Results 81 to 100 of 1864 for stemmed:time

TES9 Session 441 October 9, 1968 mythlin male proportionately Zeno Pitre

Now our sessions take little time. If they took twice the time you would still be very well off for what you get out of them. The recording of them does take time, and over this I personally have no control. [...] The typing does take time from your own work.

Now he has been ten or so minutes late at session time, and the reason I should think is fairly obvious. It was also the reason why he suggested beginning a session earlier (this evening at supper time), though he did not know this; and in any case what he suggested, on regular terms, was not really what he wanted.

You need time to do your own work, but it is also true that the intuitions and emotions that spark your own work are not dependent on time, and exist quite apart from it.

TES6 Session 246 March 30, 1966 pointer Wyoming Jimmy young Marilyn

Generally, for the first time, you and Ruburt are bringing the world of books to these people, the young people, for the first time. [...] You have completely changed and broadened their conception of what adults are like, at a time when they found no mutual correspondence with the adults that they had known.

I am still waiting for the day when you become aware of your own dreams while you are awake, and conscious at the same time, fully, of your physical environment, and able to operate normally at the same time in the physical universe.

[...] At the time we did not have enough background material to see how this would be possible. We now believe it possible, and the closing paragraph above struck a chord within me; I think the very passive state I achieve at times after doing hatha yoga might signal a beginning here.

UR2 Section 6: Session 727 January 6, 1975 mountain geologist tree future rock

[...] Geologists can tell when, in terms of time, certain sedimentary deposits formed. The rocks themselves still exist in the geologists’ present time, or they could not make such an examination. [...]

[...] The cells are imprinted with physical information in terms of space and time,3 but those data came from a reality in which space and time are formed.

[...] There is only so much that I can say, since I am using a verbal language that in itself makes a tyrant of time. [...] This in itself annihilates your stereotyped concepts and releases you from time’s dictatorship. [...]

TES5 Session 227 January 26, 1966 event poems January perceive Willy

(This is the first time in many sessions that Willy has paid any attention to Jane during a session. [...] At times he would attempt to entangle himself in Jane’s legs as she paced about the room while speaking for Seth. At other times he seemed to exhibit plain panic, running to hide just before session time. [...]

Since your physical time operates as it does, the physical organism does not have time within its own framework to experience any more than one probable event. [...]

The ego must choose one of all these because of its physical time limitations. [...] It can pursue and experience all of these alternate events, and it can do so in the same amount of physical time that it takes for the ego to experience event X alone.

TES2 Session 47 April 24, 1964 Roarck Jim esthetic a.s.p.r office

[...] Because I was using the word light for the first time in these experiments, [with a rather ill-defined idea of levitation in mind, after Jane’s attempts], I also told myself I was not afraid. I repeated these few words a few times, but do not believe I put myself in any kind of a trance, although at the time I took the precaution of reminding myself I could snap out of it any time I wanted to.

(At the time I noticed my hand phenomena, our cat Willy began to [...] At the same time, Jane said that she thought she felt Seth stirring about, since all of us had talked about him constantly for some time now. [...]

[...] He was in almost all cases an esthetic personality, four times a woman; two of these times a priestess, and once as a nun in the Middle Ages. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 721 November 25, 1974 king Roman counterparts soldier Jamaica

[...] Again, there will be no place where time will stop. The time in a dream does not “displace” physical time. [...] Exterior time, again, operates in the same fashion, though you do not realize it.

The king, for example, may be at one time the symbol of great inner wealth. [...] He might at another time appear as a dictator, cruel and overbearing, where he would represent an entirely different framework of feeling and belief He might show himself as a young monarch, signaling a belief that “youth is king.” At various times in history the same image has been used quite differently. [...]

The black man is somewhere a white man or woman in your time. [...] The primitive is somewhere sophisticated — and, in your terms, somewhere on the face of the same earth in your general time. The murderer is somewhere the victim, and the other way around — and again, in your terms of space and time.

TES1 Session 17 January 20, 1964 Malba Joseph tool semiplane midplane

[...] This is the key to physical problems that have arisen, and if you recall they bothered you in different form in different places from the time, and even before the time, that you took art up seriously.

To be afraid of the shortage of time is to hoard it. [...] But to respect time is not to hoard it, but to let each moment enlarge so that it becomes more than a moment, and only the strong freedom of your subconscious drives can achieve this.

Nevertheless the two of you interact, and because Ruburt is strongly intuitional at times he is a help to you. And at other times Ruburt senses your state of mind even before it materializes, and this sends Ruburt into an overanxious state which is not beneficial to either of you.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 5, 1984 funeral breakfast eating chucks uneven

(4:24 p.m. “I had to stop several times because of bladder spasms,” Jane said, which helped account for her uneven delivery. She said that at the same time she’d felt panicky a couple of times, and she’d had a very catchy, well-known tune running through her head. [...]

[...] I told John that he really did look peaceful, as at no other time in his life. [...] I told John I expected to attend the service tomorrow at the funeral home, that I was willing to be an honorary pallbearer, providing the times worked out. [...]

[...] Jane cried at times, but not excessively. [...]

TES2 Session 43 April 13, 1964 camouflage transportation space disentanglement expansion

[...] Consider again Ruburt in one room with his eyes closed, “seeing” the time by a clock in the other room. [...] He was concerned with a camouflage idea, that of time, and clock time at that, the clock itself being a camouflage. [...]

[...] It is very difficult on your level to do without any camouflage, and yet it can be done; and here again the use of psychological time is extremely important, since when psychological time is utilized to its fullest extent, then camouflage becomes lessened to an almost astounding degree.

[...] Most realities have their growth and existence in something closely akin to what we have called psychological time, and this is completely independent of space as you conceive it to be. Psychological time is a sort of climate or environment conducive to the existence of all consciousness.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 10, 1982 Hal wildlife infection elbow medical

[...] I finished just in time to eat a bite of lunch before Rusty and Hal returned. [...] They were very effective—so much so that I could have easily fallen asleep; the relaxation I achieved reminded me of the chiropractic treatments I’d had years ago, or of the self-hypnosis effects I used to get any time I had a dental appointment. [...]

(After Rusty and Hal left we napped, changed dressings, etc., and before we knew it I was hurrying to get supper and do other chores so that we’d have time for a session. [...]

[...] She said she was doing the same thing she did last night before that session: getting scared, lapsing, while at the same time she tried to get comfortable on her backside. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 13, 1981 wholeheartedly restrictions motivation tube recognition

Each person experiences time differently. It is not simply that for some time seems to go faster or slower than for others, but that time is used in different fashions according to the value fulfillment issues with which each individual is concerned and with those of the species as well. [...]

(Jane’s reported what seems to be a general improvement in relaxation since we began using the DMSO a couple of times a day. [...] This feeling is mostly pleasant, she said, as if she’s been holding it tense for some time. [...]

[...] Often such a desire comes naturally and passes naturally several times in a lifetime. [...] The person recognizes the restrictions and changes his or her ways accordingly, opening the doorway not into death but to further life and action in this space and time. [...]

TES5 Session 221 January 10, 1966 test coat Ann momentum Diebler

[...] An inverted time system actually presents us with a system that more closely approximates the true nature of time. Time does indeed turn in upon itself, even as it explodes outward from itself. The expanding universe theory applies much more truly to time than it does to the physical universe. [...]

[...] For if time speeds ahead, my dear friends, or if you say that times speed ahead, which is an entirely different thing, then you must say also that it speeds backwards. For this energy moves in all directions from its core, and the core at times becomes its outer surface.

In an inverted time system the momentum is recognized and it is also taken advantage of, in that it is utilized by individual consciousness, so that your so-called present, past and future can be viewed as existing in a spacious now. Again, this sort of a system is very close to the true nature of time.

TES8 Session 381 November 24, 1967 table Carl pressure floor Claire

[...] I cannot recall whether pressure was apparent at such times. I am tempted to say that it probably was not as strongly present as at other times when we frankly requested pressure in order to experience it. At just about all times one or more of us was talking to the table, exhorting it to go on, to better its performance, in most positive tones.

(Several times during the evening Carl and I had to use considerable pressure to get the raised third leg of the table back down to the floor. The effect appeared so often that all four of us had ample time to feel it—as noted before, to me this force reminds me strongly of two magnets repelling each other—something invisible yet most palpable, and when things are going well, easily demonstrable.

(Carl, being big and strong, could hold the table as he did, with but one hand, the arm extended straight out, for some little time. At the same time we requested levitation. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, November 25, 1969 Brad Rachel relationship Amelia overextending

[...] And at the present time you are not willing to give that much attention to these other portions of your personality that you recognize do exist. And you have recognized your own gifts for some time. [...] You are afraid for example that in psychological time—granted you find the physical time for it—you will take needed energy away from your physical pursuits. [...]

[...] Now your sleeping self is awake all of the time—you dream all of the time. [...]

There is a friend of yours who does not have too much time here. Now I am speaking comparatively and am not giving you times and dates. [...]

TES1 Session 34 March 11, 1964 fluent outer camouflage plane error

And this is also an example of an instance where Ruburt would have blocked me, but this time he did not. My good afternoon instantly confused him since he was well aware of the time. [...]

The use of certain drugs has been experimented with at various times through the ages, but these provide merely an undisciplined, intriguing glimpse into what is possible; and for some time in your future they will not be either practical or in the main beneficial, for reasons that I shall go into after you take your break.

[...] It is true that focusing upon the inner reality at times requires a temporary lessening of outer focus, and this would sometimes give the appearance of letting go, but the inner concentration requires discipline and intent. It is quite possible to let the inner and the outer senses operate at the same time. [...]

TES1 Introduction board pointer obtained parentheses onehanded

[...] We now seem able to clear up any such discrepancies by referring back to them, if we choose to, and have done so a few times. But here again time is a factor. As Seth has often said, the material will furnish its own evidence, more and more emphatically as time goes on.

[...] At times my onehanded approach slowed up the pointer’s transmission, but if I touched my right hand to it, it picked up speed. At times it moved very fast. [...]

[...] For a time we needed the board to open and close the sessions, but now we do not require it at all. [...]

TES7 Session 289 September 28, 1966 caffeine projection Bernard intensities emotional

You recall I have told you that the intensity of an experience, rather than its duration in time, determines its effect. [...] The experience is perceived simultaneously by the inner senses, but it will be translated in terms of physical time.

There is always a time scramble, for the inner senses deal with basic data in the spacious present. Then the data must be interpreted in the time scheme of physical existence. [...]

[...] However, because of your own basic assumptions such experiences, perceived by the inner senses, are played back in such a manner that a traveling through intensities results in a journey through time within your own dimension.

TES3 Session 115 December 16, 1964 universe storefront December Crucifixion helmets

[...] As a brief byline here, I mentioned once the Crucifixion, saying that it was an actuality and a reality, although it did not take place in your time. It took place where time is not as you know it. It took place in the same sort of time in which a dream takes place, and its reality was felt undeniably by generations, and was reacted to. [...]

[...] I have now experienced both sensations many times. [...] I was lying upon my back at the time, and this is the position I use while trying psychological time.

[...] Upon lying down I experienced my familiar thrilling sensation three separate times, the last time strongly. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 5, 1977 suggestion untalented walking careless enchanting

[...] Her head rolled, her limbs seemed to behave on their own at times. [...] I got her a sweater. The expression Jane used to describe her state was that she felt “more physically content” than she had for a long time.

[...] Yet it did contain indeed, at the time, sexual, social, and work implications, and it was carefully chosen. [...] At that time, long past, you were worried and somewhat jealous of Ruburt’s work progress. [...]

Your daily conversation over the years has carried a steady stream of suggestion, in which your time must be protected almost at any cost. [...] Moreover, Ruburt would simply not go to work, and lose writing time to support you so you could paint.

UR2 Epilogue by Robert F. Butts geese Unknown migrations flight epilogue

[...] As I type its pages for the final time, I’m back at our old Water Street apartments, and in our new “hill house” at once; I’m referring to 1975 sessions and recording Seth’s dictation on his latest book as well. Sometimes I feel like saying: “One reality at a time, please.”

[...] So along with Seth’s work, we tried to share our reality with the reader, and to provide a platform in time for knowledge that must basically straddle our ideas of time and reality alike.

Yet we think now that such extensive notes have served their purposes for Seth’s material, at least for some time, so those books-in-the-works will carry minimum notes — as they do, say, in Seth Speaks. For one thing, as I write this Epilogue, Seth has finished The Nature of the Psyche, and has already begun still another book. [...] By using simple session notes only, we can get that next book to the public in a minimum of time, and it should be published shortly after this second volume of “Unknown” Reality — perhaps within just a few months.

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