Results 601 to 620 of 1864 for stemmed:time
[...] She also experienced the pyramid effect at this time but didn’t tell us until break.
[...] Eyes open at times after session underway.
[...] The entity had its beginning before the emergence of your time.
[...] Their material and messages will always be basically the same, though the circumstances and times and places of their communications may be colored accordingly.
[...] As usual the voice was high and thin, very clear but distant, and with many pauses at times. [...]
This is in connection with the lectures you are being given having to do with time and identity. [...]
[...] The numbers on the other side of zero, the minus numbers, represent identity in that time of relative nonbeing. [...]
For this reason your ideas of time and identity remain limited. [...]
[...] I will also continue with your fifth dimension material, add much to the time discussion, and go into some elements of existence on other planes that are different from your own. This will all take time and we have plenty of time, so there is no difficulty there.
[...] Time had passed very rapidly, it seemed, and we suspected time fore-shortening on Seth’s part. [...]
[...] At times during a session her hands feel heavier and waterlogged, the fingers fatter, the palms thicker, so that when she makes a fist her hand has a different feel to her than ordinarily.
If you use psychological time in the manner which I described, you will find that I have given you a time gift, in that you will receive great refreshment and relaxation in a short period of clock time. [...]
Ruburt has been complaining with loud inner wails because he has been sleeping later in the mornings, and hasn’t put in his full work time this week. [...] How could you be spending the same amount of time any more profitably? [...]
[...] I announced the time aloud, we made a few comments on how the session was going, then Jane shut off the recorder. [...] When Jane felt Seth coming on again, she turned on the recorder, I announced the time, and Jane began to dictate once more. [...]
[...] At times she felt this way subjectively about Seth taking over her voice, though outwardly during this session there had been little change. When Jane began dictating again, for the first time her voice became somewhat louder and heavier. [...]
[...] I described how Del had driven us around the town and country there in his old pickup truck, and how for a time he and I had become separated from Jane. I’d also spent time wandering around alone up there, but Jane and I were eventually reunited safe and sound. [...]
[...] Then the supervisor of therapy there, Wendy, got to see Jane’s buttocks for the first time in a long while. [...]
[...] To a large extent the young species relied on dreams to teach them all they needed to know, just as in your time people rely on schools instead. [...]
(Pause at 10:23.) All of the elements of physical experience at any given time are present in the dream state. Practically speaking, however, the species accepts certain portions of dream reality as its so-called real events at any particular time, and about those specialized events it forms its “current” civilizations. [...] The psychic and biological mechanisms were there, permitting the species to know, particularly in time of stress or danger, what normally unperceived events might threaten survival. [...]
There, events are not dependent upon time. You, on the other hand, must work with the time version of events. [...] This proper placement is quite dependent upon an inner knowledge of probable future events, and your present time would be an impossible achievement were it not for this unconscious knowledge of the “future.”
[...] Your physical universe and laws give you little evidence of this kind of activity, for at that level the evidence shows you the appearance of time or decay. [...]
[...] Since your activities physically must be fitted into a space-time framework, only a minimum of those probable events will physically occur.
[...] In all the terms of common sense, of course our body is composed of organs—heart, liver, and so forth, and I mention them at times. [...]
[...] There have been articles (in the newspapers) about people dying of broken hearts after long periods of time, when hearts were simply regarded as mechanical pumps. [...]
[...] To a certain extent that system, while it has its advantages, is also limited and differently slanted in certain directions that can at least at times mitigate against the body’s health and well-being.
Now this is a necessity: the Psycho-Cybernetics for at least fifteen minutes, no more than a half hour, in which time he allows his imagination full imaginative play, positive play, where he is writing well, enjoying his body, where his pursuits are succeeding. He does very well at this, but during this time have him concentrate on the imagination, and not give conscious suggestions to himself for he then becomes too heavy-handed.
[...] A period of time where the issue is uncertain on both the part of your present landlord and your prospective buyer. (Florence Halliday, who was once an ESP student of Jane’s.) This, again because of the psychic conditions involved, is highly plastic. [...] She is stronger because of this desire at this time.
[...] I suggest the following: that he worked at his writing certainly no less than four hours a day, preferably five; and that a portion of this time be given to poetry.
At times, the ego can hold you in a tight vice, which the dissociation breaks. [...] This is why I suggested the exercises at this time.
[...] This time, we decided not to have any “format” or particular plans but to leave ourselves open to whatever might happen. [...]
[...] On the other hand, it may be less than trustworthy at times, simply because their achievement level is not high. [...]
[...] For a certain amount of time, according to your condition, they automatically create the patterns of fear that belong to the ego.
Precisely at this time however the individual is told to beware of any such straying, and to consider that kind of behavior a symptom of mental deterioration. [...] They fear that their very age, or existence in time, has betrayed them. They see themselves as leftovers, dim vestiges of better selves, and in their own system of value judgment they condemn themselves through the very fact of their continued existence in time. [...]
[...] With the current concepts held by your society, men and women fear old age from the time of youth. If young adulthood is considered the epitome of life, blessedness, and success, then old age is viewed as the opposite — a time of failure and decay.
[...] To them are assigned creative musical abilities, for example, but for a long time these were “underground” activities: They gave birth to acceptable musical productions but were not admitted themselves into the concert halls of the respectable nation.
Nations, like individuals, can have split personalities at times. [...]
To whatever extent, each of you in your way grew up in the belief system of your times. [...] These said that you ate at certain times, slept at certain times, followed certain patterns because these were important. [...]
[...] You also turned them off to some extent because you did not want to take the time to write them down. This was because you worried about “Unknown” Reality, and time required.
(Seth mentioned Powers of Mind here, I think, because I got mad just before the session when I found a full-page ad for it in yesterday’s [Sunday’s] New York Times Book Section. [...]
(1. Was there any connection between Jane’s Cézanne, and the New York City Cézanne show appearing at practically the same time? [...] Both projects had been underway for a long time before surfacing to the public. [...]
The timing of such events is outside of your time, but the results appear within it. [...]
(2. Did Cézanne “himself” have any sense of awareness, or of completion, connected with Jane’s book and the New York City show happening at the same time? [...]
[...] Frank Longwell cited a case whereby his brother Waldo obtained encouraging answers to a set of business problems that had been bugging the Longwells for some time. [...]
[...] The reasons for such a lopsided focus have been discussed at various times in my works. [...] Only in dreams in your time, in your society, is the male free to cry unabashedly, to admit any kind of dependency, and only at certain occasions and usually in relative privacy is he allowed to express feelings of love.
(11:05.) In play, children adopt certain rules and conditions “for a time.” The child can stop at any time. [...]
[...] Instead, you draw upon what has gone before: the experiences of your ancestors, back — in your terms now — through time immemorial.
Children’s dreams activate inner psychological mechanisms, and at a time when their age makes extensive physical knowledge of their world impossible. [...]
Time, your time, is required again.
[...] (Pause; well over one minute long.) Your time is required… These communications change me as they change you, for they are action on both of our parts. [...]
[...] There is much regarding the nature of time that I have not given you yet, and it will make this more understandable.
Even so poor a small fish as I, am not bound by your time, and can be quite aware of what would seem to be future branches and developments that will intimately concern my own identity.
[...] The important point is, that that area was the one area in which you did not use those abilities—nor should either of you spend time bemoaning what has happened, or dwelling upon “what people can do to themselves.” This is not only waste of time, but it adversely affects your creativity, and that frame of mind will never generate solutions, but only further difficulties in any area (emphatically).
[...] There is an overall picture you cannot see, in which you form your lives together, so that at one time you act, for example, as a unit, and on other occasions or times one acts out certain of your joint beliefs, while the other acts out another one.
[...] Then—underlined three times—you will find it easy also, amazingly easy, to find some format for seeing others—I imagine small groups, sometimes of professionals, at comfortable periods of time throughout a year. [...]
[...] Her legs and ankles still felt “itchy,” as described before, and at times she had similar feelings throughout the body. [...]
Children then apply their imaginations more vividly, and even utilize all of their senses at certain times, to follow or reinforce those pictures that imagination paints. There are indeed many kinds of reality, many versions, and it is some time before human beings learn to focus into one particular package of reality.
(Jane felt with some emotion — she refused to think about it — that she’s embarked on some project involving her entity at this later time in her life. [...]
(Several times this afternoon Jane told me that she’d picked up Seth’s title for the next chapter of his book. [...]
There are times when windows “appear in the heavens,” when it is easy for you to get, say, to the moon in a spaceship—and so, again from your viewpoint, there are better times for psychological windows to open, and psychic pathways. [...]
I have heard each of you say, at one time or another, that you did not know if you would do it over again—if you knew that Ruburt would have developed his physical difficulties. [...]
There are certain “auspicious” times, in your terms, for such intersections.
Now he tried two or three times lately to get you out of your body, but you did not respond. [...]