Results 21 to 40 of 504 for stemmed:qualiti

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 804, May 9, 1977 senility biological alien defense social

The body’s main purpose is not only to survive but to maintain a quality of existence at certain levels, and that quality itself promotes health and fulfillment. [...]

(Long pause.) Whenever the conditions of life are such that its quality is threatened, there will be such a mass statement. The quality of life must be at a certain level so that the individuals of a species — of any and all species — can develop. [...]

More and more, the quality of your lives is formed through the subjective realities of your feelings and mental constructions. [...]

TES8 Session 359 August 7, 1967 Stephen Pete Ferd goals Denver

[...] You have fine qualities. [...]

You have perseverance and strength, and these are good qualities and should serve you well. [...]

[...] The fine qualities that you do possess should be used to aid you in making your own way. [...]

[...] In the general field, working with animals, however, you have admirable qualities that can be utilized if you use them toward a practical goal. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 16, 1984 genetic deficient divergent qualifications elasticity

[...] Often, therefore, instances of unusual genetic differences may also serve to bring out qualities of understanding, sympathy, and empathy on the part of family members — and those qualities also are vital to human development. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 3: Session 520, March 25, 1970 permanent form environment constant thought

There are such subtle qualities affecting the nature of all thought, such emotional gradations, that no one is ever identical — (smile) and incidentally, no physical object in your system is an exact duplicate of any other. [...]

[...] Therefore you are very highly discriminating, accepting certain qualities and ignoring others. [...]

[...] It seems also that your subjectivity has a mysterious unknown quality about it, and that even your mental life has a sort of insidious dropping-off point, a subjective cliff over which thoughts and memories fall, to disappear into nothingness. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 853, May 14, 1979 feminine male creativity women marketplace

[...] In fact, without those qualities of ours that Seth touches upon this evening, I doubt that the Seth books — indeed, even the sessions themselves — would exist. [...]

Your scientists are, generally now, intellectually oriented, believing in reason above the intuitions, taking it for granted that those qualities are opposites. [...]

[...] In Ruburt’s case the fear was greater, until it seemed sometimes that if he succeeded in his work he would do so at some peril: You might be put in an unpleasant light, or he might become a fanatic, displaying those despicable, feminine hysterical qualities.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 655, April 11, 1973 neuronal Thirteen options athlete cobweb

You would have an individual who displayed within himself [or herself] all of those great abilities known to the race, fulfilled according to his own unique temper — the artist, mathematician, athlete, the inventor — all the extraordinary qualities of creaturedom; the emotional realities would be used to their capacity, and any of the racial qualities or characteristics of the species would be given their complete freedom.

UR1 Section 2: Session 687 March 4, 1974 hawk worm giblets wren brain

2. I’d say that when he talks about the “unused portions of the brain,” that physical organ, Seth means qualities of nonphysical mind as well. [...]

[...] I think there’s more to the idea than such a “tight” interpretation as this, however; with possibly the transference of cellular memory (or some equivalent quality) from creature to creature being involved. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 803, May 2, 1977 chair sculptor die disasters patterns

[...] The atoms and molecules within those chairs and couches are quite alert, though you do not grant them the quality of life. [...]

[...] In personal terms, again, each species is concerned not only with survival but with the quality of its life and experience.

In those terms, natural disasters ultimately end up righting a condition that earlier blighted the desired quality of life, so that adjustments were made.

If the quality of life that is considered spiritually and biologically necessary fails, then adjustments occur. [...]

TPS1 Session 373 (Deleted) October 18, 1967 defiance talent commercial Taurus paintings

To paint paintings for joy was an act of defiance against your mother, and so you have punished yourself in several ways; by being overly concerned with their quality, insisting upon perfection, and by not making strong efforts to sell them or to work for recognition in that field.

[...] This also affected your work itself to some degree, in that you sometimes inserted qualities in the paintings to hold people off, a remoteness.

The perfection that you seek is not ever a finished, but a becoming quality. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 10: Session 935, August 13, 1981 electrons backup genetic species latent

Those sequences follow the pursuits of value fulfillment so smoothly that they can be reactivated whenever the conditions are fortunate—for even the animals are not concerned with simple survival alone, nor the plants, but with what I can only call (long pause) emotional qualities: qualities that seek a full appreciation and creative extension of those conditions of consciousness that stamp each species as itself and yet join it with all others.

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 13, 1984 Joe Margaret daredevils defiers health

[...] There are people who must feel themselves to be at the brink of death before they can fully appreciate the quality of life. [...]

[...] Because of death, life is possible, so these two seemingly opposite qualities are simply different versions of the same phenomena.

TPS3 Deleted Session December 10, 1973 adrenaline overproduction tension abnormal lovemaking

[...] Too much normal adrenaline, for example, places the body in abnormal stress that itself triggers, finally, more adrenaline, but the quality of overproduced adrenaline has a different effect. [...]

[...] Scientists do not suspect the altered quality that such adrenaline action gives, though they recognize the negative effects of overproduction. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session January 10, 1977 conventionalized goals classifications proposals Caesar

[...] Psychological events are automatically manufactured by each individual, and no one but the individual can really ascertain the quality of the product.

[...] The quality of such events can be vastly superior, in your terms, yet you discover yourselves not pleased with the overall daily fabric of your days.

[...] I realize of course that you live in time, but I also know that the quality of creative work is not bound to time, but defies it. [...]

The worries caused by the conventionalized beliefs cut down the quality of your time, so that while you jealously try to preserve your creative hours they become diluted. [...]

UR2 Epilogue by Robert F. Butts geese Unknown migrations flight epilogue

[...] Then Seth’s work will fall back upon the timeless quality that always illuminates it.

No one, whether that individual is a psychic, a mystic, a writer, a poet, or even if he or she combines all of those qualities (as I think Jane does), can encompass all of the incredible differences within the human species. [...]

[...] All of the qualities of the birds’ flight were heightened for me by its very invisibility, for while I actually saw no geese at all, that sound was everywhere. [...]

Somehow the twice-yearly, north-and-south migrations of the geese have become symbols for me of the known and unknown qualities of life — sublime and indecipherable at the same time, enduring yet fleeting, and almost outside of the range of human events. [...]

TES8 Session 401 March 27, 1968 painting seascape transparents apple opaques

The timeless quality will be built in, for the painting itself, though flawless in form, will suggest the changing quality of form, and stress the permanent quality that gives it its meaning. [...]

[...] The permanency and the timeless quality do not belong to the shapes of the mountains and the trees, but to the conscious energy that forms them.

TES2 Session 43 April 13, 1964 camouflage transportation space disentanglement expansion

[...] We managed to get some excellent material through so far, for which I am most thankful, and the quality of the material just given transcended your time and space, the expansion of quality in this case existing independently.

[...] The other painting not only seems of superior quality, but also appears to undergo a continual transformation while still taking up the same amount of space.

[...] Even on your plane quality, which represents a kind of expansion, does not necessarily imply an expansion of space. [...]

As far as Ruburt’s fat hands and your own are concerned, this is in a very limited manner a hint of the qualities of extension that can be expected. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 888, December 10, 1979 Guy Camper pinpoint Dr electron

[...] (Pause.) When you ask how old is the universe, or how old is the world, then you are taking it for granted that time and space are somehow or other almost absolute qualities. [...]

In the beginning, physical space had the qualities that dream space has to you now. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session March 25, 1981 philosophical issues defenses newscasts dangerous

[...] Techniques may improve, the work may become more polished, but the quality of the poetry itself is what is important.

You have both been able to count upon that quality.

[...] With a smile:) When you want to express darkness you might paint your canvas with black instead of your magic white (a la William Alexander), so that then the use of lighter colors upon it will indicate more clearly the quality of light, at least for the painting’s purposes. [...]

DEaVF2 Quotations from Seth in ESP Class quotations r.f.b breath alive uphold

“Each breath you take is a breath of quality. [...]

TES9 Jane’s Notes Tuesday October 22, 1968 giant pyramid peering massive shrinking

[...] If this would be called hallucinatory by psychologists, then of course far more than vision was involved; the massive quality was definitely sensed directly and vividly. [...] The experience was strangely soundless, and this may have added to frightening quality; didn’t think of this before.

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