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TPS2 Session 630 (Deleted Portion) December 11, 1972 badminton schedules psy goals someplace

Ruburt often mentions schedules. Sometimes at certain periods in his life schedules are good, focusing his energies in certain directions. At other times he experiences them as limiting. Continuing your relationship as it is now is highly important, and the basis necessary for my next suggestion as to Ruburt’s behavior.

This is for a definite schedule on his part for a while, that will channel his energy in creative goals, and also toward some physical goals—and incidentally away from the symptoms.

Tell him immediately about my suggestion, for he has played around with the idea but not initiated it—the schedule is what I am speaking about here.

TES7 Session 321 February 22, 1967 sweaters release sensitivities pendulum reliable

He tries at times to use a schedule, a disciplined schedule as a fence against the subconscious, and becomes panic-stricken imagining himself without it. This is not to say that a schedule in itself is not good, it is to say that he can and sometimes does misuse one. [...] These outings will be of benefit here, not only because they allow for spontaneous interaction, but because they serve to break the schedules in ways that do not disturb working hours. [...]

Again: a change of schedules and habits. [...]

A variety of small, perhaps, but frequent alterations of schedule or habit are very helpful. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 17, 1973 salable schedule punch absolutes impulses

Breaking schedule brought some of this to consciousness. [...] The schedule became nearly an obsession. [...]

Also, dropping the schedule at my behest, the conflicts are more out in the open, so that anger is actually a recognition of impulse, frustration at not being able to follow through adequately, and the conflict between feeling the impulses and feeling that he should be at his schedule.

He has always had some kind of writing schedule. [...]

TES3 Session 117 December 23, 1964 holidays enigmatic overtime shortest baking


[...] I wondered what part conditioning might play in the schedule we had become used to.

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Thanksgiving Morning 1975 cosmos boldness library supercautious heroic

[...] to finish my book, start up a definite dream schedule, that is, two or three scheduled long naps plus suggestions as I used to do for various kinds of out-of-bodies and dream states; a session a week as of now with the dream work perhaps making up for the second session we don’t have; and painting. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 14, 1984 Babs appointment dentist healing mustard

(Long pause.) The ideas are so very beneficial that it is too bad you cannot have some kind of schedule that includes reading that material more often.

That is simply because everything is now scheduled in a fashion, with the time available. [...]

[...] We can hardly let a “schedule” interfere with such important activity. [...]

TES2 Session 82 August 27, 1964 Provincetown cottage keg Gary Larry

(This session, following yesterday’s regularly scheduled one, was not scheduled. [...]

Usually we stick close to schedule, as we should. Nevertheless there are times that do not fall within schedule, and opportunities could be lost by denying them.

[...] The suggestion I have just given you is the one way which will give you the swiftest and most advantageous progress; and also when the book is ready under this schedule the time would be ripe.

TPS1 Session 490 (Deleted) June 25, 1969 controls symptoms Saratoga restraints issue

[...] Now the writing schedule provides two needs, both control and spontaneity, and is therefore comfortable. A circle is set up: an overemphasis on control leads him to a depression, which interferes with his writing schedule. This bringing on symptoms which further impede the schedule.

[...] (Long pause.) His writing schedule, as he knows, should be maintained. [...] The symptoms then become an issue for the next few days, that prevent him to some extent from carrying out the schedule. [...]

Continuing the writing schedule regardless would automatically break the cycle in half even if it began, for the resulting feeling of lack of achievement would not result. [...]

TES6 Session 252 April 20, 1966 sculpture bronze Bill column Macdonnel

(“A connection with a schedule,” Bill Macdonnel’s gallery referred to in the article is a converted store with an inset door. [...] Bill has been ill recently and has not maintained his advertised schedule, which has resulted in some confusion.


(The scheduled session for Monday, April 18 was not held, and we enjoyed the change of pace. [...]

TES3 Session 91 September 23, 1964 club landlord gallery unscheduled autumn


[...] And also simply to break up your schedule for the sake of diversity.

TES4 Session 157 May 24, 1965 resistance bunch unbalanced pendulum smooth

[...] A smooth and disciplined schedule will serve you well here. I would indeed suggest however that this half- hour schedule not include your weekends.


The half-hour schedule will allow for a disciplined, smooth and automatic self-discovery which will not drain your energies. [...]

TES8 His Impressions Given, on May 5, 1967 Gallagher Bill filibuster Formica gentleman

An engagement that is not scheduled will be important, and the crux of the matter.

TES4 Session 159 June 2, 1965 cure sufferer illness program unsolved

(Jane has been back on a regular schedule of psychological time now for a while, on the restricted twenty-minute schedule set by Seth. [...]


(Due to the very long unscheduled session of last Sunday, May 30, our regularly scheduled session for the next day, Monday, May 31, was not held. [...]

TES8 Session 347 June 19, 1967 cues recovery vacation swelling reversal

[...] The change of schedule is a good idea this week, because it will get Ruburt used to the idea of using freedom again, before your vacation starts, and will therefore offset possible symptoms. [...]

The anticipated change of schedule now will help Ruburt conquer problems that otherwise could be bothersome this week, and will head off any difficulties. [...]

The change of schedule will help break up the symptoms, old C U E (spelled) points being scattered. [...]

TES3 Session 112 December 2, 1964 tree field reflections stationary mental


This is merely due to the additional time that he has added to his schedule, and he will quickly acclimate himself to the new conditions.

For a daily schedule however, six hours of writing should be sufficient. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 10, 1973 hours work nonconventional creativity inspiration

Ruburt has always tried to adapt to your natural schedule. To some degree your own natural schedule is also the result of your own beliefs about your creativity. [...]

He tried desperately to schedule his highly creative productivity to fit that pattern. [...]

[...] So then he thought “I will schedule those hours into my writing day,” and suddenly they became prosaic, and often lost their magic because then they became his working hours.

TES9 Session 467 March 12, 1969 brain perception quotes brainscape intellect

[...] But all in all the regularity should be maintained, and the suggestion I have given will allow both schedule and freedom from schedule. [...]

[...] I suggest therefore that you hold six weeks of sessions as always at your regular time, then feel free to miss a week with my blessing and your own, and then begin another six-week schedule.

TPS2 Deleted Session August 27, 1973 kiss redecorating hug spontaneity love

[...] Spontaneous love-making for example would cut into the work schedule that both of you had evolved.

[...] In self-protection he tried to become the same way, to inhibit his sexuality because of what he thought of as your temperamental differences, and also because of the work schedule interruptions.

[...] Please let’s discuss this schedule.”

TPS7 Deleted Session November 10, 1983 Steve tray butter foot left

[...] As I massaged her with Oil of Olay I told Jane that I’d stopped giving her body specific suggestions—say, that a hand could open up—because according to Seth’s material the body had its own order and schedule for showing improvements, and I’d become wary of giving suggestions that might conflict with that schedule. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session June 3, 1982 cost medical St bill dollars

[...] Or I’ll call Upjohn with our new twice-a-week schedule. We’ve been on that schedule for a couple of weeks already, actually, and it appears to be enough. [...]

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