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ECS1 ESP Class Session, April 22, 1969 bacon discipline bees demand Dean

Now this is practical and it is the only real practicality. For if you hate, you create a hateful reality. And to the extent that you hate, you find reality hateful. To the extent that you fear, you create a fearful reality. To the extent that you love, you create a lovely reality. To the extent that you create, you create a reality full of creativity—and this is my message.

Each of you individually creates the reality that you know—and en masse, altogether, you create the reality of your world and your universe. There is no good within it in which you do not participate—and there is no evil within it in which you do not participate—and in which you have no part.

You create your own physical reality!

([Jane:] “I got this fantastic image of everybody spontaneously forming all these seasons and everything. And there was a tremendous effort involved individually to get spring going—to get the buds out...that the good things that we do that we don’t know we think of war—and we see all the evil we do; and that the good things we do, we often don’t realize—and that we actually form the seasons—the spring, the other seasons; and that the earth itself, the physical earth, is like the Garden of Eden in our subconscious. That is, it’s a result of the good things that we do that we maintain—that we create and maintain this fantastic planet that we get our sustenance and food from—and everything else. And that when spring comes, it’s a creative—a tremendous achievement—on the part of each individual on the earth and in this section of the country, because we have done it. And our belief in spontaneity and life and vitality has actually helped form this. Different chemicals come out through our systems that we don’t even know of that change the atmosphere and so forth and brings all this about. “

TSM Chapter Eighteen thread agony God gestalt yearning

“The camouflage is so craftily executed and created by the inner self that you must, of necessity, focus your attention in the physical reality which has been created. The psychedelic drugs alter the neurological workings, and therefore can give some slight glimpses into other realities.

[...] No God created the crime of murder, and no God created sorrow or pain. … Again, because you believe that you can murder a man and end his consciousness forever, then murder exists within your reality and must be dealt with. [...] … But your errors and mistakes, luckily enough, are not real and do not affect reality, for Dr. King still lives.”

[...] Yet it is doubtful that without this ‘period’ of contracted yearning, All That Is could concentrate Its energy sufficiently enough to create the realities that existed in probable suspension within It.

“The agony and the desire to create represented Its proof of Its own reality. [...]

TSM Chapter Ten doorway Bill Mark apparition sketch

Seth explains exactly how we translate thoughts into physical reality. To our knowledge, this explanation is original with the Seth Material To say the least, the supposition that we actually create matter gives rise to all kinds of questions, and Rob and I have considered many of them at one time or another. Was Seth saying that we created tables and chairs as well as events? And when we were ill, were we creating our own disease? If we create reality to begin with, then can we change it for the better?

“Every nerve and fiber within the body has an inner purpose that is not seen, and that serves to connect the inner self with physical reality, that allows the inner self to create physical reality. [...]

“Physical matter makes consciousness effective within three-dimensional reality. [...] As energy approaches, it creates matter, first of all in an almost plastic fashion. [...]

“There is the Mark which Mark has created, an actual physical construction. There is another, created by you, Joseph. There are two more physical Marks, one created by Ruburt, and one by your cat. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 2: Session 515, February 11, 1970 environment cocreators dimensional perceptors microbe

It is quite true that your physical senses create the reality that they perceive. [...] You perceive its reality through one set of highly specialized senses. This does not mean that its reality exists in that form in any more basic way than it exists in the form perceived by the microbe, insect, or bird. You cannot perceive the quite valid reality of that tree in any context but your own. [...]

Now: The senses that you use, in a very real manner, create the environment that you perceive. Your physical senses necessitate the perception of a three-dimensional reality. [...]

It is not that physical reality is false. [...] The inner senses open your range of perception, allow you to interpret experience in a far freer manner and to create new forms and new channels through which you, or any consciousness, can know itself.

You look out into the physical universe, and interpret reality according to the information received from your “outer senses.” I will stand, figuratively speaking, in physical reality and look inward for you, and describe those realities of consciousness and experience that you are presently too fascinated to see. For you are fascinated with physical reality, and you are in as deep a trance now as the woman is through whom I write this book.

TES7 Seth’s Lecture to Pat’s Boston High School Class March 25, 1967 classroom hell kill chromosomes Pat

[...] You create reality according to your beliefs and expectations. [...]

[...] You are all forming reality, as you know it. Then with your physical senses, you are perceiving that which you have already so created.

It is all in one respect hallucinatory, and yet it is your reality and you must deal with it. [...] The world in which your parents live is a world which they created. [...]

Anything that you can see and feel and touch exists within your own reality, yes, and within it, it is legitimate and valid. [...] They form reality for you, and yet the reality that they form is highly distorted; and what you see, dear friends, does not exist and you do not see what does exist.

TES9 Session 427 August 7, 1968 yearned Dave agony cosmic sepia

[...] Yet it is doubtful that without this “period” in quotes, of contracted yearning, that All That Is could concentrate its energy sufficiently enough to create the realities that existed in probable suspension within it.

The agony itself and the stupendous desire to create represented its proof of its own reality. [...]

[...] He creates reality, period. [...]

[...] And you create for the same reason, and within all of you is the memory of that primal agony—that urge to create and free all probable consciousnesses into actuality.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 640, February 14, 1973 therapeutic therapy illumination grace chemicals

Some of these systems do touch upon legitimate portions of reality, but they all overlook the great individualistic and highly private nature of your dreams, and the fact that you create your own reality.

[...] There is some difference here, which was mentioned earlier (in the 636th session in Chapter Nine), between you and the animals and the particular way in which you create your reality….

(Long pause.) Those innate bodily abilities also help sustain you as you continually create the image. [...] In those terms there is a constant interaction between the creation and the creator, and in three-dimensional reality the creator is so a part of his handiwork that it is difficult to tell one from the other.

[...] (Pause.) You create not only the body, then, but its entire experience, the context in which it takes place. [...] It is the framework in which you have your experience, created by you as the artist gives his paintings their dimension.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, February 3, 1970 Brad misconceptions solve Theodore interjected

[...] If you realize that you create your physical reality through your own thoughts and desires, then you have learned the most important aspects of reality. [...]

It would be of value only if you realized that you create your physical reality now. If you knew that you had a karmic tie with your wife and did not realize that you formed your own reality through your own thoughts and desires, then it would serve you not at all. [...]

([Brad:] “Assuming that I wish to be a teacher, can I create that reality by simply desiring it?”)

(A discussion ensued during the break centering about the above, the fact we create our realities, and the book The Magic of Believing [if you believe something you can do it] when Seth interjected the following.)

TES4 Session 153 May 10, 1965 tension landscape action creation ego

[...] Your time system is indeed the result of tension as it is distorted within your own system, yet the distortion itself, as you see, creates a new reality. And that reality then continues to operate, forming like realities of the sort that can exist within the given conditions already set up by the original distortion.

Mankind is to some intimate degree acquainted with this attempt of action to recreate itself, for human reproduction is here a case in point, each individual attempting to create a replica, the attempt doomed to failure, but the attempt itself resulting in a distortion of the original action; that is, a distortion of the original individuals, and in the creation of a new reality, this process then being repeated indefinitely.

[...] The thought is as much a reality as the landscape. [...] He could not create an identical landscape because he did not have at his command the perspectives or materials necessary.

The painting, therefore, is both a distortion of reality, and the creation of a new reality. Likewise all realities are formed.

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 570, March 1, 1971 stages Speakers layers undifferentiated sleep

[...] These other stages of consciousness create their own realities as you create your own. The realities are, therefore, byproducts of consciousness itself. [...]

Somewhere during this time he will go into a deeply protected area of sleep, where he is at the threshold to other layers of reality and probabilities. [...] He will then return toward physical reality in an area marked as REM sleep by your scientists, where physically oriented dream productions will be created, putting the knowledge he has gained into use.

[...] In another layer of reality, of course, you will be creating one.

[...] Almost every individual has had bizarre experiences with consciousness, and knows intuitively that their greater experience is not limited to physical reality. [...] Your consciousness is already oriented again to physical reality; the dream, an attempt to translate the deeper experience into recognizable forms. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 568, February 22, 1971 Speakers devil evil soul religions

You must understand that each mental act is a reality for which you are responsible. That is what you are in this particular system of reality for. As long as you believe in a devil, for example, you will create one that is real enough for you, and for the others who continue to create him.

There are, then, no devils waiting to carry anyone off, unless you create them yourself, in which case the power resides in you and not in the mock devils. The Crucifixion and attendant drama made sense within your reality at the time. It arose into the world of physical actuality out of the inner reality from which your deepest intuitions and insights also spring.

We go back to our fundamentals: You create reality through your feelings, thoughts, and mental actions. [...]

[...] Now the same thing applies to each of your great religions, though as I have said in the past, the Buddhists come closer, generally speaking, to a description of the nature of reality. [...] But Buddha, like Christ, interpreted what he almost knew in terms of your own reality. Not only of your own physical reality, but your own probable physical reality.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 615, September 18, 1972 false mind beliefs stained examine

Your spirit joined itself with flesh, and in flesh, to experience a world of incredible richness, to help create a dimension of reality of colors and of form. [...] You are not here to cry about the miseries of the human condition, but to change them when you find them not to your liking through the joy, strength and vitality that is within you; to create the spirit as faithfully and beautifully as you can in flesh.

Each person chooses for himself the individual patterns within which he will create this personal reality. [...]

The inner self is embarked upon an exciting endeavor, in which it learns how to translate its reality into physical terms. The conscious mind is brilliantly attuned to physical reality, then, and often so dazzled by what it perceives that it is tempted to think physical phenomena is a cause, rather than a result. [...] When this situation arises the conscious mind feels itself assailed by a reality that seems greater than itself, over which it has no control. [...]

Its beliefs about the nature of reality are then given to inner portions of the self. These rely mainly upon the conscious mind’s interpretation of temporal reality. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 6, 1970 ps Rachel Mathilda gateways premium

[...] I have not lived many, many lives without a deep understanding of your own kind of reality and problems, but I have not had many other existences that are not physical without a deep understanding of the nature of reality as it is not apparent to you now. As you reach out to find the nature of reality, so do these other beings reach out to understand the nature of realities that they have created. And each of you create more realities than you understand. [...]

[...] There is no evil that you do not create. [...] The spirit of creativity is very strong, and you create those aspects in which you believe and again, watch your beliefs. [...]

[...] They are the children of our dreams and so, also, do you seed other realities and other systems. [...] Consciousness releases its abilities in ways that you do not understand and yet from your own mind, springing from your own dreams, other systems of reality emerge as you have emerged from our dreams. [...]

[...] I get you here once a week, as a rule, but I also get you in other dimensions of reality. [...] In your waking existence you are simply focused upon physical reality. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 6: Session 527, May 11, 1970 soul perception citadels extrasensory mortal

[...] The physical senses actually can be said to create the physical world, in that they force you to perceive an available field of energy in physical terms, and impose a highly specialized pattern upon this field of reality. Using the physical senses, you can perceive reality in no other way.

[...] Your soul, therefore, possesses the wisdom, information, and knowledge that is part of the experience of all these other personalities; and you have within yourselves access to this information, but only if you realize the true nature of your reality. Let me emphasize again that these personalities exist independently within and are a part of the soul, and each of them are free to create and develop.

[...] This is an extremely simple explanation; but the thought creates the reality. [...]

This characteristic of materializing thoughts and emotions into physical realities is an attribute of the soul. Now in your reality, these thoughts are made physical. In other realities, they may be “constructed” in an entirely different fashion. So your soul, that which you are, constructs your physical daily reality for you from the nature of your thoughts and expectations.

UR2 Section 6: Session 733 January 27, 1975 massive jigsaw greed counterparts utter

[...] You create physical reality, yet without knowing how you do so, so that the wondrous structure of the earth itself is meant to lead you to question your own source. [...]

That soul constantly creates the body, and each individual on the face of the earth at any given time places his or her trust in that reality. [...]

[...] If you still see it, it is because it is a part of your reality. If you are honestly not greedy, yet you see greed, then perhaps you are serving as an example to others — but you form your own reality.

3. See Seth’s material on his units of consciousness, or CU’s, in sessions 682–83 for Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality. In the 682nd session after 9:47, for example, he discussed relationships between CU’s and probable realities.

TPS2 Session 608 Deleted. Seth’s Preface: “The Manufacture of Personal Reality” April 5, 1972 correlating core Oversoul reincarnation brain

It creates then the times, the events, and the places. [...] While you are creating the physical reality and time that you know, other portions of the self are therefore creating their own times and places. [...]

[...] Each portion of the inner self creates its own reality, and perceives the structure of matter to which it is attuned.


[...] In the framework of three-dimensional reality in which reincarnation exists, the structure of the body itself requires (in quotes) “time” lapses. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, July 21, 1970 negative Brad vinegar cruddy thoughts

[...] The two of you are miserable together because the two of you created a miserable reality. When you learn to create a positive reality for yourself then you will be able to help someone else create one. [...]

The point I wanted to make is this—each thought is an electromagnetic reality on its own, a unique electromagnetic reality. Now, your thoughts create patterns in dimensions that you do not perceive. [...] You not only attract negative conditions therefore in the physical world that you know, but you open yourselves up to these in the dream reality. [...]

[...] There is no other place where you can lay the blame and it is up to you, to each of you individually, to watch the nature of your thoughts for with your thoughts you created the body that you have, the individual realities that you know. You create your little toe and your elbow and the pupil of your eye and your legs. [...]

[...] None of you are helpless to change events, to change your health or your reality at this moment. [...] Every time you say, I am helpless, and I am slipping into chaos, whether you get laughs or not, or whether you say it humorously or not, you are indeed pushing yourself further into the chaos you are creating with every breath you take because you make no effort to change the nature of your thoughts and this is what you must do, exert your own control. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 26, 1973 discordant Masters peace portrait painting

[...] But no one creates your private reality but you.

[...] This does not apply to the two of you alone, but to your world at large: you make your own reality through your beliefs. You want to keep your beliefs yet change your reality—I am not referring to you personally here now—but this is impossible.

In your terms and in your probability, your parents’ lives are over, completed, and when in your reality you paint a picture it is finished, completed; and yet even in that context it outlives your completion of it, and endures. [...]

[...] The memories and realities within that portrait are yours to learn from and to use as a model for other such living portraits in time and space.

TPS1 Session 593 (Deleted) August 30, 1971 helper black realms habits lag

I have told you often that you create your reality physically. Obviously you create your psychic and spiritual reality also. You are aware (underlined) of the physical environment that you create. [...] Your reality exists, as you should well know by now, in many dimensions.

[...] In your system there is some lag before physical reality catches up with your inner conceptions. In other realities there is no such lag, for reasons that by now you should understand.

[...] Following the laws of attraction, it drew to it other such realities.

In one way they are automatic offshoots or products, except that once created, because of their nature and their nonphysical environment, their abilities far surpass your own in terms of acceleration. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 4: Session 522, April 8, 1970 dimensional actors roles three pretend

[...] By the very nature of consciousness, it seeks to materialize itself in as many dimensions as possible — to create from itself new levels of awareness, new offshoots. In doing so it creates all reality. Reality, therefore, is always in a state of becoming. [...]

[...] They lead the actors to see beyond the selves and settings they have created. [...] Their purpose is to open up within the three-dimensional selves those psychological doorways that will release the three-dimensional self for further development in another system of reality.

Entities or souls, in other words, send out portions of themselves to open up avenues of reality that would not exist otherwise. (Long pause at 9:39.) The three-dimensional selves, in existing within these realities, must focus their attention there completely. [...]

[...] In a large manner, the physical senses actually form the physical reality they seem to only perceive. [...] You can tell the position of the other actors for example, or time by clock, but these physical senses will not tell you that time is itself a camouflage, or that consciousness forms the other actors, or that realities that you cannot see exist over and beyond the physical matter that is so apparent.

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