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NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 868, July 25, 1979 competition Idealist ideal worthy unworthy

When science seems to betray you, in your society, it does so because its methods are unworthy of its intent — so unworthy and so out of line with science’s prime purpose that the methods themselves almost amount to an insidious antiscientific attitude that goes all unrecognized. The same applies to medicine, of course, when in its worthy purpose to save life, its methods often lead to quite unworthy experimentation (see Note 3 for Session 850), so that life is destroyed for the sake of saving, say, a greater number of lives. (Pause.) On the surface level, such methods appear sometimes regrettable but necessary, but the deeper implications far outdo any temporary benefits, for through such methods men lose sight of life’s sacredness, and begin to treat it contemptuously.

(Long pause at 9:32.) That is why fanatics feel justified in their (underlined) actions. When you indulge in such black-and-white thinking, you treat your ideals shabbily. Each act that is not in keeping with that ideal begins to unravel the ideal at its very core. As I have stated [several times], if you feel unworthy, or powerless to act, and if you are idealistic, you may begin to feel that the ideal exists so far in the future that it is necessary to take steps you might not otherwise take to achieve it. And when this happens, the ideal is always eroded. If you want to be a true practicing idealist, then each step that you take along the way must be worthy of your goal.

In your country, the free enterprise system originated — change the word to “immersed” — is immersed in strange origins. It is based upon the democratic belief in each individual’s right to pursue a worthy and equitable life. But that also [became] bound up with Darwinian ideas of the survival of the fittest, and with the belief, then, that each individual must seek his or her own good at the expense of others, and by the quite erroneous conception that all of the members of a given species are in competition with each other, and that each species is in further competition with each other species.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 676, July 9, 1973 unworthy hate inferior older scrawny

[...] It does little good to repeat a suggestion such as, “I am a worthy person. [...]

There is no human being alive who does not have creative abilities in his or her own way, achievements and excellent characteristics, so if you follow these instructions you will find out that you are indeed a worthy individual.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 25, 1972 Bette Rachel Sumari dumpy campfire

[...] Whatever violence you did you did because you thought it was good and met a worthy end then; therefore, be careful of those ideas that you entertain now and what you will do to defend them. [...] The most bloodthirsty acts have been done because men believed themselves right and so they killed to uphold their worthy ideas. [...]

UR1 Appendix 11: (For Session 698) Wonderworks intersection chameleon objectification levels

[...] Her whole nighttime adventure here is a most practical one, and is worthy of an extended study elsewhere.

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 873, August 15, 1979 idealist ideals impulses condemning geese

[...] You have the power to change your life and the world for the better, but in doing so you must, again, reevaluate what your ideals are, and the methods that are worthy of them. [...]

[...] You must be reckless in pursuit of the ideal — reckless enough to insist that each step you take along the way is worthy of that ideal.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 9, 1984 suicide depression irreversible damnation choices

[...] Those are indeed worthy and stirring causes, as noble as any that faced any generation in the past. [...]

TPS2 Session 620 (Deleted Portion) October 11, 1972 reins belief license money abundance

It was never, except for the time mentioned, the writing self that Ruburt distrusted, but he feared for the worthiness of his being. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 7, 1984 older segregation population nutrients diet

[...] It is up to you to form a body of beliefs that is worthy of your physical image — for you are nourished by your beliefs, and those beliefs can cause your daily bread to add to your vitality, or to add to your cares and stress.

TPS5 Deleted Session August 12, 1979 groin Protestants moral parochial money

[...] I am (underlined) generalizing here to make a point: a largely postcard land, in which social clichés pass for communication, in which social ceremonies take the place of private communications—a land in which beliefs must be like landmarks, unchanging, utterly dependable, always there to be used for touchstones lest the puritanical Protestant stray from worthy goals. [...]

[...] Poverty was worthy, and proof of morality. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 550, September 28, 1970 hate hatred sausage cheek evil

[...] The over-population problem will teach you that if you do not have a loving concern for the environment in which you dwell, it will no longer sustain you — you will not be worthy of it. [...] You will not be worthy of them, and they will be destroying you.

TPS1 Session 368 (Deleted), October 2, 1967 conscientious super spontaneous self hurry

[...] This was a biological activity he felt he could safely suspend, and in doing so avoid further conflict, the conflict caused by enjoyment in sex, when he did not feel worthy of being loved.

TPS1 Session 370 (Deleted) October 9, 1967 conscientious Nancy mother demand overly

For years, literally, it was hammered into Ruburt’s subconscious that he was not worthy of any kind of success, and that he would be punished for his treatment of his mother.

NotP Chapter 11: Session 800, April 4, 1977 downtrodden nourishment psyche stance chords

[...] If you believe you are not worthy of nourishment, if you believe that life itself is dangerous, then your own beliefs make it impossible for you to fully utilize that available help. [...]

TES8 Forward by Rob Butts Rick Laurel Volume Elmira Early

[...] Surely her intuitively-chosen manner helped us acclimate to the highly original and creative fact that Jane was learning to speak in a dissociated (or trance) state for Seth, a disembodied worthy who called himself an “energy personality essence.” [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 9: Session 636, January 29, 1973 grace guilt conscience punishment violation

[...] Instead I’m usually concentrating on recording it, checking with Seth when I’m in doubt about a word, asking that worthy to repeat a phrase when I fall behind in the notes….

TPS6 Deleted Session April 20, 1981 Sinful science church religion Frankenstein

[...] To some extent later, even when it was a worthy opponent, Ruburt could see where his own ideas fit in or did not. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 557, October 28, 1970 enters fetus birth identification obsessional

Some personalities are drawn to enter at conception as a result of seemingly less worthy motives — greed, for example, or an obsessional desire that is partially composed of unresolved problems. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 669, June 11, 1973 imagination twenty simultaneous current solution

[...] Now: No Sir Galahad may appear, but if the exercise is pursued properly you will automatically begin to feel loved, and therefore worthy of love, and lovable, where before you felt rejected, unworthy and inferior. [...]

TES7 Session 320 February 20, 1967 compulsive pamper token denial sweaters

If a portion of you feels it does not get treats, you see, it imagines that the whole personality does not consider it worthy of any consideration. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April 8, 1969 courage Florence Lo Brad flower

[...] For the sun falls upon the stone, and the stone does not say, “Lo and behold, I am a simple stone and not worthy for the sun to fall upon me.” [...]

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