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ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 17, 1968 dog door taskmaster yaps fear

Now that I have taken you all down a peg, remember, there is no grade behind that door. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 2 Monday, April 5, 1982 explanations frenetic handset intercoms stoicism

And amid all of this frenetic activity our painting and writing—those activities we’d always regarded as the creative hearts of our lives, the very reasons we’d chosen to live on earth this time around—had receded into a far distance, so that they’d become like dimly remembered dreams, or perhaps actions practiced in probable lives by “more fortunate” versions of ourselves.

TPS6 Deleted Session May 2, 1982 intro bitch raging Robbie Walt

[...] I don’t remember much about him, except that he wouldn’t help. [...]

TPS1 Session 567 (Deleted Portion) February 17, 1971 assertion blockage exercises exaggerated repressed

When his mind is engrossed as a rule the blockage is far less unless he suddenly remembers and thinks “Oh, now I will have difficulty getting up.” [...]

TES3 Session 102 November 1, 1964 Gallery Bill Macdonnel doubter Cameron

[...] We both remembered of course that long ago Seth had said in no uncertain terms that he was not in favor of demonstrations for demonstrations’ sake, and that he would not perform on call.

(It will be remembered that Mark is Bill Macdonnel's entity name. [...]

TES4 Session 158 May 30, 1965 Trainor voice features badger indeed

[...] I hesitated to interrupt, remembering Seth’s comments about the value of spontaneity. [...]

[...] It will be remembered that in the 157th session Jane had mentioned that she felt Seth might try to have her speak with her eyes open soon, and while in a deep trance. [...]

[...] Jane was well dissociated and did not remember any of the material. [...]

[...] Jane was well dissociated, and remembered none of the material. [...]

DEaVF1 Preface by Seth: Private Session, September 13, 1979 Iran animals Mitzi religious Mass

[...] [I remembered holding an amazingly delicate, green-colored katydid in my hand as a child. [...]

I vividly remember that in the last chapter [7] of Mass Events Seth remarked: “The universe is—and you can pick your own terms—a spiritual or mental or psychological manifestation, and not, in your usual vocabulary, an objective manifestation.” [...]

[...] I remember it equally well, and find it fascinating. [...]

Remember here other material given about cellular communication, for example, and the vast web of intercommunication that unites all species. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1983 Darlene foot streak leg hydro

[...] I remembered Seth’s material on why the stomach acts up, and ascribed my upset last night to further worry over Jane. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 16, 1984 boxcar Sue chassis trinkets kitten

[...] She can’t remember.

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 20, 1984 disease suffering exasperated health Elisabeth

[...] I hadn’t remembered this, nor had Jane.)

TES8 Session 353 July 17, 1967 cupboard slept Peter Wisconsin laundromat

He rarely slept for more than three hours at a time for years, without interruption, and the old remembered biological pattern returns. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 1, 1984 parenthood simplicity unfavorable promise future

(Now Jane corrected the quotation she’d received from Seth as I was leaving last night, and that I’d tried to remember: “The way toward health is simplicity itself. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 16, 1984 Joe coughing clerk recovered frightened

[...] Jane did remember my telling her about the dream earlier this week. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 11, 1975 halfhearted psyche poverty couch advocating

[...] He forgot what the session was about, remembering only one portion that seemed significant. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 859, June 6, 1979 impulses Heroics Freudian overweight murderous

[...] Remembering well the barrage of negative suggestions that passes for preventative medicine — the public service announcements about cancer — she was filled with foreboding. [...]

TPS1 Session 474 April 9, 1969 hopelessness afraid solve bitterness problems

[...] Remember that.

TPS1 Session 533 (Deleted Portion) June 1, 1970 land gardening dwelling ambiguous purchase

[...] You remember how strict your father was however, and methodical, in gardening. [...]

UR1 Appendix 7: (For Session 689) outline Health Illness Sunday contents

[...] Upon awakening, she told me that she remembered receiving hints about the new possible book in two dreams during the previous week. [...]

TES9 Session 429 August 14, 1968 entity sepia analogy intensities nontime

You must remember that the word, time, is itself distorted. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 13, 1981 stalled uremic dehydration mission glumly

[...] But much of the phrasing is almost verbatim, since I made notes after the session, besides remembering them clearly.

(Jane remembered my talking to Seth—the longest exchange I’d had with him for years. [...]

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