15 results for (stemmed:"brain thought" OR stemmed:"thought brain")

TES3 Session 126 January 27, 1965 electric psychoelectric system codes brain

The mind is always with you. The particular brain is the physical mechanism that translates the thoughts of the mind. It goes without saying then, that the brain belongs to the physical system, and here in clear terms you see the smooth cooperation that exists. Thoughts are initially psychoelectric patterns in pure form, productions of the inner self that must be translated in order to be used by the physical self.

Inspiration is often a more or less instantaneous translation, occurring for various reasons which I will give you later, without the benefit of the brain’s intervention. It is this strangeness that is often noted. The individual seems not to know where the thought comes from, because he does not recognize the characteristic mark of his brain upon it. And indeed such a mark is lacking, for inspiration originates with the inner self.

Thoughts are psychoelectric patterns, set up by the mind, and transformed to human codes by the brain.

The dream experience is felt directly by the inner self. Dreams have an electric actuality, as I have told you. In this electrical actuality they then exist independently of the dreamer, although he still applies the dream to himself. In the same manner do thoughts and emotions have the electric reality of which I have spoken. Therefore, within the electric system, dreams, thoughts and emotions exist as actualities, and in what you may call a tangible form, though not in the form of matter as you are familiar with it.

UR2 Appendix 17: (For Session 711) beta waves brain theta eeg

(There are four recognized [electrical] brain waves, and in speed they range upward from 0 to 26 and more Hertz units, or cycles per second. These rhythms can vary somewhat, and are best thought of as areas of activity. Brain waves overlap. Very simply, delta brain waves are connected with dreamless sleep, theta with creativity and dreams, alpha with a relaxed alertness and changing consciousness; beta — the fastest — with concentration, and with an intense focus upon all of the challenges [and anxieties and stresses, many would say] faced in the ordinary daily world.

[...] Measuring and recording brain waves is a complicated task, however; not only is it important which areas or lobes of the brain are monitored — if not all of them — but because of the mechanical limitations of the EEG itself much that goes on in the brain is necessarily missed. In addition, the two hemispheres of the individual brain often show variations in electrical energy states. But most importantly, we think, while the EEG can indicate broad categories of brain activity, it can hardly probe the participant’s very individual and subjective content of mind within this camouflage [physical] reality. Nor at this time, given the minimum premise that Jane’s speaking for Seth constitutes any indication of “paranormal” activity, do we think that her performance could be identified as such per se on the graphs of her brain waves. [...]

[...] For no matter which brain rhythm may predominate at any time, that state is certainly an altered one in relation to the other three. But more than this, why not call all actions of the brain “altered” when compared to Seth’s concept of the individual personality’s whole self or entity?1

In sleep your ordinary brain waves as you understand them register a chaotic jungle of experience not normally processed. [...] A mixture of brain waves would result. [...]

TES3 Session 123 January 20, 1965 electrical emotions attractions climate independent

Each thought or emotion exists then as electric action within the mind. The action is transformed and translated, and is sent to the brain where its effects directly are felt, and the brain then initiates reactions. Thoughts and emotions then, being independent however, are not bounded by or held within the physical body. The physical barriers of skin, for example, the physical limitations of that structure, do not exist and are not recognized by thoughts or emotions. [...]

[...] Nevertheless it must be clearly understood that thoughts and emotions are actualities in themselves, that directly work upon the physical mechanism. Any thought or emotion is bound to directly affect the physical body. Because thoughts and emotions, as electrical actualities, are independent from their subjective point of origin, a given thought or emotion, initiated by an individual, may be rejected by him and cast out. If the thought or emotion is similar to those usually accepted, then this will take time, for new electrical patterns must be set up. But an idea, thought or emotion so rejected still has independent actuality, and may be attracted to the emotional climate of another.

[...] Dimensions do indeed exist within this electrical field of which I have spoken, and it should be understood that I speak of an independent electrical field, and not of the weak, apparent electrical effects that can be observed within the brain or nervous system. The electrical reality of emotions and thoughts represents a thought dimension that has been completely neglected; and in it there are other dimensions; as within your field there is apparent space and time and height and thickness, so in the electrical system there is intensity and what I will call space reality, electrical mass and potentiality, which is different from intensity and polarity.

[...] There is, therefore, a similarity existing between an individual’s dreams and thoughts and emotions and physical condition at any given time. The mind, as separate from the brain, the mind exists purely and simply in the electric system or field, and does not project itself directly into the physical field although its effects appear within it.

TES9 Session 428 August 12, 1968 Elver fox Van Lennon Alice

[...] (Pause.) As thoughts set up traces and new patterns, new electrical pathways in the physical brain, it then becomes easier for the brain to entertain these habitual lines of thought.

[...] I thought the name Alice familiar, but couldn’t help out re Prentice. [...]

Your physical brains simply cannot handle certain kinds of information. [...]

[...] The brain structures of your race therefore grew more complicated as the inner knowledge sought to make itself known to the physical creature.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 825, March 6, 1978 confounds Framework reason universe predisposed

[...] Scientific analysis of the brain will tell you nothing about the power that moves your thoughts, or hint at the source of the brain’s abilities. [...]

The power that fuels your thoughts has the same source. [...]

[...] As a result you deal with methods of division and categorization so completely that you lose sight of associative organizations, even though you use them constantly in your own most intimate thought processes.

DEaVF2 Poems by Jane Roberts, with Commentary by Robert F. Butts poem lord commentary humbly nuzzled

I’ve always transferred my life to letters,
and one day it will reside
exclusively in written nouns and vowels,
clean paragraphs
distilled from mysterious life’s days.
Even before death’s event
I plan my mind’s resting place
as if there is a second life
in thought’s products that defies
the brain’s shorter span, and rises
sans blood, flesh, hand or eye,
self-contained, truly alive at last;
like some mental balloon
set on a safe course finally
through unexplored skies
when the hand that holds it
lets it go.

lord let me remember how it was
when i nuzzled the air in the morning
and thought i could wiggle a distant leaf
just as i moved my own ears and toes.
i thought that i caused rain to fall
just as the tears from my own eyes
wet my cheeks,
and that my thoughts turned into clouds
that circled the top of my head.

lord let me remember how it was
when i nudged my skin
against the touch of each new morning
and bounded through
the thick thought-forests
that stretched between dawn and noon,
when like magic my lunch was put before me.
lord let me remember how it was
when i was so new
that i thought i was part of the morning.

[...] Amazing!” Such was my first thought when I found this poem. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 664, May 21, 1973 earthquakes unstable chemicals storms excesses

[...] There are great correlations between thunderstorms and psychic storms, for example, and between unstable electromagnetic properties of both feeling and thought, the brain’s ability to handle these, and its need to rid itself of excesses. [...] The brain is a nest of electromagnetic relationships that you do not understand. [...]

[...] Physically speaking, there are chemical interactions when thought occurs, and memories ride on the chemicals’ smooth flow. [...]

[...] Your feelings with their chemical interactions have, beside their subjective reality to you, electromagnetic properties, as indeed your thoughts have. [...]

[...] There are also changes that come about through the impact of your thoughts upon the atmosphere. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 912, April 30, 1980 genetic triggering Rembrandt conceptualize fetus

[...] Such dreams provide (pause) the subjective understanding from which thoughts are developed, and in those terms complete thoughts are possible before the brain itself is fully formed. It is the process of thinking that helps bring the brain into activity, and not the other way around (all quite intently).

Such thoughts are like, now (underline “like, now”), electrical patterns that form their own magnets. [...] The precise orientation of that conceptualizing, and the precise orientation of the thinking patterns, wait for certain physical triggers received from the parents and the environment after birth, but the processes of conceptualization and of thought are already established. [...]

[...] Thought must come before language. Language is thought’s handmaiden.

[...] Incredible, Jane and I thought, that 1980 was already four months old. [...]

NotP Chapter 11: Session 797, March 14, 1977 impregnated universe invisible visible species

[...] One piece had been written by a brain “researcher” who, we thought, exhibited remarkably little understanding of the human condition. Almost in spite of myself, I thought it quite humorous that the reviewer himself had written books on the brain — that had in their turns been attacked by other reviewers.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, August 20, 1968 classes sic choosy sailing withdraw

[...] You are a part of these encircling realities and your dreams and thoughts and wishes affect those realities even though you are not consciously aware of this. [...] One thought sends out ripples that change and alter. [...] There is no feeling that you have, there is no word that you utter, there is no thought hidden in the deepest environment of your brain that does not have a reality different than the one you know. [...]

[...] Now indeed, not only does each thought have an electrical reality of its own and endures unchanged, but what you consider to be yourself has an electrical reality and is coded in terms that you cannot presently understand. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 581, April 14, 1971 particles ee faster m.h units

[...] The physical brain is the mechanism by which thought or emotion is automatically formed into EE units of the proper range and intensity to be used by the physical organism.

[...] As mentioned earlier, thoughts, containing their own electromagnetic reality, have form whether or not you perceive it. With each thought, then, you send out from yourself shapes and images that can be quite legitimate realities to those within the system of reality into which they are propelled.

[...] The intensity of the thought or emotion determines the characteristics of the units themselves. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 6, 1971 Joel Bette divinity listen Astor

[...] As easily and miraculously as a flower grows, or as a hair grows out of your skull, or as a thought rises from your brain, that energy resides within you. [...]

([Jane:] “It was sort of sad because I thought as I watched you all gravitate, I thought, they look at me as uncritically.”

([Bette:] “If you kept it up, I was just going to forget the thought and then get up and grab it.”

“But I know, if I looked at each of you and the selves you think you are, with just the little experience I’ve got of the self I thought I was and find I’m not, that you have all kinds of potentialities right now, not that you necessarily have to wait for or work for or anything, but that you have now. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, February 3, 1970 Brad misconceptions solve Theodore interjected

([Theodore:] “Where is the genesis of this changed thought? Is it in Theodore’s brain or back in the entity or whole self?”)

[...] If I thought you were a sheep then I would try to lead you. [...] If I thought you had no abilities of your own, and this applies to all of you, if I did not know that you were multidimensional personalities with all kinds of abilities at your disposal, then I would not tell you to think and feel for yourselves. [...]

[...] through your most intimate desires and thoughts and fears. You change the exterior circumstances by changing your thoughts and your desires and by forgetting your fears. [...]

[...] But, in the same way, many of you do not connect the fact of thought and desire with the fact of birth in the physical universe. You do not realize that your thought is literally the parent of the physical reality that you know. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 568, February 22, 1971 Speakers devil evil soul religions

Since consciousness forms matter, and not the other way around, then thought exists before the brain and after it. [...]

[...] Seldom, for example, is it thought of in horizontal terms. [...]

We go back to our fundamentals: You create reality through your feelings, thoughts, and mental actions. [...]

UR1 Introductory Notes by Robert F. Butts volumes Unknown sections footnotes letter

[...] (A simile I often think of here compares Eastern and Western life and thought with the right and left hemispheres of the brain; they’re separate, yet united; each half performs functions that complement and to some extent overlap those of the other, and together they operate as a whole.) But we dislike the idea of nirvana in Buddhism and Hinduism, which calls for the extinction or blowing out of individual consciousness, and its absorption into a supreme spirit, usually after a series of lives. [...]

[...] We thought the new work would probably be a long one, but we hardly expected that it would require publication in two volumes.

[...] Not only would the expanded format be something out of the ordinary in itself, but it meant that with two volumes I’d have the room I needed for notes and references; excerpts from Jane’s ESP class sessions, as well as from “regular” sessions dated before and after the production time of “Unknown” Reality; a little of Jane’s poetry; and appendixes — all of which I thought would add extra dimensions of consciousness to the books. [...]

Every so often I’ve thought of averaging Jane’s dictation time for Seth Speaks and Personal Reality in the same way, but haven’t done so. [...]