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DEaVF2 Chapter 10: Session 934, August 10, 1981 herbs tribal global dreams leaders

[...] This is a highly important point, for “the technological world out there” was at one time the world of dreams. The discoveries and inventions that made the industrial world possible were always latent in man’s mind, and represented an inner glittering landscape of probability that he brought into actualization through the use of dreams—the intuitive and the conscious manipulation of material that was at one time latent.

[...] This was in a way as startling an experience as it would be to you to find yourselves on some distant planet. [...]

(Long pause.) In such a fashion man learned the location of the oceans upon the earth—or at least was given the assurance that such large bodies of water existed, along with clues as to their locations, and the placement of the stars overhead.

Also in the same manner dreams were an aid in navigation, so that they served to let sailors know when land was near before it could be physically perceived—and there is no human activity to which dreams and group dreams have not contributed.

TES3 Session 121 January 13, 1965 telepathy intangible study elementary telepathic

(Jane had no idea of the material for the session as time for it approached, but she was not nervous as she was last session. [...] Her eyes were closed and she was not smoking. [...] Her voice was rather quiet, but clear, and she spoke at a comfortable rate without undue pauses.)

[...] Jane was well dissociated, unaware of outside stimuli. [...]

[...] This development was an advancement, yet this advancement led also to a separation and objectifying of consciousness, into dual segments of subject and object.

[...] Jane was again well dissociated. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session April 18, 1979 soda contemplation Maalox stomach disapprove

(Once again, as I had before the deleted session for Monday the 16th, I told Jane that I was close to a “breaking point.” [...] Although I’d felt slightly better yesterday I’d been taking baking soda often for my stomach for several days, and it seemed now that the feeling of pressure, or gas, perhaps, was getting the best of me. [...]

[...] But I had no idea of what he was going to talk about. [...] I said we’d see; that this one was excellent, a great help.)

[...] At the same time, I said, I was curious as to whether I did have an ulcer, for instance—that if so, I could see that I’d created that situation in order to contend with certain challenges.)

[...] It was as if he were laid off, and immediately had to find a new job. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 2, 1971 wisdom props phlegm intellect Joel

[...] Yesterday, on two occasions, he was quite surprised, but mildly so, to find strong phlegm in his throat. On one occasion he was on the phone to you (Janice) and on another occasion he was in another man’s office. Now he worked with his pendulum and discovered one reason for the phlegm and the cough when he was speaking to you, having to do with the fact that his own writing hours were not done. [...] On both of these occasions he reacted physically to information that was psychically perceived and all without recognizing the stimulus or the reason for the physical symptoms. [...]

(To Joel) I know you did not mean it, the way that I seemed to take it, but it was too good to miss. [...]

([Joel:] “Yes, because I was thinking of an event rather than words, but you picked up on the words rather than the event.”)

[...] I have many banks of personalities upon which to draw but there was, indeed, in the beginning initially, the dilemma upon which of these personalities should I draw and which would be the most effective. [...]

TPS1 Session 479 (Deleted) April 30, 1969 parking Halliday sell landlord painting

There was deception in the terms of half-truths, not completely explained, in answer to your question. The truth was stated in such a way that it’s implications were not understood.

[...] First a mutual friend of Jane’s and F. Halliday explained what was intended by the parking lot. This on Thursday, May 1. F. Halliday could not believe the parking lot idea, saying she had been told a “circular driveway” was all that had been planned, curving around the doctor’s house next door, and not disturbing much property. [...]

The added monthly count on his part was the offshoot of the work he has done thinking of abundance. [...]

(Tam arrives this weekend, May 2. Jane’s original dental appointment was for later in May. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 701 June 3, 1974 Einstein physicist diagrams theories destroying

Give us a moment … While connected with your own civilization, the man Einstein1 came closest perhaps in this regard, for he was able to quite naturally identify himself with various “functions” of the universe. He was able to listen to the inner voice of matter. He was intuitively and emotionally led to his discoveries. [...]

[...] In such a case you would only see what was directly before you. Your peripheral vision might give you hints of what was to each side, or you might hear sounds that came from behind. [...]

(“No,” I said, although I was feeling the pace a bit. But Jane was doing well.)

[...] Not long after the outline for his Special Theory of Relativity was published in 1905, it was said that Einstein owed its accomplishment at least partly to the fact that he knew little about the mathematics of space and time.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 13, 1984 irs Olson Suzanne calorie Dana

[...] Because it’s a holiday, I guess, the bank was closed, so I couldn’t pay the IRS.

[...] Jane was on her side. [...]

(Jeff was in — said results of all of the tests showed a blood infection. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 903, February 25, 1980 grid mammals classifications fragments transmigration

[...] His answer was as direct as possible: “No.” Next I asked him: “Is part of your psyche alive on earth now?” The answer was very strange to us at the time: “Very small part. [...]

[...] Although she was by then receiving quick mental answers to many of our questions in the sessions, often she was still cautiously verifying those responses by having at least their beginnings spelled out letter by letter upon the board. [...]

[...] The world was and is created in dimensions outside of time, and outside of space as you understand it (intently).

[...] There were always birds, for example, but in the great interplay of “interior” and exterior communication among all portions of this vast living system, there was a creative interplay that allowed for endless variations within that classification, and each other one.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 634, January 22, 1973 violation guilt aggressiveness mouse killing

(As Seth-Jane delivered this material, my mind flashed back many years to a summer day when I was about eleven years old. [...] She played with it in the grass; with conflicting feelings I watched Mitzi, of whom I was very fond, block off each attempt of the terrified mouse to escape — until finally, having had her sport, she ate it….

[...] She was eager to have me read Seth’s material back to her, but then: “Oh, wait a minute… I’m already starting to get more, and I want to get up and move around first.” [...] The younger one, Rooney, was in. [...]

[...] Its original purpose was to enable you to empathize on an aware level with yourselves and other members of creaturehood, so that you could consciously control what was previously handled on a biological level alone. [...]

[...] Seth-Jane’s pace was rather slow.)

UR1 Appendix 11: (For Session 698) Wonderworks intersection chameleon objectification levels

[...] She realized immediately that it was connected to the extraordinary series of dreams she began having early this month. [...]

[...] She was in “a slightly altered state of consciousness” while transcribing the data. [...]

“Creative expression, from its intuitional spark to objectification, mirrors in our private realities the way the universe was [and is] constantly created.

[...] Jane’s use of it here in her own material was rather unusual, however, and took us way back to the first time we heard it from Seth, in the 16th session for January 15, 1964.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 25, 1983 belt motion move weightless hips

[...] I said I thought it was okay to have such thoughts, but one didn’t need to fasten upon them. Letting nature—her body—take its own course was just as good a way, I told her. [...]

[...] The belt was her old favorite. [...]

[...] Jane was moving her arms and hands to some extent during lunch. [...]

[...] “That was fantastic,” she repeated over and over. [...]

WTH Foreword by Robert F. Butts omitted hospital unrevealed route foreword

[...] It was the third time she’d been hospitalized since February 1982. [...] She was only 55 years old when she died. [...]

[...] Jane was a human being first, and a very gifted psychic second. [...]

[...] Once again, she was inspired by my questions on art and related matters. [...]

[...] We saw that if all of the peripheral material for each session was included, the book would be very long. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 646, March 7, 1973 death brilliance unconditionally Twelve verdict

The experience that you wrote of was significant on several levels, and of course was meant to reassure you ahead of time because of the events you knew would occur. The experience was to inform you emotionally and spiritually of the great meaning of each individual, portray the lovely brilliance that is within each human being, and let you know that the integrity of the self and the soul exists beyond the possibility of annihilation, as you yourself will continue to exist regardless of which path you choose to take — dying within two years, or living physically on for many more. [...]

(Jane was tired after supper, so I didn’t ask her about having a session. [...] By the time this episode was resolved Jane had come alert, and surprised me by saying she wanted to hold the session. [...]

[...] Unconsciously, therefore, you chose a situation in which a crisis was precipitated, rousing all the greatest elements of heart and soul, so that they must strain to understand, to perceive, to triumph. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session January 7, 1974 writer talent amaryllis womanliness duty

[...] Instead, “the writer” was seen in his mind as the dominant part of the self, definitely apart from other portions, and with different goals and purposes.

[...] Early, some divisions occurred when Ruburt picked up the idea that womanhood was no help in being a writer, so certain aspects of the self were watched. [...]

[...] Behind those beliefs was the belief that spontaneity is an indulgence to be controlled, that good things are not spontaneous, but bad things are. [...]

Ruburt felt it was wrong to do anything but write. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session April 3, 1974 evidence smirk reviving beliefs Air

(I was angry at the time, I remember, but since I’m typing this material several days later I can’t accurately recall all of my mixed feelings at the time. I know that one of my thoughts was that Jane’s simply getting up earlier might help break the cycle of repetitive thinking and action.

(“I wish that was all that was involved,”)

[...] I was just thinking that we haven’t even reached that stage.”)

(I have been definitely under the weather since the day after this session was held, and my pendulum tells me that I’ve felt this way because of my reactions to this session. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, August 31, 1971 installment Muing Let Edgar Ellen

[...] Now I have always referred to myself as a personality energy essence because it was true and also because it sounded very safe to Ruburt. [...] He did not have to say that I said I was a spirit or I was some sort of a White God or that I was an illuminati. The term was simple and he could accept it. [...]

[...] I simply wanted you to know that I was here and that I am listening. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 658, April 23, 1973 hypnosis hypnotist tributaries inductions beliefs

[...] For example: If you constantly focus on the belief that your early background was damaging and negative, then only such experiences will flow into your present life from the past. It does no good to say, “But my life was traumatic,” therefore reinforcing the belief. [...] (See the 644th session in Chapter Eleven.) From the present you have hypnotized yourself, viewing the past not as it was to your experience, but as it appears now in the light of your current beliefs.

[...] She was growing more and more relaxed. [...] I was going to do more, but I’m too high and exhausted to go on….” [...]

[...] [They began to approach those described in the 639th session in Chapter Ten, and the 653rd session in Chapter Thirteen, to name but two such instances mentioned in this book.] Finally she called me at 3:30 p.m. as I was painting in my studio, and read Silver Brothers to me. [...]

(Last night, incidentally, Jane was again busily at work on Seth’s book in her sleep, dictating material that we haven’t actually gotten to yet.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April [1?], 1969 Christ jolly murder tulips Easter

[...] Secondly, I was also about when one member (Florence) of this class and another woman were working on my book. The other woman [was] your daughter, of course, I get about. [...]

Now, you have made physical reality something different than was intended. [...] They are focused so strongly within physical reality and physical reality is far more painful than was originally intended. [...]

It was difficult for me to remain so quiet all evening long, but since I could not send you a postcard of thanks, I thought I would thank you personally. [...]

[...] It was amusing to see such a good counterfeit image of myself (Carla C.). [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 7, 1977 Keefe resources Ms Framework renewing

(Jane had no special questions, beyond saying she hoped Seth would continue with material on Frameworks 1 and 2. She was very relaxed, and expressed qualifications about having s session; she did want to try, though.

[...] The day before Willy (One) died, his expectations were no different than they were when he was a kitten. [...]

[...] It was as real in Framework 2 as a dish or an apple. [...]

His interpretation of your dream (about my father; see my notebook) was correct.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 20, 1970 Nassair houseboys Vanessa Dennis disbelief

In the case of each individual with which you were concerned the basic problem was the same. [...] They sought their identity, therefore, in other realms of existence because they could not understand what it was in this one and so this is meant to lead you to open those gates, that you know exist, to your own inner self. [...]

(To Nadine.) Tell your friend and give her the message that was given to you. [...]

[...] Tell him also that Mr. Nassair’s friend, who was here at class, subconsciously knows that Mr. Nassair should not set up the fund at this time, but did not want to take the responsibility for saying so. [...]

[...] We will get to all of your dreams in our class sessions, this was simply a particular point I wanted to make to you. [...]

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