 21, 1975 unknown ufo Atlantis Bermuda entices

(Pause.) I am a part of your unknown reality, and you are a part of mine. To some extent in these pages our realities meet. To the extent that you do not know yourself, you do not know your world. To the extent that you do not know yourself, you do not know your husband, or wife, or mother and father. To the extent that you do not know yourself, you do not know what God is. To the extent that you do not know yourself, you do not know what nature is. The unknown reality exists to the extent that you do not travel joyfully through the intimate lands of the psyche, to the extent that you do not directly experience your life as original (forcefully), but accept labels put on it by others. The unknown reality exists as a challenge, an exciting endeavor, as each individual becomes consciously aware of intimate subjective feeling. Do not overlay the personal daily aspects of your life with preconceived ideas about who you are, what you are, where you are, why you are. Become aware of the original nature of any given moment as it exists for you.

Give us a moment … This book itself, because of the method of its production, is an excellent example of the unknown reality becoming, if not “known,” then recognized. Do not look for neat answers or tidy solutions, for when you do your explanations and theories will always be too small. There is always an unknown reality to some extent, for the miracle of your being works outside of the kind of explanations that you so often seem to require.

(Long pause.) The unknown reality, dash — Many of you, I know, would like to find in this book answers pertaining to Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle, UFO’s3, and many other such questions. Those matters certainly seem pertinent in the framework of your experience and beliefs. You already have a great variety of explanations offered: Writers in many fields have produced books about such topics. By far the greater questions, however, are those pertaining to the unknown reality of the psyche, and those that relate to the kind of being who perceives in one way or another an Atlantis, a Bermuda Triangle, a UFO — for in greater terms, until you ask deeper questions about yourselves, these other experiences will remain mysterious. You cannot understand perceived events unless you understand who perceives them. You must learn more about the slant of your own consciousness before you are in a position to ask truly pertinent questions about the reality that you perceive.

UR2 Introductory Notes by Robert F. Butts Volume Unknown reader ideal sections

The two volumes making up The “Unknown” Reality: A Seth Book, were dictated by my wife, Jane Roberts, in cooperation with Seth, the nonphysical “energy personality essence” for whom she speaks when she’s in trance. I wrote in the Introductory Notes for Volume 1 that Jane began delivering Unknown” Reality (as we soon came to call it) in the 679th session for February 4, 1974, and finished it with the 744th session for April 23, 1975. [...]

[...] Here, I wish to make it clear that [“Unknown” Reality] will initiate a journey in which it may seem that the familiar is left far behind. Yet when I am finished, I hope you will discover that the known reality is even more precious, more ‘real,’ because you will find it illuminated both within and without by the rich fabric of an ‘unknown’ reality now seen emerging from the most intimate portions of daily life…. [...]

[...] In Unknown’ Reality I went further, showing how the experiences of the psyche splash outward into the daylight, so to speak. [...] Unknown’ Reality required much more work on Joseph’s part, and that additional effort in itself was a demonstration that the psyche’s events are very difficult to pin down in time. [...]

UR1 Preface by Seth preface Roberts unknown n.y metaphysics

(11:11.) The unknown reality, however, is unknown enough to usual reaches of the most flexible consciousness, in your terms, that it can only be approached by a personality as couched in it as I am. [...] One of my purposes then has been to make this unknown reality consciously known.

Now: Preface: There is an “unknown” reality, in quotes as given. [...]

[...] Each individual is a part of the unknown reality. [...]

UR2 Epilogue by Robert F. Butts geese Unknown migrations flight epilogue

The two volumes of Unknown” Reality hardly tie truth up in neat packages, though, so that after completing them the reader can claim to know all of the answers. [...] In a sense, they are incomplete and complicated at times, with new terms, for the unknown reality they attempt to describe will, I fear, always elude us to some extent, and new terms are needed as old ones become stereotyped and worn.

Long before I finished my part of Unknown” Reality, Seth and Jane had started their next book: The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression. I recorded those sessions, of course, while keeping up with my own work. [...] Yet none of those “outside” events were fully removed from Unknown” Reality. They found their way into the pages, the sessions, somehow, even if only by feel or inference. [...]

[...] It should be obvious that the two volumes of Unknown” Reality are further ramifications of that thesis, for here Seth shows us the usually invisible psychological dimensions that underlie the known world. [...]

UR1 Introductory Notes by Robert F. Butts volumes Unknown sections footnotes letter

[...] By then it was obvious that in a couple of weeks Seth would be through with Unknown” Reality, as we’d taken to calling it. [...] Not only would the expanded format be something out of the ordinary in itself, but it meant that with two volumes I’d have the room I needed for notes and references; excerpts from Jane’s ESP class sessions, as well as from “regular” sessions dated before and after the production time of Unknown” Reality; a little of Jane’s poetry; and appendixes — all of which I thought would add extra dimensions of consciousness to the books. [...]

As Unknown” Reality progresses into Volume 2, it’s natural that I use notes more and more often to call attention to earlier sessions. [...] At the same time, in an effort to build some mental bridges between the two parts of Unknown” Reality, I’ve made it a point occasionally to lift something out of one volume for inclusion in the other, or at least to include that kind of reference.

As I note in the Epilogue for this volume, Section 6 in Volume 2 contains the story of how we moved into our “hill house,” just outside Elmira, N.Y., a month before Seth completed that section — and his part in Unknown” Reality as a whole — in April, 1975. [...] Politics is also mentioned in the Epilogue to Volume 1 of Unknown” Reality, and my first session notes on it show up in Section 4, in the second volume.

UR1 Epilogue by Robert F. Butts Section Volume holes Unknown counterparts

So by now Volume 2 of Unknown” Reality is well along toward completion. [...] Those who are interested in the more detailed mechanics of Seth-Jane’s production of Unknown” Reality, especially where qualities of time are involved, should review my Introductory Notes. [...]

Section 5: How to Journey Into the “Unknown” Reality: Tiny Steps and Giant Steps. [...]

[...] But as Jane enthusiastically put it when we were discussing where to divide the six sections of Unknown” Reality, Volume One, provides the general background and information upon which the exercises and methods in Volume 2 depend.” [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 744 April 23, 1975 strands Steffans counterparts Unknown library

In your reality, the Unknown” Reality we have just finished is the only version of that manuscript. [...] So we have been working on a probable Unknown” Reality — in fact, on many probable Unknown” Realities. Not mere versions, but variations.

[...] Not all of his material tonight is given over to questions, however; much of the rest of it, covering matters other than those relating toUnknown” Reality, is deleted.)

Now: In a way, it is quite difficult to tell you what I have been doing with my time (humorously emphatic) while I have been involved in the production of Unknown” Reality — and therefore, to some extent at least, inclined toward your time.2

UR1 Section 3: Session 704 June 17, 1974 oracle physician predict disease psyche

[...] And what does it have to do with the unknown reality? [...] The private oracle is the voice of the inner multidimensional self — the part of each person not fully contained in his or her personhood, the part of the unknown self-structure out of which personhood, with its physical alliance, springs. [...]

(With many pauses:) Dictation … The unknown reality, probable man, dreams, the spin of electrons, the blueprints for reality — all of these are intimately related.

[...] The unknown reality is the source for the known one. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 709 October 2, 1974 orientation disengagement cellular faster Unknown

[...] The “unknown” reality is unknown only because you have not looked for its aspects in yourself. [...]

Any discussion of the unknown reality must necessarily involve certain usually dismissed hypotheses about the characteristics of consciousness itself. [...]

[...] In order to study the “unknown” reality, however, you must try to see what else your consciousness can do. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 714 October 23, 1974 snapshots tone postcards sound Politics

The unknown reality and the psyche’s greater existence cannot be separated from the intimate knowledge of the flesh, however, for the life of the flesh takes place within that framework. [...]

[...] The people who have journeyed into the unknown reality have always been adventurous. [...]

So you take a psychic guided tour into other realities; the unknown seems known, so that you are not an explorer after all, but a tourist, taking with you the paraphernalia of your own civilization, and beliefs that are quite conventional.

UR2 Section 4: Session 715 October 28, 1974 library models Politics Unknown Roman

The concepts in Unknown” Reality will help expand the consciousness of each of its readers, and the work itself is presented in such a manner that it automatically pulls your awareness out of its usual grooves, so that it bounces back and forth between the standardized version of the world you accept, and the unofficial7 versions that are sensed but generally unknown to you.

Clear understanding or effective exploration of the unknown reality can be achieved only when you are able to leave behind you many “facts” that you have accepted as criteria of experience. Unknown” Reality is also written in such a way that it will, I hope, bring many of your cherished beliefs about existence into question. [...]

2. In Chapter 2 for Psychic Politics Jane presents not only her library material, but quotations from the 715th session for Unknown” Reality itself. [...] We already knew that she would initiate some transposition of material from Volume 2 of Unknown” Reality into Politics, since she was so intimately and enthusiastically involved in producing both works at the same time: I first wrote about such an exchange in Note 3 for Session 714 (when indicating that she’d used portions of that session in Chapter 1 of Politics).

UR1 Section 3: Session 703 June 12, 1974 blueprints dynamics Section physician frequencies

[...] So far the blueprints for reality have been largely unknown. Your methods make them invisible, so here I am suggesting ways in which the unknown reality can become a known one. [...]

The “unknown” reality. Unknown or not, it is what you are working with.

[...] While delivering the material she’d had an overall glimpse of the plan ofUnknown Reality, but lost it as soon as break came. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s & Rob’s Notes Saturday, July 30, 1977 Sugg overboard attract decisions garage

2. Did I go overboard on Unknown” Reality? Why did I choose to do notes for it —let alone publish it in 2 volumes? [...]

5. On our decision—R. finishes Unknown” Reality—and later Psyche, maybe with my help?

UR1 Appendix 7: (For Session 689) outline Health Illness Sunday contents

[...] That episode had taken place just before she delivered the 686th session for this volume ofUnknown” Reality, and is described in Appendix 5.

[...] We’re presenting the statement below, and a few examples from the outline, in order to show some of her other activities while producingUnknown” Reality. [...]

[...] I do believe it possible for Jane to deliverUnknown” Reality and The Way Toward Health concurrently through Seth, and to carry on her “regular” writing, for I think we have yet to learn the limits of her abilities [although as she continues to develop them she increases our knowledge of human potential]. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 801, April 18, 1977 epidemics inoculation Mass Volume finished

Beginning in June 1974, then, while writing notes and appendixes for Volume 1 of Unknown, and taking Seth’s dictation for Volume 2, I spent eight months producing the art work for Jane’s Adventures in Consciousness and for her book of poetry, Dialogues of the Soul and Mortal Self in Time; I finished all of those drawings in January 1975. [...] Jane finished dictating Volume 2 of Unknown for Seth in April 1975, and I started my notes and appendixes for it. [...] I completed my own writing for Volume 1 of Unknown in October. [...]

[...] In February 1977 we received from Prentice-Hall the copyedited manuscript for Volume 1 of Unknown” Reality. [...] A few days later we began correcting page proofs for Volume 1 of Unknown.”

(One might say that Mass Events had its origins two Seth books ago — way back in Volume I of Unknown” Reality, which Seth finished dictating in June 1974. [...]

TPS3 Session 765 (Deleted Portion) February 2, 1976 disclosure photographs stomach album perfection

Now: you (to me) have been wondering whether or not to use family photographs in Unknown” Reality. [...]

You understand that private experience, imperfect but creative, underlies the points in Unknown” Reality. [...]

[...] When Seth asked if I had more questions, finally, I said no, that I’d have to think it over, and that perhaps we’d decide not to use photographs after all in Unknown” Reality.

UR1 Section 2: Session 695 May 6, 1974 photograph species probable picture specimen

[...] Through understanding your own unknown reality, therefore, you can learn much about the unknown reality of the species.

[...] It came about because we’d been discussing our deceased parents and probabilities, in connection with the first two sessions [679–80] ofUnknown” Reality. [...]

[...] I continued that I was somewhat concerned because the notes for Unknown” Reality were running considerably longer than they had for either Seth Speaks or Personal Reality. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 723 December 2, 1974 language rock sounds Neanderthal prehuman

Seth tells us, of course, that prehuman communication and human language and speech have originated in rhythmic patterns again and again, since in the far past our planet has seen the development of a number of presently unknown civilizations. See, for example, his material on reincarnational civilizations and the Lumanians in Chapter 15 of Seth Speaks. In Volume 1 of Unknown” Reality, see his discussion on ancient man in the 702nd session, as well as Jane’s own material on the “innumerable species of man-in-the-making” in Appendix 6.

[...] You can, in other words, take advantage of the unknown reality by letting it add to your home station.

Give us a moment … To some extent language does make the unknown known and recognizable. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 741 April 14, 1975 Street predict prime series probabilities

[...] I don’t care whether we get stuff onUnknown” Reality, or personal material, or what. [...]

[...] Class may have to wait until Seth finishes his work onUnknown” Reality.

[...] One result of our meeting [as I wrote at the beginning of the Introductory Notes for Volume 1], was the decision to publish this long manuscript forUnknown” Reality in two volumes.5

UR1 Section 1: Session 683 February 18, 1974 bulb multipersonhood personhood units herd

Now: (Louder and deeper:) “The ‘Unknown’ Reality (colon): A Seth Book.” And put “Unknown” in quotes.

[...] Maybe this time he’s going to go ahead and do it his own way … I can honestly say that the title was completely unknown to me.” She smiled at her unwitting pun onUnknown” Reality. [...]

Jane and I placed no particular emphasis upon this information when Seth came through with it, but in retrospect we realized that it contains two significant points: Seth’s reference to “another book,” which we think is Unknown” Reality, and his use of the word “counterparts.” [...] For in Volume 2 of Unknown” Reality, Seth’s concept of counterparts certainly takes on its own unique meaning within his study of personhood. [...]

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