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Incidentally again, hypnosis also helps you to use psychological time to a true advantage. The boundaries of clock time melt when psychological time is utilized. You can look through psychological time at clock time, and even use clock time to your advantage; but without the initial recognition of psychological time, then clock time is somewhat of a prison.
Psychological time adds duration. You will find something else here. From the framework of psychological time you will see that clock time is as dreamlike and fleeting as you once thought inner time was. And you will discover that inner time is as much a reality as you once thought outer time was. You will discover your whole selves in other worlds, peeping inward and outward at the same time, and finding that all time is one time, and that all divisions are illusion.
Psychological time fits into physical time with little trouble. Originally this enabled man in many ways to live in the inner and the outer world with relative ease. Psychological time can be transposed onto physical time, but psychological time cannot flow unhampered or with any freedom through days chopped up into so many clock divisions. The clock time idea was invented by the conscious ego of man for many various reasons, with fear in the foreground.
This is going to be a rather brief session comparatively. One note I wanted to make: As I have said, psychological time is a natural connective to the inner world. Though you experience days or hours within the framework of psychological time during the dream state, and yet do not age for a comparable amount of physical time, so as you develop in your use of psychological time you will be able to rest and be refreshed within the framework of psychological time while you are consciously awake. This will aid your mental and physical state to an amazing degree, and you will discover added vitality on the one hand, and a somewhat decreased need to sleep on the other.
[...] Habitual errors become part of the psychological perspective. Communication between individuals in the psychological perspective is almost exclusively telepathic, and is picked up early by the young from their parents. In the beginning, children actually begin their physical construction along lines telepathically received from their parents, at the same time that they learn their own manipulation in the psychological perspective.
(Jane had nothing to report from her experiments with psychological time. [...]
[...] There is no law limiting the number of psychological structures available to you, but because of your present development, and because of this alone, you are hampered. Experience or lack of it on various fields has not yet been possible, so practically speaking you have a limited number of basic psychological structures to deal with; and your perception, clear psychological understanding, intuitive comprehension of, and manipulation and psychological constructions of these basic structures, will determine the validity of your material constructions that will then form your environment.
(While trying psychological time I had the following experiences:
“Psychological Time is a natural pathway that was meant to give an easy route of access from the inner world to the outer, and back again, though you do not use it as such. Psychological Time originally enabled man to live in the inner and outer worlds with relative ease. [...] It adds duration to your normal time. From its framework you will see that physical time is as dreamlike as you once thought inner time was. [...]
Actually, in practice, Psychological Time leads to development of the other Inner Senses. In Psy-Time, as we call it, you simply turn your focus of attention inward. [...]
[...] They are the “natural elements” in that psychological environment that mix, merge, and combine to form, if you will, the psychological cells, atoms, and molecules that compose events. In those terms, the physical events that you perceive or experience can be compared to “psychological objects” that appear to exist with a physical concreteness in space and time. Such events usually seem to begin somewhere in space and time, and clearly end there as well.
In the same way you experience a birthday party, an automobile accident, a bridge game, or any psychological event as psychologically solid, with a smooth experienced surface that holds together in space and time. [...]
[...] There are also “vast psychological objects,” then, sweeping mass events, for example, in which whole countries might be involved. [...] Such events involve psychological configurations on the part of all those involved, so that the inner individual patterns of those lives touched by each such event have in one way or another a common purpose that at the same time serves the overall reality on a natural planetary basis. [...]
In your terms, your father’s mother is ready to enter time again. Your father was pointing you out to her, and acquainting her with other such living members of the family as well, who are still in time. Many individuals do this, psychologically becoming aware of relatives still living, even though in life they may never meet.
You can look through psychological time at clock time and even use clock time then to your greater advantage; but without the initial recognition of psychological time, clock time becomes a prison. … A proper use of psychological time will not only lead you to inner reality but will prevent you from being rushed in the physical world. [...]
Any communications coming through the inner senses will exist in your psychological time. Psychological time operates during sleep and quiet hours of consciousness. [...] These days or hours of psychological experience are not recorded by the physical body and are outside of the physical time camouflage. [...]
This is closely related to the second inner sense, and it is upon psychological time that you must try to transpose your inner visions. [...] For instance, when I tell you that the second inner sense is like your sense of time, this does give you some understanding of what psychological time is like, but you are apt to compare the two too closely.
[...] As you can experience days or hours within its framework in the dream state and not age for the comparable amount of physical time, so as you develop, you will be able to rest and be refreshed within psychological time even when you are awake. [...] Within any given five minutes of clock time, for example, you may find an hour of resting which is independent of clock time.
In your terms of time, man has always projected unassimilated psychological elements of his own personality outward, but in much earlier times he did this using a multitudinous variety of images, personifications, gods, goddesses, demons and devils, good spirits and bad. [...]
There were no schizophrenics in the time of the pagans, for the belief systems did not support that kind of interpretation. [...] It means that generally speaking such behavior fit within the psychological picture of reality. It [did so] because many of the behavior patterns associated, now, with schizophrenia, are “distorted and debased” remnants of behavior patterns that are part and parcel of man’s heritage, and that harken back to activities and abilities that at one time had precise social meaning, and served definite purposes.
(9:19.) You have schizophrenic models, in other words, and the particular model chosen in any case, at any given time—for the models change—gives indications quite clearly of the person’s basic problems and dilemmas. Such cultural models are present in society to begin with, because in one way or another they express in an exaggerated form certain portions of man’s psychological reality that he does not as yet understand. [...]
[...] Some stood for forces of nature that could very well be at times advantageous, and at times disadvantageous—as, for example, the god of storms might be very welcome at one time, in periods of drought, while his powers might be quite dreaded if he overly satisfied his people. [...]
[...] There is no doubt that the accepted dimensions of psychological reality began to shrink precisely at the time that modern psychology began. (Long pause.) Modern psychology was an attempt to make man conform to the new scientific world view.
It is not true, of course, that before the time of modern psychology man had a concept of himself that dealt with conscious exterior aspects only, although it has been written that until that time man thought of himself as a kind of flat-surfaced self — minus, for example, subconscious or unconscious complexity.
“Witches” were not considered insane, for example, or deranged, for their psychological beliefs fit in only too well with those of the general populace. [...] (Pause.) The vast range of psychological expression, however, had some kind of framework to contain it. [...] Psychological reality, for all of the religious (pause) dangers placed upon it, was anything but a flat-surfaced experience. It was in fact because the church so believed in the great range of psychological activity possible that it was so dogmatic and tireless in trying to maintain order.
Instead, previous to psychology’s entrance, before psychology mapped the acceptable or forbidden, the dangerous or safe compartments of the self, man used the word “soul” to include his own entire complexity. [...] It was roomy enough to hold images of reality that were physically perceived or psychologically perceived.
This provided them with a different kind of time framework psychologically—one that any peasant could relate to. The ordinary person, for example, in the western world cannot relate to a Darwinian past in that same fashion, and psychology robs him of any personal extension in the future after death, so in practical life most modern people have freedom of extension in space but less in time. The peasants of course worked closely with the land and seasons, with earth’s natural timing, and even though such work seemed to make time go faster, in the overall the sense of present time included a rich dimension from both present and past, so that in your terms it would seem longer by contrast —richer—when people went to bed earlier, lacking the night’s electricity. [...]
[...] There were many such villages in the mountains in the overall times of Nebene and your Roman soldier, and they were much in character like the villages recently destroyed in the earthquake. [...] I mentioned that modern psychology actually short-changed you, trying to fit itself into Darwinian beliefs. Those Italian villages exemplified really a kind of consciousness, or an orientation of consciousness, that existed before modern psychology and Darwinian belief: a framework of consciousness and experience that was overall similar in the recent past and in the time of the Romans—one, in other words, that existed up into the present. [...]
It is not just that the people related more to the land—though they did—but that they had a different kind of psychological extension, not only with nature, but in and with time itself. If they were isolated in spatial terms, they extended their imaginations and to some extent their lives and emotions both backward into the past and ahead into the future in ways that modern psychology has made most difficult. [...]
[...] Those who survived reacted in the old fashion, sweating to build again, refusing better shelter, but the times had indeed changed. [...] The people compared themselves to the rest of the world at times, and many of the young were beginning to leave, but those villages were, again, very like those in the times of Nebene and the Roman soldier. They had been plundered at times by wandering Roman soldiers of Rome’s empire. [...]
[...] Your physical universe and laws give you little evidence of this kind of activity, for at that level the evidence shows you the appearance of time or decay. Your own psychological activity is the closest evidence you have, though you do not use it as such. [...]
(Pause at 10:23.) All of the elements of physical experience at any given time are present in the dream state. Practically speaking, however, the species accepts certain portions of dream reality as its so-called real events at any particular time, and about those specialized events it forms its “current” civilizations. [...] The psychic and biological mechanisms were there, permitting the species to know, particularly in time of stress or danger, what normally unperceived events might threaten survival. [...]
[...] As you live in an obvious physical universe, sharing in its reality, so each of you exists in a far vaster psychological or psychic universe — surrounded by, supported by, and part of psychic or psychological entities (long pause) infinite in their variety. [...] Psychological realities cannot be compared in terms of size, or bigger or smaller, for the validity and brilliance of each existence carries a personalized intensity so unique that it overshadows any such considerations.
There, events are not dependent upon time. You, on the other hand, must work with the time version of events. [...] This proper placement is quite dependent upon an inner knowledge of probable future events, and your present time would be an impossible achievement were it not for this unconscious knowledge of the “future.”
Your own physical environment appears as it does to you because of your own psychological structure. If you gained your sense of personal continuity through associative processes primarily, rather than as a result of the familiarity of self moving through time, then you would experience physical reality in an entirely different fashion. [...] If your perceptive mechanisms were primarily set up as a result of intuitive association rather than time sequence, then you would perceive all of these chairs at one time; or seeing one, you would be aware of the others. So environment is not a separate thing in itself, but the result of perceptive patterns, and these are determined by psychological structure.
[...] By this I mean that I am not restricted to a time sequence. [...] We experience time, or what you would call its equivalent nature, in terms of intensities of experience — a psychological time with its own peaks and valleys.
This is somewhat similar to your own emotional feelings when time seems speeded up or slowed down, but it is vastly different in important ways. Our psychological time could be compared in terms of environment to the walls of a room, but in our case the walls would be constantly changing in color, size, height, depth and width.
Our psychological structures are different, practically speaking, in that we consciously utilize a multidimensional psychological reality that you inherently possess, but are unfamiliar with at an egotistical level. [...]
(Jane has also been trying contemplation, and has observed the beginnings of a few achievements, after a long period without success in psychological time.
The psychological frameworks behind physical reality are also composed of energy, and are the building blocks that I have mentioned earlier. Their expansion is not limited by any of your known, or misinterpreted, laws of space or time or thermodynamics, since they exist in a dimension where such laws simply do not apply.
It is self-propelled, self-perpetuating as a psychological energy unit. [...] Your time sense gives it and all matter the appearance of durability. [...]
They of course have their results or effects on psychological levels, representing what we may call psychological personality thrust. [...]
[...] By its nature, however, that precise specialization and tuning of consciousness in to space and time largely precludes other less-specialized encounters with realities. Dreams often present you with what seems to be an ambiguity, an opaqueness, since they lack the immediate impact of psychological activity with space and time. [...] The lack of normal time and space intersections means that you cannot share your dreams with others in the way that you can share waking events. [...]
There are alterations taken into your calculations, so astronauts know ahead of time that they can expect to encounter weightlessness, for example. [...] Your conscious mind as you understand it is the “psychological structure” that deals with conditions on a physical basis. [...]
Psychologically and physically, however, you send out dream bulletins all the while in a constant inner communication. On this level individual dreams help form mass reality, yet also to some extent arise from it in the same way that local weather conditions contribute to world weather conditions, while they are formed by them at the same time.
In the dream state, with your body more or less safe and at rest, and without the necessity for precise action, these psychological intrusions become more apparent. [...] They are transformed, therefore, as they travel through your own psychological atmosphere. [...] The resulting structure of the dream suits your reality and no other: As this intrusive matter falls, plummets, or shifts through the levels of your own psychological atmosphere, it is transformed by the conditions it meets.
[...] I have mentioned earlier that in a dream experience, as far as the senses are concerned you may visit a particular location, experience a certain time duration; and yet the location does not exist and cannot be found in your space, and though you experience, say, five hours time in your dream, this perhaps takes up merely a flash of clock time, and the physical body does not age during the psychological dream experience in any proportion to the actual psychological reality involved. You are free of space, and to a large degree of time, in the sleeping state, because you are not using your energies to transform ideas into durable physical camouflage patterns.
If you trusted only your so-called scientific method, then you would not admit that you have ever even had a psychological experience, since it takes up no space and exists independently of time. Nevertheless, no one will argue that a psychological experience has no validity. A psychological experience is so valid that it can change the course, not only of one life, but of many.
[...] You must understand psychological reality, psychological time, psychological experience, and the dream existence before you can learn to utilize many abilities, since in all the mentioned aspects, you use your abilities, that is your inner senses, on a subconscious level.
[...] You remember what I have said about psychological experience. Psychological experience has no reality in space or time.
Children’s dreams activate inner psychological mechanisms, and at a time when their age makes extensive physical knowledge of their world impossible. [...]
The human personality is therefore endowed sexually and psychologically with a freedom from strict sexual orientation. This has contributed to the survival of the species by not separating any of its mental or psychological abilities into two opposite camps. Except for the physical processes of reproduction, the species is free to arrange its psychological characteristics in whatever fashions it chooses. [...]
[...] The reasons for such a lopsided focus have been discussed at various times in my works. [...] Only in dreams in your time, in your society, is the male free to cry unabashedly, to admit any kind of dependency, and only at certain occasions and usually in relative privacy is he allowed to express feelings of love.
(11:05.) In play, children adopt certain rules and conditions “for a time.” The child can stop at any time. [...]
The entity and its time are not separate. [...] Basically time is simply psychological experience, regardless of the lapses between perception or the manner of perception. [...]
[...] As atoms have a mobility, so do psychological structures in their own way. They move through the value climate of psychological reality as freely as atoms move through your time.
[...] The subjective experience of these personalities, the psychological existence of these personalities (long pause), is composed of (pause, frown) dimensions of value fulfillment, as considering your time, hours are composed of moments.
You must simply and practically try to divest yourself of all ideas of time as you know it, for this discussion. Basically, what you call time does not exist. [...] The question of time and entities then, you see, cannot be truly answered in the manner in which you asked it.
(I discussed with Jane the questions I’d thought of when Seth had commented, above, on “… how limiting previous concepts of psychology have been.”: As a discipline, why was psychology so narrowly developed? [...] Her work was unique in that it was coming through her individual personality, I added — yet, why wasn’t the theory of probabilities, or its equivalent, say, common knowledge, or at least considered, in psychology today? [...]
[...] The projection in time and space may disappear, in your terms, wither and die. The main identity continues to exist, even as the consciousnesses of millions of cells still exist that at one time were part of the body.
[...] Your own psychological makeup, for that matter, achieves its marvelous complexity because it draws from the rich bank of your greater probable existences. Even a small understanding of these ideas can help you glimpse how limiting previous concepts of psychology have been.
[...] I was a baby in my hometown, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. The time was about 1931 to start with. [...]
Physical events imply the collection of basically nonphysical forces into an organization that exists initially outside of the time-space context. This is a psychological organization, consisting of a selection of chosen probable events. [...] The final trigger for that actualization may come from the waking or dream states, but it will represent the final factor needed — the quickening of inspiration, desire, or purpose — that will suddenly activate the initial psychological organization as a physical occurrence.
These fields involve psychological reactions, not physically perceivable, and yet as explosive in their way as a nuclear detonation. That is, these psychological activities “explode” into physical events by virtue of a transformation and a charge that allows purely mental acts to “break the time-space barrier” and emerge as realities in a physical world. [...]
[...] They must fall into the proper time and space slots. There must be a psychological fit also, certain intensities reached in terms of desire, belief, or intent. [...]
[...] Dream events, not as precise in space and time, often serve as a framework through which some evidence of other universes can be glimpsed. [...] No psychological system is closed either, even while it retains an inviolate nature that is indestructible.
[...] It is very difficult on your level to do without any camouflage, and yet it can be done; and here again the use of psychological time is extremely important, since when psychological time is utilized to its fullest extent, then camouflage becomes lessened to an almost astounding degree.
[...] Most realities have their growth and existence in something closely akin to what we have called psychological time, and this is completely independent of space as you conceive it to be. Psychological time is a sort of climate or environment conducive to the existence of all consciousness.
[...] It is also free to a very large degree of your physical time, but it does exist in the climate or environment of psychological time.
[...] As a rule the use of psychological time will help you both develop in a fairly balanced manner. [...] After some more material with our inner senses perhaps we shall take some time out to go into your various life readings, as I have let them go to get other material to you.
[...] It is more than what you are at any given moment in your time. It contains, and is, the psychological blueprint containing the full potential of the present personality within any given incarnation.
[...] You take it for granted that the physically-oriented ego represents your own psychological identity, you see, and this is an illusion. It contains a portion of your psychological feeling of identity, but only that.
[...] I am speaking now of the psychological makeup of the survival personality. [...] There is no real distinction between psychological reality and physical reality. [...]
[...] To him all realities are psychological realities, a thought as real as a chair—in fact, much more real. Therefore, communications between survival personalities and physically-oriented personalities are bound to suffer difficulties, and these difficulties are the result of the change of psychological frameworks.
[...] Yet I come to your reality by a strange route — one that does not involve roads or highways but psychological dramas that wind backward like paths into the “psychological history” of your species. To some extent, I am like a particularly vivid, persistent, recurring dream image, visiting the mass psyche, only with a reality that is not confined to dreams — a dream image that attains a psychological fullness that can seem to make ordinary consciousness a weak apparition by contrast, psychologically speaking.
(9:50.) Those psychological structures are also great energy activators, and as such are important initiators of events. [...] Yet they are very responsive to the psychic needs of the people, and so they “appear” at various times in history with certain messages, in the same way that certain dreams might reoccur in a private mind.
[...] We have also touched upon psychological entities of vast proportions, in your terms, that form psychological structures from which your own reality emerges. [...]
(Tonight we started the sessions up again after a three-month layoff: During that time I typed the final manuscript for Volume I of Seth’s “Unknown” Reality, with Jane’s help, and we’ve just mailed it to her publisher, Prentice-Hall, Inc. [...]