Results 1 to 20 of 23 for stemmed:strand

TPS3 Session 725 (Deleted Portion) December 11, 1974 strands library Woodstock agility habitual

To Ruburt. (Pause.) The further agility and freedom he is allowing himself psychologically and psychically is now leading him to the greater physical agility he desires. The idea of strands of consciousness is important, for he can now choose strands. He is beginning to understand that bringing greater freedom to habitual physical thought patterns forms strands of consciousness that you can then follow.

He sees this. You can simply refuse to follow one habitual strand. The strands form experience. They are carriers of pictures and images, and expectations—the threads with which you form the sparkling web of physical life.

Not dictation: all of this should help you understand your own experience involving your father—and the later one with your mother, and Ruburt’s with Teresa; for your mother was sending out strands of consciousness in the directions that interest her.

UR2 Section 5: Session 725 December 11, 1974 strands identity mountain invaded rocks

Through such strands of consciousness all of your world is related. Your own identity sends out strands of itself constantly, then. These mix psychically with other strands, as physically atoms and molecules are interchanged. [...]

[...] Or maybe he’ll talk about what I got on your mother the other day, or my strands-of-consciousness stuff for Psychic Politics.”

(Jane’s material on strands of consciousness2 had actually developed because of my experience involving my father while I was in an altered state of consciousness. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 744 April 23, 1975 strands Steffans counterparts Unknown library

(Long pause at 10:23, eyes closed.) I make recommendations now and then, and now and then you see fit to follow them … 10 Considering Ruburt’s challenges, he has done extremely well as he cleared away the debris that literally surrounds the lives of most people … In a way his progress has been dependent upon the state of his learning, so that he has been trying to stretch the abilities of normal consciousness by drawing in other “strands.”11 Yet because he was the one so involved, he had to test each strand; and in the meantime he still had his “old” consciousness, with its habits, to contend with.

6. Seth spoke of “strands of reality” here, we think, because today Jane had been going over her material on the stages of consciousness and strands of consciousness for chapters 24 and 25, respectively, of Politics.

[...] My reality is far more apparent than any apparition’s. Ruburt does well because he explores so cleverly, and keeps his strands of reality in good order.6

TPS3 Session 742 (Deleted Portion) April 23, 1975 strand debris healthwise untried feeders

In a way his progress has been dependent upon the state of his learning, so that he has been trying to stretch the abilities of normal consciousness by drawing in other “strands.” Yet because he was the one so involved, he had to test each strand, and in the meantime he still had his “old” consciousness, with its habits, to contend with.

The material Ruburt is getting from the library will help him with his health, for it will automatically put him in touch with a strand of consciousness devoted to such issues. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 726 December 16, 1974 island spirit volcano desert sand

One strand of your mother’s consciousness — that one involved with you — is intertwined with your reality because of her interest in homes.5 Another strand of hers is involved because of her interest in families — and hence with the children of your two brothers, Linden and Richard.

(1. It not only incorporates Seth’s “island” analogy, but Jane’s and his information in the last [725th] session on strands of consciousness.

UR1 Section 3: Session 699 May 22, 1974 photograph dream snapshots waking picture

Much more is involved, however, for there are “separate” strands,4 if you prefer, of consciousness that are naturally pursued in the dream state, and these can be followed with some training and diligence. [...]

4. In Appendix 4 for Session 685, Jane wrote of her attempts while in the dream state to sort out multidimensional, probable data of her own, and of how they collected for processing in sidepools of experience “before flowing into the ‘official pool of consciousness.’” Then, she added a bit later, through bypassing direct neurological activity, and using the “side pockets or pools where data are still unprocessed … you can pick up several other strands of consciousness ‘at once,’ though retention may be difficult.”

WTH Part One: Chapter 9: May 29, 1984 unmanly cross showoffs taught bravado

(Long pause.) Each person is so unique that it is obviously impossible for me to discuss all of the innumerable and complicated strands of belief that form human experience — yet I hope here, some way, to present enough “specific generalizations” so that you the reader can find many points of application as far as your own life is concerned.

NotP Chapter 10: Session 794, February 21, 1977 brain orange neural double sequences

While each person generally follows a given strand of consciousness, and identifies with it as “myself,” there are other alternate lines beneath the surface. [...]

(11:41.) These strands are like double dreams that continue. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session December 18, 1974 authority economy anonymous secrecy buy

It is difficult sometimes to untangle beliefs because you do not get hold of the proper strands.... [...]

He feels that 45, for him, is a significant age, and so it is, for there he picks up some strands of knowledge that he had, but was not free enough to use, earlier. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 909, April 21, 1980 genetic deformities doodle gifted liabilities

This private probability
isn’t half bad
when you consider
the public worlds
we had to travel
to get here:
molecules waiting
in the wings,
looking for
the precise
to leap into,
tiny strands of
after centuries,
sorting out ourselves
from a million
other forms
we’ve taken part in—
just those we wanted
to call Rob and Jane.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 833, January 31, 1979 fame mate reams destination deaths

[...] Your intent to find a mate sends out “strands of consciousness,” however, composed of desire and intent. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 6: Session 905, March 3, 1980 genes genetic chromosomes predilections program

[...] The gene is primarily made up of protein and a twisted double strand or helix of DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 830, March 27, 1978 secondarily Seven events subjective mechanics

[...] Again, your interpretations of identity teach you to focus awareness in such a way that you cannot follow the strands of consciousness that connect you with all portions of nature. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 698 May 20, 1974 dream lackadaisical semiconstruction world useless

[...] The particular string of probable actions that you call your official experience does not just dangle, then, out in space and time — it interweaves with other such strands that you do not recognize. [...]

UR1 Appendix 4: (For Session 685) sidepools neurological bypass Saratoga linear

“Using these side pockets or pools where data are still unprocessed, in our terms, you can pick up several other strands of your own consciousness ‘at once,’ though retention may be difficult. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 740 February 26, 1975 infinities infinite Millers Corio finite

[...] Nor will you understand that when one light goes out in a strand it appears somewhere else on the tree in another strand.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 15, 1981 Sinful superself dilemma breakthrough fulfillment

[...] Now we can separate those strands. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session May 1, 1975 hostile cultural gallantry codicils temperamentally

(11:02.) When you begin examining the strands of beliefs, you are working with your own experience. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 541, July 13, 1970 cycle reincarnational charcoal choose Van

[...] They will help keep all the strands of personality working at once, so to speak, and even meet again and again people they have known in other lives. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 6, 1979 foreign Crowder money Prentice Ariston

[...] I am trying to separate these strands, so bear with me. [...]

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