Results 1 to 20 of 119 for stemmed:sun

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April 22, 1969 bacon discipline bees demand Dean

Now I ask you—how far do you think a flower would get if, in the morning, it turned its face toward the sky and said, “I demand the sun?” “And now I need rain. So I demand the rain! And I need bees to come and take my pollen. So I demand the bees!” And who would it ask for these things? And it would say, our imaginary flower, “I demand discipline! I demand therefore the sun shall shine for a certain amount of hours; the rain shall pour for a certain amount of hours; and the bees shall come—bee A, C, D, E and F—and I shall accept no other bees to come. And I demand that, furthermore, that discipline operate and that the soil shall follow my command, but I do not allow the soil any spontaneity of its own—and I do not allow the sun any spontaneity of its own—and I do not agree that the sun knows what it is doing. I demand it follow my ideas of discipline!”

You have yet to learn to be free. You are not physical matter; you are not your thoughts; you are not your emotions. You have emotions; you have thoughts; you have a physical body—but you are far more than these. Use the thoughts. Use the emotions. Let them pass through you as the clouds pass through a summer day. But a summer day is composed of far more than the sun and the clouds in the sky.

And who, I ask you, would listen? For in the miraculous spontaneity of the sun, there is a discipline that utterly escapes you—and a knowledge that is beyond any knowledge that we know. And in the spontaneous playing of the bees from flower to flower there is a discipline beyond any that you know, and the laws that follow their own knowledge—and joy that is beyond command. For the true discipline, you see, is found only in spontaneity. Spontaneity knows its own order, and in the spontaneous expression of each spirit—you find what you consider discipline—and there is no other.

TES8 Session 346 June 14, 1967 peanuts overproduction sun symptoms apricot

Your suggestion of time in the sun daily is excellent. [...] He will literally soak up affection now as he soaks up the sun, and it will have equal healing effect. [...]

[...] He has not purchased shifts because of the old picture of his mother in the sun, wearing a dress you see. [...]

[...] The water and the sun will have an overall curative effect, and your continuing overall support will add the necessary and quite vital reassurance.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 24, 1970 crossroads Derek soul Rachel flower

[...] And when a sunny day comes, the flower does not lift its idiotic head and say, “Now, this appears to be the sun. How is it that the sun keeps me alive and brings the green to my leaves and branches and makes me flower? I do not understand, and since I do not understand, therefore, I will not accept the sun and I shall stand here and deny that it exists for how do I know that I exist, much less the sun does. [...]

[...] Then you are like the flower who accepts the sunshine, and in accepting the sunshine knows far more about the reality of sun than any scientist who measures the spectrum of light without feeling. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April 8, 1969 courage Florence Lo Brad flower

[...] For the sun falls upon the stone, and the stone does not say, “Lo and behold, I am a simple stone and not worthy for the sun to fall upon me.” [...] But the sun is there and it shines upon all flowers. [...]

[...] But a flower does not feel the responsibility to bloom in the sun, it blooms because it is natural to bloom. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class—From an Earlier Session (Note: Attached to June 23, 1970 ESP Class Session.) spirituality berate sinner dance dignity

[...] The sun falls upon your face whether you think you are a sinner or a saint. [...]

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Before June 23, 1970 spirituality berate sinner dance dignity

[...] The sun falls upon your face whether you think you are a sinner or a saint. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: July 22, 1984 pussycats cookies Cupboard southern buttercups

out in the sun, where all

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 26, 1984 inbred predispositions attitudes Ronald sunny

It may sound very simplistic to tell you that you must have sunny thoughts as well as rays of the physical sun in order to be healthy — but sunny thoughts are as biologically necessary to your well-being as are the rays of the sun that shines in the sky. [...]

TES9 Session 452 December 2, 1968 destruction planet violence chaos massive

There were 9 planets once, grouped like jewels around the sun. They were evenly spaced one from the other, and they were evenly distributed outward from the sun. [...]

[...] She said she had been far-out though, and had had a vision of the planets and sun. [...]

TSM Appendix: Session 452, December 2, 1968 destruction planet planetary violence system

There were nine planets once, grouped like jewels around the sun. They were evenly spaced, one from the other, and they were evenly distributed outward from the sun. [...]

[...] She said she had been far out though and had a vision of the planets and sun.)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 21, 1969 Rochelle brandy screen invite teacher

[...] Now, when the sun shines and the rays fall from the sun down through your solar system, the sun is not consciously aware of its rays nor of the rooms that these rays may illuminate. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Tuesday, July 12 symphony woozy Frank sinuses crescendo

[...] Frank Longwell just went out back again, to finish working; the huge yellow back-hoe moves outside the kitchen window; the air suddenly turns dark; the sun disappears; an odd cast of light covers everything; stormy, evocative. [...]

TES8 Session 351 July 10, 1967 oil ma da disruption peanut

[...] If he intends decorating there, sun symbols would help.

[...] The time in the sun is also important. [...]

UR1 Appendix 8: (For Session 690) ocean climate plunge camouflage likened

[...] Your camouflage patterns can be likened to those cast by sun and shadow upon the ever-moving waves. [...]

TES9 ESP Class May 6, 1969 subconscious surface mind birthdays sow

[...] Here then is a source of power and wisdom that places you in touch with omnipotence, or the power that moves the world, guides the planets in their course, and causes the sun to shine. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 6, 1969 subconscious surface mind birthdays sow

[...] Here then is a source of power and wisdom that places you in touch with omnipotence, or the power that moves the world, guides the planets in their course, and causes the sun to shine. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session January 13, 1970 garden plants joy flower Florence

And yet, as a gardener sometimes at night walks through his garden and observes his plants—and gives added fertilizer to some—and waters others—and arranges others so that they get more sunso your own entity walks through your soul and whispers instructions. [...]

[...] Or, “I do not know what the sun is; therefore, I will not accept its rays.” [...]

TPS3 Session 798 (Deleted Portion) March 21, 1977 Prentice hip fleeting vascular company

[...] When he can sit in the sun on his porch the heat treatments should be dispensed with.

TES8 Session 347 June 19, 1967 cues recovery vacation swelling reversal

Reasonable daily exposure to the sun is physically beneficial to him, and symbolically beneficial, in the sense that the sun is light.

TES8 An Experiment June 29, 1968 Parker card Chintala mail June

(Jane was sunning herself in the backyard when the mail arrived at about 2:40 PM, and from her position could not see the mailman come or go. [...]

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