Results 501 to 520 of 562 for (stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
[...] In that regard, Ruburt’s response before such a session is natural, and to an extent magical, because he knows that no matter what he has been taught, he must to some degree (underlined) forget the questions and the mood that accompanies them with one level of his consciousness, in order to create the proper kind of atmosphere at another level of consciousness — an atmosphere that allows the answers to come even though they may be presented in a different way than that expected by the rational mind.
I use the word “methods” because you understand it, but actually we are speaking about an approach to life, a magical or natural approach to life that is man’s version of the animal’s natural instinctive behavior in the universe.
2. It’s true, following the enthusiasm we felt when Seth first described Frameworks 1 and 2 three years ago, that Jane and I haven’t consistently tried all that hard to draw from that overall concept the results we think we consciously want.
[...] If you constantly want them without making any conscious effort, then that involves a constant sense of stress.
[...] He considered it a practical move in the physical universe, one of the few actual changes that either of you had decided to make in all that time.
[...] It would be foolish to the extreme to stay here when you are both consciously and unconsciously waiting for the bridge to be built. [...]
[...] So he felt in an impossible situation: and quite consciously, when he allowed himself to become aware of his thoughts. [...]
[...] However, the personality is certainly not aware of their existence on a conscious level a good deal of the time.
[...] By the 60th session he had gone into some detail on 9 inner senses, 11 basic laws of the inner universe, and 3 properties of physical matter, along with the many other subjects included in the sessions. [...]
Such inner therapeutics also occur however at various levels of consciousness where they may be sparked by exterior stimuli of an esthetic or pleasing nature. [...]
“But everything in the universe exists at one time, simultaneously. The first words ever spoken still ring through the universe, and in your terms, the last words ever spoken have already been said, for there is no beginning. [...]
[...] First Seth gave a page or so of impressions, names, initials, events, and so forth, that he said he “derived from a certain portion of the girl’s consciousness—disjointed memories, thoughts, and ideas.
[...] “Now, when your ordinary, waking, conscious mind is lulled in the sleep state, you travel in other dimensions. [...]
[...] You teach yourself the lesson until you have learned it; then you begin to learn how to handle the consciousness that is yours, intelligently and well. [...]
[...] We estimate, then, that in a slightly altered state of consciousness Jane gave impressions for something like nine hours out of the actual ten and a half involved.
(I asked Jane to write a paragraph about the predominant mode of consciousness she’d experienced during the long session, and here’s what she produced:)
[...] I enjoy this particular ‘alteration of consciousness,’ although I don’t really recognize it as alien to my regular one; it’s just different. [...]
Earth experience, even in your terms, is far more varied than you ever consciously imagine. [...]
[...] Seth talked a good deal on the cooperation of all living things in maintaining our universe, and of how it’s so very wrong for civilized human beings to kill. [...]
[...] [I have always had it since I can consciously remember.] When I remarked that my father had got rid of his hay fever, Seth said he gave it to me. [...]
[...] This led also into a discussion of the consciousness of each atom and molecule, etc., and our agreement telepathically on such things as the placement of objects in space. [...]
[...] At one point Seth asked Bill to not say so much when he answered a question, because this led Ruburt to start to actively and consciously consider the material and to make his own interpretations, which could be distorted. [...]
(A note: Jane spent a large part of her working time today rereading her manuscript, The Physical Universe as Idea Construction, and writing new material related to it. [...]
You with your conscious mind are to discriminate among those thoughts as to which ones you want to form into your system of beliefs (intently), but in so doing you are not to pretend blindness. [...]
Some people are afraid of snakes, even of the most harmless variety, and blind to their beauty and place in the universe. [...]
He has learned much however since our last session, and you can see that it was much better that we allowed the distortions to come through in our first test, since it allowed him to learn more about the simultaneous existence of our consciousnesses during a session.
[...] She had the feeling Seth wanted to say it was rock; the other day Jane had the conscious impression that it was tin or galvanized metal, of the sort Bill Gallagher uses in fashioning some of his modern sculpture.
It dwells in the physical universe, but it can indeed also perceive and appreciate other realities. [...]
It is most helpful however that at least now Ruburt can definitely differentiate between our two consciousnesses; or at least he is learning to do so.
[...] These moments are not necessarily conscious at all, and the choices are not necessarily conscious, though often they rise to consciousness. [...]
Having created them because of your abilities, you then perceived them as objectified apparitions in physical reality, when Ruburt immediately made the conscious comparison, and resolved that you should never end up looking like them … or filled with the bitterness that was written in their faces. The conscious notice, therefore, was all you knew of the deep unconscious creative endeavor and psychological mechanism that brought them into existence.
[...] I was really disappointed, but shook my consciousness to set it back to daily things, and with only a moment of reorientation attended to my guests.
[...] As your dreams bleed into your normal conscious life, so do they bleed into other probabilities. [...]
[...] Jane and I were quite conscious of the prediction Sunday because we had to be traveling. [...]
[...] The dreaming self is to some considerable degree conscious of the self which we shall here term the probable self. [...]
[...] Were it not for the experience of this probable self and for the information which it gives, via the dreaming self to the subconscious, then it would be most difficult for the ego to come to any kind of a decision within the physical universe.
It will often not be recognized for what it is, however, for there will be no evidence in the physical universe to back up its statements. [...]
[...] This does not apply only to the reality of human personality, but to that basic inner and smallest unit, individual prime consciousness that is at the core of any psychic gestalt. That is, the smallest unit of individual consciousness which finds physical fulfillment in the formation of matter.
In all cases, however, such situations instantly bring to mind questions of man’s own reality and source, his connections with God, his planet, and the universe. [...]
Quality-depth is therefore the perspective in which all psychic actions occur, all ideas and universes expand. [...]
Quality-depth, as you probably guessed, can be added to our rules or principles of the inner universe. [...]
Too-conscious an attempt will not help, but this material should help. [...]
[...] As you know, wishes and desires also influence those actions which will be perceived by you as actual events in the physical universe. [...]
[...] Dr. Instream feels that something has been misrepresented to him professionally, I believe, on the part of the university or in connection with his work there. [...]
[...] He was subconsciously but never consciously aware that next month marked the time of his grandfather’s death, and subconsciously he knew his grandfather’s age at death.
[...] Sometimes waking consciousness will vaguely be aware of the motions, and because they are expected to bring discomfort, they do.
[...] The beginning of our sessions represents to you your own version of hearing the voice of God, in that you felt that it was the first time in your life that in whatever guise, some portion of the universe “had a message for you”—or that you were in contact with anything beyond the ordinary, that at least held hopes for a glimpse of any real knowledge beyond the known.
In the time those fears originated, he shared the belief framework of Christianity, so that he believed that outside of that framework there could indeed be nothing but chaos, or the conventional atheism of science, in which the universe was at the mercy of meaningless mechanistic laws—laws, however, that operated without logic, but more importantly laws that operated without feeling. [...]
The dream representing his grandfather symbolically allowed him to go back to the past in this life, to a time of severe shock—his grandfather’s death—which occurred when he was beginning to substitute scientific belief for religious belief, wondering if his grandfather’s consciousness then fell back into a mindless state of being, into chaos, as science would certainly seem to suggest. [...]