Results 21 to 40 of 132 for stemmed:straight

TES5 Session 236 February 28, 1966 drawing smudges tracing horizontal stickers

[...] That is, long lines that are straight, perhaps two of these, and of dark color I believe, or dark red. [...]

[...] Jane said the straight-across lettering, Key Value, is in the position of the horizontal lines she saw within. [...]

[...] That is, long lines that are straight, perhaps two of these, and of dark color, I believe, or dark red. [...]

(My drawing contains lines that are horizontal and straight. [...]

TES6 Session 248 April 4, 1966 Doug transparencies ball music Betts

[...] When you throw this ball however it does not only go outward in one straight line thusly—

[...] Now she thrust an arm straight out toward me.)

Not only are you blind beyond a certain arbitrary point, so that the straight line seems cut off and the action completed, but you are blind to all the other directions, you see, that our ball could and does take.

TES6 Session 276 August 1, 1966 Masonite lumberyard Wellsburg worker Glen

(“Straight.” [...] Lumber usually being straight as opposed to crooked.

TES7 Session 326 March 15, 1967 projection levitations remember easiest occultists

[...] Jane leaves rocker for straight chair.

TPS1 Session 525 (Deleted Portion) April 22, 1970 impulses checking warrants running blocking

[...] He checks the impulses—now, he checks the natural impulse—to throw his arms out straight away. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session June 3, 1982 cost medical St bill dollars

[...] Jane said that while I was shopping today she’d dreamed or felt herself walking around the card table—not perfectly straight, but as though testing her weight upon her legs. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session March 15, 1976 chores policy distraction refreshing agitation

[...] It would make little difference, and this applies to each of you, whether you worked 12 hours for three days straight, or whether you worked more regular hours. [...]

UR2 Appendix 20: (For Session 713) plane saucer science craft flying

This sort of experience involves a sudden psychic awareness, straight from the entity, that all boundaries are for practical purposes only. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 833, January 31, 1979 fame mate reams destination deaths

[...] You make a simple straight path in the proper direction. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 8, 1984 proclamations leg glittering tendons hurt

[...] I explained, and she seemed to get it straight. [...]

TES3 Session 113 December 7, 1964 December duration Christmas lighter gaunt

[...] In actuality they lay straight on the bed.

UR2 Section 4: Session 712 October 16, 1974 planet beam space clusters speeds

[...] When he did so, Ruburt mentally saw a long “heavy” beam extending straight to the west from a point between his eyes. [...]

7. Of the books on astronomy that I’ve read (and I’m way short of scanning any great number of them, obviously), only one contains a brief mention of a similar notion in connection with space travel — that is, journeying almost instantaneously in a straight line between planets instead of following the relativistic curve of space. [...]

[...] She felt the transmission go out from her forehead in a straight line toward its destination. [...]

TES9 Session 431 August 26, 1968 number row unit shafts behind

[...] “I’m going along in a straight line, and then boom, it’s gone, and I start coming down.”

TPS4 Deleted Session November 7, 1977 Keefe resources Ms Framework renewing

[...] I said that the spectacular results obtained had seemed to come straight out of Framework 2. We also discussed the long essay on early man in Time for November 7, and I remarked that I’d like to ask Seth some questions about the state of our present “knowledge” about our heritage.

TES4 Session 190 September 21, 1965 John Taylors Donna loud reconstruction

[...] John was having trouble keeping a straight face. [...]

TPS1 Session 379 (Deleted) November 13, 1967 exercise strenuous relaxation weapon tremor

[...] Imagine it limp and soft, and then hard and straight, you see. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session October 25, 1978 pendulum teeth soothe Kosok responds

[...] It may be a straight-forward answer —or a poem or a phrase that at first seems to make no sense. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 1, 1973 Adventures Eleanor Rich writer Tam

(Late yesterday afternoon my pendulum told me that Jane’s symptoms stemmed from her feeling that she had failed to become a successful “straight” writer—a novelist, poet, essayist, et al.; that she felt she had failed as the serious writer she had always dreamed of becoming, that the psychic work represented a turning down a wrong path; that actually, basically, the psychic work represented failure to her rather than success. [...]

As a writer for example, alone, he does not feel a responsibility (underlined) to write every kind of book possible: gothics, mysteries, science fiction, poetry, essays, straight novels. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session March 4, 1981 hypothetical accomplishments portrait writer composite

[...] You will compare your own life and work often in a critical fashion to artists who were obsessed with one art from the beginning of their lives, or who pursued what is really a kind of straight and undeviating course—a brave courageous one, perhaps, and highly focused, but one that must be in certain respects (underlined) limited in scope and complexity, not crossing any barriers except those that seem to occur strictly within painting’s realm itself (all intently. [...]

TES6 Session 261 May 23, 1966 mirth serape sketch lawn party

[...] The drawing used as object contains many lines, few of them straight. [...]

(“The impression now of looking down, from a high position…” This is an excellent description of my position in the second-story studio, looking quite straight down as I sketched Jane on the lawn. [...]

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