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TES1 Session 16 January 15, 1964 plane enzymes Malba saucer ectoplasm

Now back to the point. When however sciences progress on various planes, then visitations become less accidental and more planned. However, since the inhabitants of each plane are bound by the materializations or materialized patterns of that plane, they bring this particular materialization pattern or camouflaged vitality pattern with them. Certain kinds of sciences cannot operate without it. When the inhabitants of a plane have learned mental science patterns, then they are to a great degree freed from the more regular camouflage patterns. This applies to a higher plane than mine, generally speaking, although my plane is further along in this science than your own.

The flying saucer appearances come from a plane that is much more advanced in technological sciences than earth at this time. However this is still not a mental science plane. Therefore the camouflage paraphernalia appears, more or less visible, to your own astonishment. Now, so strong is this tendency for vitality to change from one apparent form to another, that what you have here in your flying saucers is something that is actually, as you view it, not of your plane nor of the plane of its origin. What happens is this. When the flying saucer as you prefer to call it starts out toward its destination, the atoms and molecules that structurally compose it, and which are themselves formed by vitality, are more or less aligned according to the pattern inflicted upon it in its own territory. Now as this enters your plane a distortion occurs. The actual structure of the craft is caught in a dilemma of form. It is caught between transforming itself completely into earth’s particular camouflage pattern, and retaining its original pattern. The earthly viewer attempts to correlate what he sees with what he supposedly knows or imagines possible, in the little he knows of the universe.

So complete in fact is the transformation as to be almost in some cases unrecognizable. However, by seeing beneath the camouflage in any one case you see beneath the camouflage in all cases. What these wires are, therefore, that seem to divide our planes and that appear so differently in one plane than they do in another, are solidified vitality whose camouflaging action is determined by mental enzymes.

TES1 Session 19 January 27, 1964 camouflage fuel instruments plane brain

[...] When you paint a picture, my dear egotistical Joseph, you are dealing with a transformation of energy and a transformation of camouflage pattern. [...] You are forced because of your earthly physical situation to transform this creative energy into another camouflage pattern. [...] You transform it into a somewhat different more evocative new camouflage pattern that is nevertheless more fluent, more fluid, than the usual pattern, and which gives greater freedom and mobility to the basic fuel or vitality itself. [...]

The brain deals exclusively with camouflage patterns, transforming vitality into physical environmental camouflage patterns. [...] The brain is itself part of the camouflage pattern, and can be interpreted and probed by physical instruments. [...]

[...] The elements are the blocks which build our camouflage. [...] The elements change position constantly to transform the inner vitality or fuel from one camouflage pattern to another. Then why is it so difficult to understand that this happens on other planes and under different camouflage sequences?

TES1 Session 20 January 29, 1964 camouflage outer neurotics senses inner

The physical body is a camouflage pattern operating in a larger camouflage pattern. But the physical body and all camouflage patterns, looked at in another manner, are also transformers of the vital inner stuff of the universe, where this vitality is then enabled to operate under new and various conditions.

Camouflage patterns are bad enough to deal with from my end, but personal camouflage patterns thrown up by the brain are worse. As far as your neurotics are concerned—for some reason speaking of the affairs usually called seances reminded me of neurotics—as far as neurotics are concerned, this neuroticism is part and parcel of an inadequacy on the part of the physical body and the personality both, that involves an inability to handle camouflage patterns.

[...] Any material that is important for the body’s contact with outer camouflage patterns is given to the brain. [...] Portions of it do deal with camouflage patterns, with the personal past of the present personality, with racial camouflage memories; and the greater portion belongs to the inner world, and as data comes into it from the inner world, so can it reach far into the inner world itself.

TES1 Session 21 February 3, 1964 Throckmorton maid Lessie Dick daughter

It is this ability which is ever a strong force on your plane, having to do with the building up of particular elements, atoms, neurons and so forth, into camouflage patterns. On your plane you must use this organizing ability to form the camouflage pattern. There are planes with much simpler camouflage patterns, and some inhabited by personalities too weak or limited in this ability, and others inhabited by personalities strong in this ability to use energy, but who no longer need to use it in such a camouflage pattern.

[...] These struggle desperately to distort the past data, clothing it in all sorts of idea camouflages and fantasy. [...]

[...] The brain would be more or less what it is, that is, the brain of the present personality existing on a camouflaged plane. [...]

TES1 Session 22 February 4, 1964 woodcarvings kiddo Joseph chickadees taunted

[...] In the past he has more or less translated this data automatically into a new camouflage pattern, in other words into a painting, without realizing that he had received any vision at all. [...]

[...] That is, Ruburt automatically translates inner data given by me into coherent, valid and faithful camouflage patterns, into words. [...]

[...] The problem is not only to receive data through the inner senses in an undistorted and coherent manner, but also of translating this data into the particular camouflage patterns with which you are familiar.

TES1 Session 23 February 5, 1964 breathes admit camouflage plane Throckmorton

It is on your part more than anything else, a simple refusal to admit into existence anything that is not a camouflage pattern. Camouflage patterns are of course, with again some exceptions, essentials on any plane, since each type represents the actual form of the plane and the various characteristics within it. Nevertheless it is possible, and actually much more efficient and simple, to accept this fact and also realize and admit the inner vitality behind the camouflage.

The book was a first attempt in forming a definite pattern of the material that he was receiving from the inner senses. [...] The camouflage pattern world is formed by the mind, and I am using this now in its true term as a part of the inner world. Energy is received by the mind through the inner senses and transformed by use of mental enzymes into camouflage patterns.

[...] For some reason mankind as a species on your plane has become much more attached to its camouflage patterns than most other kinds of consciousness. And with some important exceptions, all types of consciousness do have their peculiar camouflage patterns to which they more or less adhere.

TES1 Session 24 February 10, 1964 clock duration psychological invention inner

You see, to me these things are closely associated and connected in an overall concept pattern, and yet I must give them to you one at a time, and take pages to make the connection clear. One of mankind’s weaknesses has always been his impatience and his preoccupation with camouflage patterns on his plane. [...]

In prehistoric times mankind evolved the ego and self-consciousness to help him deal with the camouflage patterns that he had created. [...] The inside senses led him to a reality he could not manipulate as easily as he could a camouflage world, and he feared what he thought of as a loss of mastery.

[...] I think now mainly of his giving the immaterial inner self a dwelling place formed of physical camouflage patterns. [...]

TES1 Session 25 February 12, 1964 duality phonograph recorder plane camera

[...] Manipulation of camouflage patterns is to be expected, and furthermore is desirable. However, many native societies appreciate the fact of camouflage patterns, and retain the ability to separate the whole self from camouflage.

[...] They are in some respects evolutionary developments, being the end portions of the inner senses transformed to some degree, to permit manipulation of camouflage pattern. Before the conscious ego evolved, emotion served well as necessary stimuli to action in the camouflage environment. [...]

[...] With the emotions however, there is in many cases a stimulus to action in the outside camouflage pattern.

TES1 Session 26 February 18, 1964 John Philip Bradley human evolution

This human self-consciousness existed in psychological time and in inner time long before you as a species constructed it in terms of your particular camouflage patterns. [...]

[...] Your senses, and again this is to bring John-Philip up to date, your senses are perceptors of a camouflage physical world which is created by the inner self through the use of mental enzymes in a pattern set by the mental genes.

You are dealing with camouflage. Your outside senses are perceptors of camouflage, and your table which you rest your arms upon is not solid. [...]

TES1 Session 28 February 24, 1964 Miss Callahan entity psychiatrist plane

[...] I have explained camouflage patterns to you, I have explained the way the vitality or stuff of the universe changes from plane to plane. [...] It has enough camouflage pattern to enable me to make contact, but not so much as to distort me out of all recognition. [...]

[...] It will enable you to see it more clearly for what it is, and therefore you will be able to manipulate camouflage patterns more adequately.

Manipulation of camouflage patterns actually opens up inner abilities. [...]

TES1 Session 29 February 26, 1964 plane Callahan Miss Watts camouflage

Your particular camouflage pattern is given to solids, among other things, and the idea of solids gives its alternative of something not solid or unfilled, which you call space. Your outer senses are themselves camouflages to deal with, and equipped to perceive, camouflages. On some other planes the camouflage pattern is so different as to be beyond your present comprehension.

[...] There is among others another classification beside culture establishment existences, and these keep camouflage patterns at a minimum and are not as similar as cultural establishment existences are to your own plane. These materialize camouflage pattern only at certain times to express and deal with inner conflicts not yet worked out. [...]

[...] These planes of which I have spoken have some basic similarity with your own, though the camouflage patterns have no similarity. That is, the similarity is one of organization, a variety of historical continuity, a strong and involved ego mechanism, a complicated camouflage code system; without, however, the dual inner and outer sense of alienation with which your race has become involved.

TES1 Session 31 March 2, 1964 camouflage creation killing plane entities

Nevertheless it also partakes of the strange unity that unites all personalities beneath the camouflage pattern, while at the same time it is only partially connected to the camouflage pattern. In some respects art creations are a meeting of the dream world and the world of camouflage patterns, but in a deeper way art creations represent the appearance or materialization in the actual element of physical time of inner realities. That is, the inner individualistic self forces its vision and knowledge into the world of camouflage pattern, giving its dreams a physical reality denied to the usual dream. And here the use of energy for this purpose is conscious, that is the strong hidden self actually makes use of the camouflage conscious self and molds the two into a reality that combines two planes. [...]

The patterns evolve according to certain laws. [...] But the conscious ego is the primary manipulator of camouflage patterns and the obvious mover. The actual material from which camouflage patterns are formed is the vitality which exists and which is unconsciously used by your personalities.

Art creations represent such an awareness, but here the creation of another plane must be intertwined with the camouflage pattern with which you are involved. [...] You are driven to give them “reality,” and put that word in quotes, through materializing them in terms of camouflage pattern. [...]

TES1 Session 32 March 4, 1964 Jews starlings gulping killing reverence

Later I will go into the creation of other planes, and remember also that as man creates his own camouflage pattern he also works out his problems on the stage of history, which is also his creation. [...]

TES1 Session 33 March 9, 1964 limb confidence wind Kennedy permission

[...] They are an attempt to reproduce a camouflage pattern or to approximate such a pattern. As such they make quite an effect upon your level, but they are always reassemblies and never are they the actual reappearance of the exact camouflage as it may once have existed upon your level.

Any such signs involve camouflage patterns and do not actually represent direct experience. [...]

Your divider is an excellent camouflage pattern. [...]

TES1 Session 34 March 11, 1964 fluent outer camouflage plane error

[...] I have said before that the inner senses experience reality as it exists beneath camouflage pattern, though of course camouflage pattern is in itself part of this reality.

Different outer senses are necessary at different levels and on various planes to interpret the different camouflage patterns. These outer senses are developed to cope with these particular camouflage patterns which the personality will meet in its various environments. [...]

When the data from the inner senses is ignored the personalities then become so intertwined with the camouflage pattern that they are only capable of drawing upon a very limited amount of the vitality which gives them basic energy and strength. This happens more usually than not in such culturally-oriented levels as your own, where the camouflage pattern becomes extremely complicated and imprisoning.

TES1 Session 35 March 16, 1964 outer tree inner ego senses

[...] As a rule, even though the whole self is capable of organizing the data from all of the inner senses, the subconscious can rarely receive such communications full blast; and the outer ego, concerned as it is with camouflage pattern, and really born to deal with camouflage pattern, simply could not stand the shock of realization that a complete set of inner senses would bring.

You do experience time, but not time as it is bound by your camouflage patterns. [...]

[...] The outer ego must concentrate much of its energy toward survival in and manipulation of the outer camouflage world. [...]

TES1 Session 36 March 18, 1964 distortions choice arrived ache meddling

Also, I do not agree that it is beneficial for the personality to become used to dispensing so entirely with his camouflage pattern. It is necessary that the camouflage pattern be recognized for what it is, but on your plane it still must be manipulated, and the efficiency of manipulation is extremely necessary.

[...] They can only choose to operate within their own camouflage pattern framework.

The temporary and apparent sense of freedom from the camouflage pattern oftentimes leads the subject or student into a false sense of freedom from it in daily life, and causes a lack of ego discipline that should be maintained. [...]

TES1 Session 37 March 23, 1964 practical Philip hallucinary camouflage John

[...] The outer senses themselves are camouflage patterns, part of the necessary and essential physical body camouflage. They, the outer senses, are perceptors of camouflage patterns. [...]

[...] Any instruments made on your plane are like your outer senses, constructed to perceive camouflage patterns. The instruments of the scientists, and the outer senses themselves, are camouflage patterns and cannot, and never will, dissect themselves.

[...] And yet it is the driving personality and force in your world, and you use its energy as you construct your camouflage patterns.

TES1 Session 40 April 1, 1964 spider capsule plane desk web

[...] To some inhabitants of other planes that have access to your plane, all that can be seen of you is this tissue capsule, since such inhabitants have had no experience in your particular type of camouflage construction. Therefore your camouflage patterns are invisible to them, but the tissue capsules are not.

[...] The web is a camouflage pattern that definitely exists on your plane. [...]

[...] It is not completely at the mercy of a completed camouflage. [...] A camouflage plane, merely by being what it is, makes it impossible for the whole self to find expression. [...]

TES1 Session 41 April 6, 1964 spacious camouflage plane Willy quantitative

These idea camouflage patterns represent important if nonmaterial structures, and we will refer to them as idea camouflage structures from now on, since they are basic frameworks that control the actual physical camouflage patterns, and even supervise for you the extent to which such physical patterns can be constructed.

[...] But as the walls of your house are experienced by your outer senses, and serve to protect you against other camouflage materializations, even those of wind and rain and cold, so do the walls of past, present and future, erected by you as a different kind of camouflage pattern, protect you from inner forces and realities with which you are not as yet equipped to deal.

These camouflage ideas are as real and as useful, if not more so, than physical camouflage patterns. [...]

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