Results 21 to 40 of 44 for stemmed:shoot

TES9 Session 452 December 2, 1968 destruction planet violence chaos massive

[...] You do not give a child a loaded gun if you are certain he is going to shoot himself or his neighbor.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 30, 1981 Marie mother Sinful grandmother background

[...] But she hasn’t had the shooting sensations to any degree like she had since I rubbed her legs in the middle of the night two nights ago. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 6: Session 527, May 11, 1970 soul perception citadels extrasensory mortal

There are many matters here very difficult to express in words, for you are so afraid for your sense of identity that you resist the idea that the soul, for example, is an open spiritual system, a powerhouse of creativity that shoots out in all directions — and yet this is indeed the case.

TSM Appendix: Session 452, December 2, 1968 destruction planet planetary violence system

[...] You do not give a child a loaded gun if you are certain he is going to shoot himself or his neighbor.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 15, 1981 Sinful superself dilemma breakthrough fulfillment

[...] Ruburt set out to shoot it down. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 690 March 21, 1974 Christ architect species religious Jehovah

[...] For now simply let me mention that any gods appearing among you must always be of your time, while expressing ideas and concepts that must shoot beyond your time into the future, and serve as psychic stimuli strong enough to effect future changes. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 30, 1972 Ottoman Christendom Richard Empire Nebene

[...] While talking Jane had images in trance that she couldn’t describe now, concerning Hitler and displacements “shooting out” of their times, etc.

TPS3 Deleted Session October 20, 1975 unsafe Bantam realistic Pocket safe

[...] But I also wanted some material on myself, since my “distress” of a couple of weeks ago had returned; symptoms in the stomach, back, etc.—various shooting pains.

TPS7 Deleted Session May 22, 1982 blood Dr finger clot Persantine

[...] Then at close to 10 PM a technician wheeled in a portable X-ray machine to shoot Jane’s chest. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 23, 1971 Alpha acquiescence molecules atoms Unhinge

[...] And what makes the world go round, and why is it that this darkness in which I am enclosed will soon open, and I can shoot like a rocket toward the sun?” But they know their acquiescence and their affirmation, and so listen to your own for it speaks in a silent voice, and yet it speaks in terms of energy that only here is translated into sound. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 615, September 18, 1972 false mind beliefs stained examine

[...] On occasion, when the situation gets out of hand, it will bypass those restrictive areas of the conscious mind, and solve the problem by shooting forth energy in other layers of activity.

TES1 Session of January 4, 1964 cobbler Sarah Albert village bullets

[...] The guns were awfully heavy, they didn’t shoot them much. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 17, 1978 accident death family killed tragedy

[...] He wanted to die, but also in an indirect fashion, in that he could not consciously shoot himself, while he could kill himself in an event that seemed to be accidental.

TES8 Session 414 June 5, 1969 Kennedy Senator nation ideals poison

[...] Today also saw the shooting of Senator Robert F. Kennedy. [...]

TES2 Session 43 April 13, 1964 camouflage transportation space disentanglement expansion

Say that the painting is a landscape, and that this transformation includes within the same amount of space the addition continually of more trees, more hills; that the hills still within the same amount of space allotted to the painting grow taller, and yet never shoot past the frame. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 742 April 16, 1975 Atlantis civilizations selfhood legend ruins

[...] So there is no need to protect your own individuality because it may send out other shoots into probable realities. [...]

TES5 Session 217 December 13, 1965 flame candle height test inches

[...] Peculiarly now, we saw the candle flame shoot up to equal its previous high, well over two inches. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 5 enzymes plane saucers Rob mental

[...] The few times that the craft shoots off at right angles, it has managed to retain functions ordinary to it in its particular habitat.

TES7 Session 290 October 3, 1966 Wendell tunnel studio reunion Crowley

[...] I cannot be sure that I am choosing an object that carries little charge, however, for Seth’s data will often shoot off at an angle entirely unexpected by me. [...]

TES3 Session 103 November 2, 1964 chest peaks wine unscheduled indulgence

[...] A few minutes later, this is most difficult to describe, I felt a quick definite and physical whoosh outward as if I was suddenly shooting or rushing out through my head, longwise—strong frightening sense of motion and being completely carried away. [...]

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