Results 41 to 60 of 244 for stemmed:share

TPS1 Session 479 (Deleted) April 30, 1969 parking Halliday sell landlord painting

There is also a good possibility that your Dr. Levine and another doctor, or dentist, will combine their finances and share the lot on the other corner. [...]

You must share your talent, that is why you have it. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 15, 1984 Margaret chicken squeezed throat Heimlich

(Just as I turned Jane on her side after the session, our neighbor Joe Bumbalo — who is very ill with cancer — called to invite me to share Chinese food and rhubarb pie with him and his wife, Margaret. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 16, 1984 genetic deficient divergent qualifications elasticity

Each person makes his or her own reality, again, but each family member also shares the reality of the others. [...]

UR1 Appendix 11: (For Session 698) Wonderworks intersection chameleon objectification levels

[...] It is the … creative product, en masse, of our individual and joint dreams … Our world is a dream level for some other types of consciousness; it’s shared to some extent, then, and can serve as a meeting point.

UR2 Appendix 26: (For Session 734) Sumari families bereft Del November

[...] In greater terms you can “cut the pie” however you want to, but you will still share an emotional and psychic feeling of belonging with the family of which you are a part. [...]

TPS3 Session 708 (Deleted Portion) September 30, 1974 jointly invisible belief cure despite

[...] Now you also have shared that belief strongly enough in any case so that your joint beliefs merged. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 638, February 7, 1973 doses lsd illumination enforced assault

[...] So patient and therapist share the belief that the conscious mind does not have easy access to the needed knowledge.

They also share other beliefs, for example: That the inner self is a repository for repressed fears, terrors, and uncivilized savagery; that the inner self must be forced to get rid of such material before it is possible for it to express its power, energy and strength in creative, positive terms; and that, therefore, the self must first encounter and deal with all those terrors of its past before it can be free of the fears of the present.

TPS4 Session 830 (Deleted Portion) March 27, 1978 disruptions persistence George Josette primarily

[...] You do share psychic memories, and hold in common the memories of other selves who did live in the time of the Roman-soldier incident.

TPS4 Deleted Session April 24, 1978 risks bodybuilders prerogatives health Bowman

[...] Nevertheless there are others with whom they can share their discomfort.

[...] Its most important benefit, however, was that it freed Ruburt from mentally seeing himself in only one corner of one room, and immediately aroused his normal leanings toward love of whatever home you share.

UR1 Section 1: Session 686 February 27, 1974 neurological selectivity carriage pulses corporal

The infant with whom he momentarily identified as the self he is now only opaquely and indirectly shared common experience. [...] (Pause.) He touched upon certain coordinates that were neurologically shared, however, by both: He and the child were familiar with the carriage and the curb, the mother who pushed the carriage, and the house into which Ruburt felt himself, as the child, being carried.

[...] The blur of activity earlier was the result of neurological confusion, and Ruburt switched over unknowingly to an environment still in the same physical block that was meaningful to him, but not shared by the future experience of that infant. [...]

TPS5 Session 855 (Deleted Portion) May 21, 1979 Yale jar evangelical pique heroics

You are, it seems, denied the easier satisfactions of accepted answers (pause), and to some extent denied the cozy comfort of shared beliefs. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: May 6, 1984 segment gallantry diseases Wilson fulfillment

[...] You should have respect, then, for the cells of your body, the thoughts of your mind (pause), and try to understand that even the smallest of creatures shares with you the emotional experience of life’s triumphs and vulnerabilities.

TPS1 Session 377 (Deleted) November 6, 1967 success jealous virility caps castration

[...] The mother wanted success for the daughter so that the daughter could share the fruits of the success and provide for her. [...]

[...] (Pause.) He did not want to share it with his mother, for to Ruburt this meant having his mother live with him.

UR2 Epilogue by Robert F. Butts geese Unknown migrations flight epilogue

[...] So along with Seth’s work, we tried to share our reality with the reader, and to provide a platform in time for knowledge that must basically straddle our ideas of time and reality alike.

[...] We can at least observe, and enjoy, the behavior of other species with whom we share the world.

NotP Chapter 1: Session 755, September 8, 1975 psyche canvas brushstroke artist greater

[...] To some extent I share in their experience — to a far greater extent, for example, than Ruburt shares in mine.

DEaVF2 Poems by Jane Roberts, with Commentary by Robert F. Butts poem lord commentary humbly nuzzled

I’ve done the best I could
with thy sweet heritage of blood,
one creature like all the rest
born from your power and benevolence,
graced to share in what you are
for your love’s multiplication
knows no prejudice,
so let me humbly state my thanks

UR1 Appendix 6: (For Session 687) ancient pathological article Appendix parallel

“For a long time these varieties of ancient men shared our earth and history, in varying terms. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: June 27, 1984 food foodstuffs vengeance highflying nondisease

[...] Their efforts are directed in other ways also, as they try to convince all areas of the world to share their wealth and foodstuffs equally.

TES7 Session 281 August 29, 1966 Barbara Dick Andreano wedding poem

[...] Your mother basically did not share (smile) your father’s love of the out-of-doors, and you played both ends against the middle. [...]

[...] Also, Jane felt that being asked to share a drink with the couple was a gesture, and that when she accepted Dick was not happy about it.

[...] Jane wondered why the couple asked her to share a drink if they didn’t mean it. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 649, March 19, 1973 race moral judgments wealth illness

[...] Each of you have been members of different races, and so each of you have shared in both the advantages and ignominies attached, in historic terms, to such conditions of birth.

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