Results 21 to 40 of 72 for stemmed:pronounc

TES7 Session 282 August 31, 1966 Wollheim apparitions potbellied root system

[...] In projections this independence is more pronounced. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 891, December 26, 1979 probabilities resolutions fairy versions peripheral

[...] All of the members of the Butts family observed the pronounced changes in Stella’s thinking about her husband, although Jane and I were the only ones who ascribed those changes to her moving into another probable reality.

TES9 Session 427 August 7, 1968 yearned Dave agony cosmic sepia

(See the 424th session of July 29, and the discarnate Van Elver’s suggestion that I not use sepia—Seth pronounces it say-pia—with too heavy a hand. [...]

TES9 Session 438 September 23, 1968 Eve notime accident Helena rm

[...] (This is the way Jane pronounced 1007.)

TPS7 Deleted Session June 1, 1982 Hal clots medical vasculitis Dr

(After tonight’s session, and echoing my own ideas of how adamant Jane was becoming about the medical scene, I said that it would be ironic indeed if her encounters with the medical establishment furnished the final great impetus she needed to divest herself of the symptoms and inflate recovery; anything to get away from the massively negative pronouncement of the doctors, to dump old ideas, to set the body free to heal itself. [...]

TES5 Session 226 January 24, 1966 John Cleveland McKeown Searle Hilton

[...] A pronounced limp. (Pause.) There is a connection with the glass and a note. [...]

[...] John now told us that he took several meals in the Manger Hotel—pronounced with a hard G—and had some business engagements there also. [...]

TES4 Session 162 June 14, 1965 Lorraine electrical witnesses delivery brogue

[...] This was more pronounced than before, and more than a little reminiscent of the two Father Trainor episodes.

[...] Both Bill Gallagher and I remarked on the pronounced brogue she had used. [...]

TES8 Session 421 July 8,1968 spontaneity problems pent solved endeavor

[...] Now the symptoms are not so pronounced and the other problem, which was there, shows. [...]

TES7 Session 300 November 7, 1966 page article sheet Seminary torn

[...] (Jane pronounced this as though groping a bit.) Blue. [...]

[...] Jane groped a bit on gubatorial, although I had no trouble putting down her pronouncement here. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 1: Session 511, January 21, 1970 delusion ghost book readers grown

[...] At times this effect is quite pronounced, and I can easily sense the immediacy of Seth’s presence.

TES3 Session 129 February 7, 1965 Lee Judy Wright forefinger debts

(Unfortunately, we are unable to distinguish here as to whether Jane pronounced the word forefinger, or the two words, fourth finger. [...]

TES5 Session 228 January 31, 1966 shoe weather storm blizzard excesses

[...] The last word above, which I took to be shoe, was not clearly pronounced by Jane. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session June 7, 1982 sinful love beset expression threatening

[...] Throughout her voice had carried a very pronounced tremor, as it does now whenever she becomes upset. [...]

TES9 Session 450 November 20, 1968 Pius Carl encyclopedia creaked guy

[...] This sleepy effect was already more pronounced, I thought, than it had been at any time during the last session. [...]

TES9 Session 482 May 19, 1969 prayer dresser drawer John furniture

I do not know if this refers to a name, or if it was a way she had of pronouncing the word peppy, as full of pep.

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 568, February 22, 1971 Speakers devil evil soul religions

[...] If anything, her transformation is more pronounced when she’s not at her best before a session begins…. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 13 1979 worth yeoman equal Europe parentage

[...] You can often follow social mores quite easily, when you realize they are mores (intently), and not moral pronouncements—and that is all. [...]

TES3 Session 119 January 6, 1965 outer ego Jung subconscious animus

(Out-terialization, above, is just as Jane pronounced it.)

TPS6 Deleted Session April 14, 1981 shuttle cautionary astray Sinful Ethel

[...] Some of Ruburt’s ideas along those lines were highly reinforced by his mother as well as by the church, and later in its way by the very pronouncements of science. [...]

TPS1 First Hypnosis Session, Jane February 12, 1968 Florida induced relaxed hypnosis hypnotized

(As stated, this worked well, and as I counted Jane felt herself rising or lifting toward waking consciousness; the effect here was much more pronounced than when I had suggested she enter a deeper state, as described earlier. [...]

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