Results 21 to 40 of 365 for stemmed:unit

TES4 Session 163 June 21, 1965 impeding action crosscurrents flow jazz

[...] The ego, on its own as a separate unit, does not have such data, although since it is after all a portion of the whole self, it does have such information available. But when it acts as a unit it does not use such information.

For all actions merge one into the other, and none are truly independent; and all units merge one into the other, and all boundaries shift, and are arbitrarily chosen. Boundaries are the results of the limitations of perception, for a unit seems to end where perception of it ceases.

[...] Until the energy, once again, becomes disentangled, action will therefore flow also in the crosscurrents, and the main trunk of energy that gives overall integrity and identity to any given unit could therefore be severely threatened.

TES9 Session 509 November 24, 1969 Jung ee unconscious ego inner

[...] I am going to tie in this material with our discussion on what you call our EE units (electromagnetic), as there is a very close connection. [...]

[...] It is the inner self, termed here the inner ego, that organizes, initiates, projects, controls the EE units of which we have been speaking lately, transforming energy into objects, into matter.

[...] It constantly translates the components of its gestalt into reality, either physical reality through the EE units I have mentioned, or into other realities equally as valid.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 17, 1983 denture pretty shoulders subdued Sharon

[...] (Pause.) So is your own world formed by units of consciousness. Its natural elements are the glistening remnants of other units of consciousness that you do not perceive. [...]

[...] I’d made a note of it, and asked that Seth comment if we had a session yesterday: “Units of consciousness also form other kinds of matter that you do not perceive.” [...]

(Pause.) Units of consciousness do help form different kinds of physical realities—as indeed Ruburt has himself hinted in some of his poetry. [...]

TES8 Session 348 June 21, 1967 Australia interchanges California sunbathing Chula

In a strange manner she holds the family together, simply because they unite so strongly against her. Without this they would be less united. [...] The father actually is not the uniting principle here, but the feeling against the mother, at this time.

DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 941, February 8, 1982 nuclear Iran tmi reactor Russia

[...] The reactor for Unit No. [...] In February, again, company officials revealed the discovery of extensive corrosion in the bundles of small-diameter tubes in the two steam generators powered by Unit No. 1, which will delay any restarting of the unit for another six months to a year. [...]

Man’s focus is equally limited in perception theory, which is a deadly psychological game played by the United States and Russia. [...] Perception theory rests upon the assumptions of large groups of people in the two countries, including many of their leaders, and by the political rulers of many other nations, that it is vital for the United States and Russia to possess numerically balanced arsenals of nuclear weapons. [...] Indeed, military leaders in the United States, and evidently in Russia, concur in playing out the illusion of perception theory for their own psychological and political purposes.

It’s quite clear, of course, that the nations of the West, including that “Great Satan,” the United States, are, with Japan, keeping the fanatical Iranian mullahs (Moslem religious teachers) in power, so that their country will not be taken over by the Tudeh, Iran’s Communist Party; that most unwelcome development could place Iran under Russian domination. [...] The United States doesn’t want either Iran or Iraq to win their war. [...]

TES3 Session 108 November 18, 1964 inwardness fruit Sonja November universe

The unified units, then stronger, began again the process of joining with other such units through attraction. Some such units closed their boundaries and therefore captured, so to speak, no other psychic inwardness, but were content at this stage; and they became self-contained, relatively changeless physical units.

These units however, while not adding any more matter to themselves and being self-contained, could and did become units that were used as building blocks by other units which continued, not yet completed. And here the self-completed building block units, while not expanding within themselves, still became part of more complicated gestalts.

[...] In the beginnings within your universe psychic characteristics grouped into units of attraction, so that mental enclosures were formed that could be compared to the smallest physical particle.

SS Part One: Chapter 5: Session 525, April 22, 1970 coordinate emanations Coast Utah revamping

The intensity is the core about which the electromagnetic energy units form. [...]

Now, this is not to be a technical book, so this is not the time nor place to discuss thoroughly the action, behavior or effects of these coordinate points; nor of the electromagnetic energy units — those natural emanations of consciousness of which I spoke. [...]

[...] This includes cellular consciousness as well, so that an invisible network of electromagnetic units pervades your entire atmosphere; and upon this webwork and from it, the particles of physical matter are then formed.

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 894, January 9, 1980 creatures scheme body self sensations

[...] The body was lovingly formed from EE units through all the stages to atoms, cells, organs, and so forth. The body’s pattern came from the inner self, as all of the units of consciousness involved in this venture together formed this fabric of environment and creatures, each suited to the other.

[...] First of all you had the inner self, the creative dreaming self—composed, again, of units of consciousness, awareized energy that forms your identity, and that formed the identities of the earliest earth inhabitants. [...]

At that level environment, creatures, and the elements of the natural world are all united—a point we will return to quite often. [...]

TSM Appendix: Session 452, December 2, 1968 destruction planet planetary violence system

The sessions on the electromagnetic units that lie just beneath the range of matter have begun just now as I finish this book. Scientists have long wondered what physical matter “disappeared into,” and Seth’s EE units may well be the answer.

[...] There are different kinds of creativity, then, that must be learned, and a specialization in energy’s focus and feelings that emerges—elemental energy becoming conscious of itself and aware of issues that did not exist for it “earlier;” millions of molecules momentarily united with living consciousness, filled with primal energy, now learning love and forming highly sensitive psychic patterns; electrical charges that now form emotions instead of clouds; the innocent chaos of undifferentiated personality that exists behind the highly specified and truly sophisticated mechanism of one thought. [...]

(“Do you mean roentgens?” I meant here the international unit of X rays.)

TES3 Session 112 December 2, 1964 tree field reflections stationary mental

[...] In much the same manner as these atoms behaved, so also do other units behave, including large ones such as various field universes. [...] There is however a resistance about or around such units, large or small; and it is this resistance through which a mental action must appear, and within which the characteristics or camouflages of the units operate.

If you recall, when we spoke of the development of conscious individualized energy within your field, we spoke of units collecting material about themselves, and at various points becoming more or less closed systems, accumulating within themselves a more or less stable reserve.

TES3 Session 133 February 17, 1965 frog seat burned electrical pond

[...] It is arbitrary; that is, from your viewpoint you arbitrarily choose certain portions of reality and call them units, marking them off. [...]

It makes no difference to the frog, to the nature of the frog, and it changes no smallest cell within him, if you choose to enclose what you call him, as an idea unit called frog, or whether you consider instead the complete picture. [...]

[...] But the idea, ego, is in itself an arbitrary unit chosen for particular reasons. [...]

TPS1 Session 267 (Deleted Portion) June 13, 1966 expansion outdoors balance disturbances riotous

In some ways you see you must both operate as a closed unit against the world, but you must also operate as an open unit, receptive to the world. [...]

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 868, July 25, 1979 competition Idealist ideal worthy unworthy

[...] Value fulfillment is a psychological and physical propensity that exists in each unit of consciousness, propelling it toward its own greatest fulfillment in such a way that its individual fulfillment also adds to the best possible development on the part of each other such unit of consciousness. [...] It operates above as well, but I am here concerned with the cooperative nature with which value fulfillment endows all units of consciousness within your physical world.

UR1 Section 2: Session 688 March 6, 1974 cu dolphins holes cell neurological

The CU’s, or units of consciousness,l are literally in every place and time at once. [...] They act as individuals, and yet each carries within it a knowledge of all other kinds of activity that is happening in any other given unit or group of units.

Coming together, the units actually form the systems of reality in which they have their experience. [...]

The EE units mentioned earlier5 represent the stage of emergence, the threshold point that practically activates the CU’s, in your terms. [...]

NotP Chapter 9: Session 789, September 27, 1976 predream events ee undecipherable rocket

(Pause at 10:56.) The EE units which I have mentioned in other material are important because they exist in an electromagnetic sphere of activity, and they trigger certain responses in the brain and nervous system. Events themselves involve a steady condition of highly related fields of activity, however, that exist between the EE units, so to speak.

[...] In a way, the EE units occur on the furthest reaches of this activity. If an event were a physical craft such as a spaceship, the EE units would allow it to land in your world, but would not be the original propellants. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 725 December 11, 1974 strands identity mountain invaded rocks

[...] It is a unit of consciousness ever itself and inviolate while still free to form other organizations, enter other combinations in which all other units also decide to play a part. [...]

5. Seth meant his CU’s, or basic units of consciousness, of course, which he discussed in sessions 682–84 in Volume 1. See the 682nd session after 9:47: “These units can indeed appear in several places at once….”

[...] That [kind of] consciousness unites all physical matter.

TPS5 Notes for Session 844 (Deleted) April 1, 1979 Island Mile meltdown radioactive Jonestown

[...] It seems that through a combination of mechanical failures and human error, unit 2, one of the plant’s two nuclear reactors, overheated and discharged radioactive water into the river, and began releasing small amounts of radioactive gasses into the atmosphere. [The entire plant is idle, since unit 1 had already been shut down for refueling.] By now the situation is much more serious, however: There’s a chance of a catastrophic “meltdown” of the uranium fuel rods in the damaged reactor’s core—the worst possible accident that can occur in such circumstances, short of an explosion, and a kind that proponents of nuclear power have long maintained “almost certainly cannot happen.” [...]

TPS1 Session 369 (Deleted) October 4, 1967 conscientious overly spontaneous self deeply

The church at that point united the personality however, both parts of the personality agreeing on the definition of good. [...] Now a whole new uniting principle has been realized by the spontaneous self, but little attempt was made to enlarge the definitions of good on the part of the overly conscientious self.

[...] Writing had always united the personality. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 893, January 7, 1980 dreamers language ancient cooperation ancestors

[...] That is given—the gift of life brings along with it the actualization of that cooperation, for the body’s parts exist as a unit because of inner relationships of a cooperative nature; and those exist at your birth (most emphatically), when you are innocent of any cultural beliefs that may be to the contrary.

(Pause.) In a fashion those ancient dreamers, through their immense creativity, dreamed all of life’s creatures in all of their pasts, presents, and futures—that is, their dreams opened up the doors of space and time to entities that otherwise would not have been released into actualization, even as, for example, the units of consciousness were once released from the mind of All That Is.

[...] But in terms of your world the units of consciousness, acting both as forces and as psychological entities of massive power, planted the seeds of your world in a dimension of imaginative power that gave birth to physical form. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: July 31, 1984 custard yolk Frank Trenton quavering

[...] Hidden within the sessions there is the splendid vitality of Father Trenton, his (Jane’s) mother, his neighbors and teachers — but beyond that the sessions connect and unite the annals of existence as he has experienced them, so that in speaking with my voice, and for me (quavering), he expresses the blessed vitality and acknowledgments of the universe, as even through the sessions the sweet universe acknowledges his own presence and being. [...]

(4:10.) To one extent or another, Ruburt then speaks in the sessions for all peoples, for the united psyches that overflow with thoughts and feelings that are registered by the wind, giving voice to the private, intimate, yet connected lives of men and women throughout the centuries — so that many people, listening to or reading the sessions, hear their own inner voices also, and feel the contours of their own natures, and universal nature as well.

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