Results 41 to 60 of 771 for stemmed:system
Your own system has those characteristics only to those entirely focused within it, however. [...] You give stability and coherence to your own system. [...]
[...] Vast differences of magnetic vibrations are concerned here, and projecting it will be difficult for you to maintain the steadiness necessary to hold to the necessary vibrations to which others, inhabitants of the systems, will be more or less automatically attuned. In parenthesis—(as you are automatically attuned to the physical system). [...]
[...] Each system of reality has its own set of such agreements. When I communicate within your system, I must use and understand the root assumptions upon which it is based. As a teacher it is part of my job to understand and use these, and I have had existences in many such systems as a part of what you may call my basic training; though in your terms my associates and I had other names for them.
When I enter your system, I intrude into three-dimensional reality, and you must interpret what happens in the light of your own root assumptions. Now whether or not you realize it, each of you intrudes into other systems of reality in your dream states without the full participation of your normally conscious self. [...]
[...] Not only is the illusion of space caused by your own physical perceptive mechanisms, but it is also caused by mental patterns that you have accepted — patterns that are adopted by consciousness when it reaches a certain stage of “evolution” within your system.
Each personality has within it the ability not only to gain a new type of existence in the environment — in your case in physical reality — but to add creatively to the very quality of its own consciousness, and in so doing to work its way through the specialized system, breaking the barriers of reality as it knows it.
The point is that as something that comes and goes and passes, that brings into existence and destroys, has no such reality outside of your own system. Now your own system includes not only your physical universe as you know it, but also any personalities, living or dead in your terms, who are physically oriented.
So also are all neurobiological structures that depend upon a time system, as for example your own nervous system.
[...] The matter of time is highly important if you have any hopes of understanding the self in its entirety, or other personalities that do not operate within your system. [...]
The spacious present is much more a vivid reality to those outside of your system. [...]
For all systems, so-called time is measured with the entrance or projection of any given mental action through this resistance barrier. [...] When it passes completely through a system, then within the system it appears that the mental action has ceased to be, and again time is marked.
Time is merely the effect caused within a given system by the system itself, operating upon a mental action as the action enters within its framework.
The apparent lapse between the entry and departure points of this motion appears then as a convenient measurement within the system, that is referred to within your system as time.
[...] There will also be additional information concerning the concept of time, as the experience of time is strongly connected with the motion of mental acts, as they are projected outward from their center into the fields of various camouflage systems.
“The training will serve you for existence in a variety of interrelated systems. If the sorrows and agonies within your system were not felt as real, the lessons would not be learned. The teachers within your system are those who are in their last reincarnation, and other personalities who have left the system but have been assigned to help those still within it. [...]
[...] The nervous system reacts to the data even as it translates it. [...] The information is received and translated, as it must be, into mechanisms which the nervous system can handle and interpret. Like any perception, the information then becomes a part of the nervous system’s structure. [...]
“When you leave the physical system after reincarnations, you have learned the lessons—and you are literally no longer a member of the human race, for you elect to leave it. Only the conscious self dwells within it in any case, and other portions of your identity dwell simultaneously within other training systems. In more advanced systems, thoughts and emotions are automatically and immediately translated into action, into whatever approximation of matter there exists. [...]
“In the terms of other systems, that kind of destruction does not exist—but you believe that it does, and the agonies of the dying are sorely felt. [...] Yours is a training system for emerging consciousness. [...]
In the diagram for example, each star would represent a moment point in another system. It appears as matter within your system, from your viewpoint, and exists as matter within your system. But it exists as something entirely different, you see, within another system. You perceive but the lowest point of its reality, so I will tell you now that the various stars and planets and heavenly bodies that you observe in your universe do indeed exist as such, but only within your system.
Survival personalities exist in a system that is within the same space as your own. [...] They pass beyond that system however, even as you pass through your system into theirs, and little by little they move away from your system entirely.
[...] You form the system within which you operate. The heavenly bodies for example are moment points to other systems. They actually exist as such within your system if you could perceive them as such.
[...] These heavenly bodies represent moment points in other systems. As they are projected into your system however, they are only perceived in terms of matter.
These are reflected in the physical system, for it is geared, and naturally so, for intense action, and here he functions best. [...] When he demands less of himself and then more, and then less, the physical system, geared for steady highly-focused action, becomes confused; the glandular systems upset, and the nervous system as well.
Erratic use of high intensity energy can be disruptive to the system however, for the change of pace can be too abrupt. The system will automatically pace itself, but he must learn to demand that he himself use the energy. [...] He is a converter, his system tuned toward converting psychic energy.
[...] His system is simply equipped more than most to handle and utilize high energy intensities.
[...] There is no direct relation here to your own system at all, except of course that all systems are ultimately connected. The inverted time system results in a different sequence of experience than that with which you are acquainted.
You could just as well have tuned in, so to speak, on any one of the numberless other such systems. The individual within this particular other system, however, has a different sort of psychological makeup than your own. [...]
Such encounters do occur with what would appear to be startling frequency, when those in your system are sleeping; but they are very seldom remembered. What was however extremely unusual was that this contact was recognized as such by two inhabitants of completely different systems.
It is a system that I cannot pinpoint for you in terms of physical location within your physical universe; though this location is far beyond your own solar system, it still does not exist as a physical mass however.
[...] The other personality who speaks is on the edge of such a system. (Long pause.) The other system is the inside of the inside. [...]
In your system it seems as if you have chosen one course, one main line of probabilities, and that is the end of it. [...] Now your own system is relatively (underlined) closed, in that within it as a rule only one ego predominates, and you think of yourself as that ego.
In other systems this is not necessarily the case. The time system within them is entirely different than your own. [...]
Some of these are perceived and experienced as definite events within your own system. [...]
(9:45.) The behaviors of such units, as you can now see, form the particular camouflage within any given system, while the peripheral activities effectively set up inner identities and outer boundaries. [...] But the gradations of activity within such systems are as diverse.
Basically, however, no system is closed. [...] It is only the camouflage structure that gives the impression of closed systems, and the law of inertia does not apply. [...]
In the same way, personalities from other systems can send energy to yours. Since such events do not originate within your system, you do not understand their import.
Your light, again, represents only a portion of an even larger spectrum than that of which you know; and when your scientists study its properties, they can only investigate light as it intrudes into the three-dimensional system. [...]
It is true that basically there is no death, but this cannot be used as an excuse within your sense-system. You have created death within your system. [...]
[...] I have simply lived before within your system and on your planet. [...] Those problems which you cannot solve on a psychic and mental level, you will have to solve in the physical system.
[...] That is why the abilities within your system are still working within the systems of war. [...]
[...] Your time is valid only within your system, and it is not particularly valid within your system. [...]
[...] The body must now and then “flush its systems out,” run through its repertoire, raise its temperature (pause), activate its hormonal actions more strongly. In such ways it keeps its system of immunities clear. That system operates always. [...]
(9:01.) In certain fashions (underlined), that system also keeps the body from squandering its energies, preserving biological integrity. [...] So some indispositions “caused by viruses” are accepted by the body as welcome triggers, to clean out that system, and this applies to your present indispositions.
This afternoon Jane said she’d learned from Seth that we’d come down with those indispositions because we wanted to use our bodies’ immune systems; those structures needed the workouts, in other words. [...]
Subject: Viruses as part of the body’s overall health system, and viruses as biological statements.
In his reading he came across a statement to the effect that imaginary two-dimensional people could not comprehend a three-dimensional system. You are obviously in the physical system, and according to your terms fourth dimensional. [...] However, the dimensions of which physics speaks are, again, the result of your own point of reference, and of the system in which you are enclosed.
But there are dimensions that can never be understood by any algebra, whose basis rests upon emotional equations that can never be solved, or even approached from your system. These emotional equations however form effects that oftentimes react within your system. And your own emotional explosions appear transformed into mass within one such system.
[...] And even such a model as I carefully described could not be constructed physically within your particular system, since it contains degrees of mobility that your system has no room for.
I will say merely that when during these sessions Ruburt is open, so to speak, to other reference points both within and without your system, there is a vulnerability to other influences. He has spontaneously set up automatic resistances that block such influences, or open channels through which their effects may enter your system.
The electrical system possesses many dimensions of reality that cannot be perceived within the physical system. [...] As their physical instruments become more sophisticated they will be able to glimpse more of this reality, but since they will not be able to explain it within their known system of references, many curious and distorted explanations of reported phenomena will be given.
The electricity that is perceivable within the physical plane or field is merely a projection of a vast electrical system that you cannot perceive because of the nature and construction of the physical system itself.
Yet the inner self offers so many answers, for the inner self is a portion of each individual; and yet it operates outside of physical systems of reference. It is of itself free of all distorted effects peculiar to the physical system. [...]
[...] Electricity as you perceive it within your field, is merely an echo emanation, or a sort of shadow image of these infinite varieties of pulsations, which give reality and actuality to many phenomena with which you are familiar, but which do not appear as tangible objects within the physical system.
[...] The whole self is not bound by any system. At various times more of the abilities of the whole self intrude, so to speak, upon the ego system. [...]
[...] This is the identity, the whole identity, of the various portions of the self that operate within various systems. [...]
[...] In many cases this supraself is already, so to speak, moving into completely new systems. [...]
The same atoms and molecules that are perceived in your system as physical objects are perceived in other systems as entirely different realities. Basically the same energy that composes a system projects into other systems, and it is perceived differently. [...]
Now the spacious present obviously contains all of these systems, and these systems are all open systems, for the energy that composes them is the same. They appear to be closed systems, and we shall go more deeply into this particular matter upon another occasion.
[...] Yours is not the only system that exists within what you would call the same space as the physical universe. You simply do not perceive these other systems. It is not space or time that divides one system from another. [...]
Actions, even historic actions, within your system, have their reality you see in other systems also, though they will be perceived in quite a different manner. [...]
(Pause at 10:45.) These coordination points also serve to give your system additional sources of energy. [...] They only open however when concentrations of energy build up within your system. [...] A physical vehicle, a spaceship, for example, could never survive that kind of exit and reentry from your system.
[...] Here their energy momentarily disappears from your system, is immeasurably accelerated, however, and returned through what you might call a miniature white hole — concentrated now, and highly directed back into your system of reality.
(A note: The second law of thermodynamics tells us that while the total energy in a closed system such as our universe remains constant, the amount of energy available for useful work is constantly decreasing. [...] Seth has insisted from the very beginning of our sessions that the law of entropy doesn’t apply, and that there are no closed systems.)
[...] The acceleration and the activities within the black hole draw unbelievable proportions (I checked this word with Seth) of additional energy from other systems.
There are no real barriers to separate the systems of which I speak. [...] You exist in the midst of many other systems of reality, for example, but you do not perceive them. And even when some event intrudes from these systems into your own three-dimensional existence, you are not able to interpret it, for it is distorted by the very fact of entry.
[...] We are still alert to other quite alien systems of reality that flash on the very outskirts of consciousness as we know it. There are far more various kinds of consciousness than there are physical forms, each with its own patterns of perception, dwelling within its own camouflage system. [...]
Some systems use methods of perception that cannot be explained, since they contain nothing that is familiar to you. Within most systems death as you know it, with the meaning you attach to it, has no importance. [...]
Relying upon such external perceptions therefore, communication between members of various systems would be relatively impossible. [...]
[...] In many other systems of reality it is never adopted, for it is in many ways restrictive.
In some systems colors are used as a prime method of communication. [...]
We will take your physical system as an example. There is general and mass focus of all self-structures within that system, binding enough and cohesive enough so that the appearance of a permanent and all-pervading physical reality is maintained. [...]
[...] Some of these are of such immense intensity that they form systems (long pause, over one minute) that contain what you would call universes.
[...] But no boundaries really close a system, and within any set, any given set of coordinates, there will be others. [...]
The apparent boundaries of your own physical system therefore are composed of psychic intensities and projections that are set out by the entities who have decided to experience physical reality. [...]