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TES4 Session 149 April 26, 1965 action dots universe field apex

[...] Reality then is a result of the focus of energy and attention.

But these developments, nevertheless, are the results of actions that occur in many perspectives at once, and not developments that occur as within the physical system, through actions that happen in a series seemingly strung out moment after moment.

TES8 Session 357 July 31, 1967 Venice Pete Jet fire dimensional

[...] They are translated and interpreted so that the end result is a verbal rendition. [...]

(Pete wanted to know if his love of anything to do with Spain was the result of a life lived there.)

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 866, July 18, 1979 cancer norm Autistic host children

[...] We’ve heard of the theory before, by the way — but transmitting cancer in such a fashion seems to be one of the most deadly results that can follow from the union of a man and a woman. [...]

[...] Nor am I speaking of an enforced cooperation — the result of “instinct” that somehow arranges the social habits of the animals; for their habits are indeed social and cooperative.

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 872, August 8, 1979 reptiles impulses birds intermediate evolution

[...] But each time I start visualizing the results, I end up with two notions: First, that as I work with those intermediate forms I’ll become involved with myth and fantasy, rather than ‘fact.’ Just how did reptiles change into birds? [...]

[...] Spiritual knowledge and psychic wisdom are the natural result of a sense of self-unity.

TES9 Session 505 October 13, 1969 landscape ladder thumb units rock

I will try to clear this later, but the air is the result of these units’ existence, formed by the interrelationship of the units in their positions and relative distance one from the other, and in what you could call the relative velocity of their motion. [...]

[...] As the units change they alter the air about them, which is the result of their own activity. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 690 March 21, 1974 Christ architect species religious Jehovah

[...] The reality, the physical reality of a given cell, is the focused result of its existence before and after itself in time; and from its knowledge of past and future it receives its present structure.

(Long pause.) Other democratic societies had existed in the past, but in them democracy was still based on one religious precept, though it might be expressed in different ways — as, for example, in the Greek city-states (in the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.). The Holy Roman Empire united a civilization under one religious idea, but the true brotherhood of man can be expressed only by allowing the freedom of man’s thought under the banner of cooperation; and only this will result in the fulfillment of the species, with developments of consciousness that in your terms were latent from the beginning.

NotP Chapter 10: Session 794, February 21, 1977 brain orange neural double sequences

(10:10.) The knowledge of the body’s own biological probabilities takes place at those ancient levels, and at those levels there is activity that results in a cellular communication existing between all species. [...]

[...] But other cultures in your past have experienced reality quite differently as a result of encouraging different neural patterns, and putting experience together through other focuses.

TES6 Session 248 April 4, 1966 Doug transparencies ball music Betts

[...] Space, time, size, density, all of these are the results of your own perception.

[...] You see, in some dimension Napoleon conquered Europe completely, and the actions resulting from that probability continue in that dimension.

You will see what a mysterious, complicated and almost unbelievable ballet results from one simple thought or word from any seemingly uncomplicated action.

TES6 Session 250 April 11, 1966 Aunt funeral Mabel Ella quasars

The invisible barriers of which I have spoken hold you back, so that when your perception fails to yield results then you imagine that there is nothing to perceive. [...]

[...] A pulling in two directions, with a balance of tension resulting. [...]

[...] A pulling in two directions, with a balance of tension resulting.” [...]

TES6 Session 261 May 23, 1966 mirth serape sketch lawn party

[...] The sketch took but a few minutes because she moved so frequently, and I was much amused at her restlessness; this mirth plays a part in the experimental results. [...]

[...] The chemical reaction results in an electromagnetic connection between the consciousness and the physical body, and without it there would be no return to the physical body, in your terms. [...]

[...] This too resulted, Jane said, from her pursuing the above line of association.

TES2 Session 71 July 15, 1964 grass Hubbell seed Ted matter

[...] The apparent imprisoning of consciousness within the primary construction is the result of ignorance, and also an inability that has arisen for various reasons.

[...] The apparent continuity is a result of your inability to perceive the actual atoms that compose matter as they appear and disappear. [...]

[...] 7/16, 8:30 PM: No results.

UR1 Section 1: Session 686 February 27, 1974 neurological selectivity carriage pulses corporal

[...] With memory, however, mental projections into the future were of course also possible so that man could plan his activities in time, and foresee probable results: “Ghost images” of the future probabilities always acted as mental stimuli for physical explorations in all areas, and of all kinds.

[...] As a result, now, a person in any given hour is aware of events happening at the other end of the world. [...]

[...] The blur of activity earlier was the result of neurological confusion, and Ruburt switched over unknowingly to an environment still in the same physical block that was meaningful to him, but not shared by the future experience of that infant. [...]

TPS5 Session 855 (Deleted Portion) May 21, 1979 Yale jar evangelical pique heroics

[...] When they appear otherwise, it is the result of habits and beliefs. [...]

UR1 Epilogue by Robert F. Butts Section Volume holes Unknown counterparts

One of Jane’s earlier travels through an altered state of consciousness, in September, 1972, resulted in the first session on her unique “slow” and “fast” sounds, then led into information on faster-than-light particles, black holes, white holes, and “dead” holes. [...]

TES4 Session 158 May 30, 1965 Trainor voice features badger indeed

There was indeed, also, an incident that occurred when the woman was six years old, having to do with the resulting fear of a feline family.

[...] Such a malfunction is very seldom the result of circumstances that relate to one existence only, but you see they do involve—are you ready?

[...] The male personality then finds himself unable to accept so-called passive subconscious manifestations with ease, this being in part the result of feminine existences.

However, the personality does not seem at this time able to realize that this inhibited passivity is indeed the basis for all resultant aggressive behavior.

TPS5 Deleted Session October 10, 1979 Prentice Dutch Hall contracts publishing

The entire body is really being worked upon, with resulting looseness of tensions that become more apparent at certain points. [...] He will find the results of such play excellent. [...]

TMA Session Thirteen September 24, 1980 mixups triplets novel box mall

[...] And when that kind of thing happens science then proclaims that the two events are not connected to each other at all, but are instead the result of coincidental patterns.

[...] In a fashion the triplets were reacting in their past to a future event that has now caught up with them, so that each of their actions in any moment of that past happened as a result of a tension — a creative tension — between the event of their original separation and the event of their future reunion.

DEaVF1 Chapter 1: Session 882, September 26, 1979 evolution creationism universe evolutionists creationists

I am not saying that the universe is the result of some “psychological machine,” either, but that each portion of consciousness is a part of All That Is, and that the universe falls together in a spontaneous, divine order (intently)—and that each portion of consciousness carries within it indelibly the knowledge of the whole.

[...] Why man’s sin, resulting in the catastrophic flood, to which all species fell victim? The regular theory of evolution doesn’t have to contend with such questions, of course, but in the book I just read no explanations for questions like that are given—I don’t even remember that they were raised.

TPS3 Deleted Session August 22, 1977 solitude rejection hurt deposits squandering

[...] The unevenness of vision is the result of the entire body changes, shiftings of jaw pressure, release of ligaments, and an entire body reorientation.

[...] You would be surprised at the results. [...]

TPS2 Session 605 January 17, 1972 pyramids chanting sound gong bleed

[...] Bleed-throughs result in its being picked up in your present. [...]

[...] I enjoyed the experience, and was somewhat surprised at the results.)

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