Results 1 to 20 of 504 for stemmed:qualiti
(Seth:) Sue is greatness. Dickie is greatness. Joseph is greatness. Ricky is greatness. Roni is greatness. You are all greatness. To know you are greatness is quality. Then your expressions are true expressions of quality, and they are not marred. Whatever they are, they are not marred. You recognize quality. Instinctively; whether or not you can say what it is. It inspires you. You run away from things that are not of quality, whether you can say why they are not or not. Your dreams are quality. Your dreams are quality. No one need tell you how to dream. You dream instinctively, automatically, and beautifully. You commit a beautiful dream each time you dream. And each dream is a dream of quality. Each breath you take is a breath of quality. All you have to do is to realize that each breath you take ultimately reaches to the ends of the universe and helps withhold your world. You are alone and not alone. Now that statement is far more important than it sounds. For in your aloneness, and in your togetherness, and between the two there is the meaning of your humanity. And there is the meaning of your life and your death. You cannot be completely together. You cannot be completely alone. Yet always must your existence flit between the two; between the desire and the ideal; between the dream and its execution; between your love and your expression of it. There dwells your reality and your meaning, and therein lies the validity of your soul.
So you have all begun something, have you? And when was it begun? Now in my books and when I speak to you, I use simple words usually. And the people sometimes write asking why I do not give proper methods, that is, more and more instructions as to how to do this and that. So when I say to you let your classes thrill with quality, it is up to you to discover what quality means to you. And when I say to each of you, classes or no, that your lives be lives of quality, of beauty and of truth, I am not about to define beauty or truth for you. That is your challenge. So you will listen to my words and read them through your interpretations. And those interpretations are highly important. (To Rob:) Now if there is anything in the universe called good intent, then you have it here.
([Van Zandt:] “I just want to say that while we were discussing quality earlier.... now I want to say that since I began studying the books the quality has definitely increased in my life, and I want to thank you for that.”
([Jeff:] “He was talking about quality and how all of us have quality in everything we do, in everything we dream....”
[...] We will call this quality-depth (hyphen), and yet it has nothing to do with space. This is a quality existing with assurance of expansion, in terms of value fulfillment.
Quality-depth is therefore a sort of perspective having to do with value fulfillment. [...] Quality-depth is the sort of perspective, the only perspective, in which an idea can expand. [...]
[...] Now this quality that could be said to be a substitute for your space and time, this quality-depth, represents the perspective in which this sort of psychic traveling or psychic motion, or any psychic action, occurs; and its depth can be understood not in terms of downward action, but perhaps you can comprehend it if you think of a deep trance, for example, as definitely having motion, though the body may be motionless.
But in a trance depth, as in quality-depth, the motion has a direction that cannot be thought of in terms of up or down, north or south, east or west. The motion is action through quality or value dimension. [...]
A species that senses a lack of this quality can in one way or another destroy its offspring — not because they could not survive otherwise, but because the quality of that survival would bring about vast suffering, for example, so distorting the nature of life as to almost make a mockery of it. [...]
[...] Of course [a species] must survive to do so, but it will, however, purposefully avoid survival if the conditions are not practically favorable to maintain the quality of life or existence that is considered basic.
[...] The houses themselves have a quality, a life, that is picked up by potential buyers. [...] They will however positively attract others, so the qualities in the houses that appeal to you are precisely those qualities that have turned others off, and prevented their sale. [...]
[...] Ruburt may find himself furnishing the place more formally than another, yet the open quality of the air is the kind of air that you do not hide in.
[...] Try to be honest with yourselves as to those early experiences in which you forced yourselves to behave differently than you were, because adults told you that you must … You had better understand the beautiful, unique quality of your own individuality lest you project upon the other sex — whichever sex you are — those abilities and qualities that you are afraid are your own, or project upon them those abilities and qualities that you wish you possessed and fear you do not.
Houses themselves have a quality, a life, that is picked up by potential buyers. [...] They will positively attract others, however, so the qualities in the houses that appeal to you two are precisely the ones that have turned off others, and prevented their sale.
[...] As given, however, it still possesses qualities that do go in with your natures.
Give us time … The hill house represents the future, and the contemporary qualities of it. [...]
[...] Ruburt may find himself furnishing the place more formally than another one, yet the open quality of the air is the kind that you do not hide in.
[...] (Pause.) Physically speaking, man’s “purpose” is to help enrich the quality of existence in all of its dimensions. Spiritually speaking, his “purpose” is to understand the qualities of love and creativity, to intellectually and psychically understand the sources of his being, and to lovingly create other dimensions of reality of which he is presently unaware. (Pause.) In his thinking, in the quality of his thoughts, in their motion, he is indeed experimenting with a unique and a new kind of reality, forming other subjective worlds which will in their turn grow into consciousness and song, which will in their turn flower from a dream dimension into other ones. [...]
[...] They are endowed with the desire for creativity, and to increase the quality of existence.
[...] Therefore, it possessed an almost magical quality, and the “word” was seen as coming directly from God.
The quality of life is important above all. Newborn animals either die quickly and naturally, painlessly, before their consciousnesses are fully focused here, or are killed by their mothers — not because they are weak or unfit to survive, but because the [physical] conditions are not those that will produce the quality of life that makes survival “worthwhile.”
(Pause.) There has been great discussion in past years about the survival of the fittest, in Darwinian terms,4 but little emphasis is placed upon the quality of life, or of survival itself; or in human terms, [there has been] little probing into the question of what makes life worthwhile. [...]
[...] Epidemics sweeping through animal populations are also biological and psychic statements, then, in which each individual knows that only its own greatest fulfillment can satisfy the quality of life on an individual basis, and thus contribute to the mass survival of the species.
[...] Animals stricken by kitten and puppy diseases, for example, choose to die, pointing out the fact that the quality of their lives individually and en masse is vastly lacking. [...]
[...] It is as if nature always tries to exceed itself, and certainly to increase the quality of its existence. The individual person is also involved in an ever-continuing process to increase the quality of life as it exists at all levels of personal experience. Reality is so constructed that each individual seeking such fulfillment does so not at the expense of others, but in such a way that the quality of life is increased for all.
(9:45.) In no way do I mean to demean the indisputable value of geniuses, or their great contributions to the quality of life—but the quality of life is, again, also benefited by the existence of idiots. [...]
[...] You cannot improve the quality of your own lives by destroying the quality of any other kinds of life. [...]
[...] The intent of such procedures is to promote the quality of human life, to study the nature of diseases, and hopefully apply what is learned to some of the lives of human beings. [...]
[...] Indeed, I seldom see consciousness mentioned in connection with genetics, except as its quality may relate to genetic “defects” like mental retardation, say.
[...] (Pause.) The structure is beyond the range of elecromagnetic qualities as your scientists think of them.
[...] They combine qualities of a unit and a field, in other words.
[...] They do give off thermal qualities, and these are the only hint that your scientists have received of them so far.
You were alone, on your own ladder, indicating the unique quality of the achievements for which you are striving. [...]
[...] On the other hand, you felt that he did contain wisdom, truth, almost godlike qualities. These qualities you attempt to project into the male that you meet. [...] At the same time, you hope and pray subconsciously that the man will disappoint you because this male in your mind has godlike qualities that attract you; on the other, you see him as all powerful and as one who gives out punishment and one who is unreasoning and cruel because you felt that your father was cruel. [...]
Now, you have, if you will forgive me, consistently chosen those males within whom you sensed feminine qualities. [...] You felt that the feminine qualities within the male forespoke of a gentle nature, that would protect you from the overall male violence of which you were afraid and which you exaggerated, because of early impressions. [...]
[...] You have not seen him as he is, for you have endowed him with all these qualities of which I have told you, and with all the fears that go with them. [...] You do not communicate with an individual man; you communicate with your idea of what this man is, this man with the godlike qualities that can bring both joy and punishment.
[...] Some of the qualities that you imagine in him as virtues are not and some of the qualities that you imagine to be failings are not failings. [...]
Your own present personalities are merely the result of the particular qualities and ego-images (hyphen) upon which you have chosen to focus your energies and your intent. Initially, before existence upon the physical plane this time, you could just as easily have focused upon a different quality-personality gestalt, although your choice most probably would be in line with a large field of possibilities, possible according to the desires of your entity.
Those qualities, those attributes which the self considers most its own, are in no way bounded; nor can they be held in by the self. [...]
As many quite real phenomena cannot be seen by your eyes, so with your outer senses you cannot perceive these constant departures of quality-energy from the self into what seems to be notself. [...]
[...] Although you have chosen to form a particular group of qualities into a field pattern of a particular personality, upon which you focus the bulk of your energy, there are also other more shadowy, less well-constructed possibilities of personality selves that exist loosely within the psychic framework of the dominant personality, and these also have their influence. [...]
[...] You reinforce the destructive qualities by the very act of concentrating upon them, and you rob yourselves of the constructive qualities that you could be concentrating upon, and therefore that you could be reinforcing.
[...] However, concentration reinforces the quality which is concentrated upon.
Had she concentrated upon constructive elements, upon positive and not negative qualities, not only would the tumor itself be nonexistent, but she would have constructed a positive element in its stead. [...]
(Long pause.) Beside this, he felt that such a performance would alter the direction his work would take in ways that would be detrimental overall, for the broadening quality of that kind of discourse could only be as extensive in scope as the quality of his audience’s understanding, so that the material might become too tailored to public need or consumption—tied up in answering conventional questions—an excellent point, by the way. [...]
These multidimensional intensities would be considered as inherent qualities belonging to each number. [...]
This sort of expansion and contraction has nothing to do with addition or subtraction, multiplication or division; but it is an inherent quality of all units.
(The larger Seth voice maintained its high, thin, clear and distant quality throughout.)
The character of Christ as it is portrayed is an excellent one, since it stressed human rather than specifically male qualities. Or should I say it stressed human qualities rather than those unfortunately considered male qualities. It stressed the best qualities of the race as a whole.
[...] Generally, underlined four times, suicides do not appreciate, for example, for whatever reasons, the quality of life, but set up demands as to what life should be. [...]
To the extent that you enjoy the quality of life itself, you do not need to place demands upon it, for its abundance shows in profusion. [...]