Results 61 to 80 of 865 for stemmed:period

TPS4 Deleted Session December 12, 1977 inoculations speakers disease medicine bacteria

[...] You will note, if you keep track, that your high and low periods largely correspond, as this afternoon, and the period on Sunday.

[...] There are periods of stability, as he knows, when he forgets the issue, and other periods when one leg is “working” more than the other.

[...] The feeling is much like that she experienced following our first suggestion period, she added, where my suggestions produced a different, better sense of bodily weight, even in the soles of her feet. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 28, 1978 disapproval garage plunger copout crisis

In between, there were periodic periods of new stability, where the newly activated portions moved and held. This period would last several days, when the process would begin again. [...]

Since our last session, you both made considerable efforts, so that you momentarily managed to suspend self-disapproval for some periods of time. [...]

[...] He was beginning to try to walk without the table for small periods—commendable in the house, but expected, no matter what, in the garage.

TPS4 Session 815 (Deleted Portion) December 17, 1977 skiing imagery imprinted images lain

He did somewhat better on the garage steps today—because he is, as I said, in a period of transition, and now is able to pull his body higher. [...]

[...] For reasons I will not go into now, and speaking simply, you are coming into a fertile period, each of you—in part because of changed beliefs, so that your relationship with Framework 2 is more intimate, practically speaking, now—and I would like you to take advantage of that.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 668, June 6, 1973 impinges continuum ferment dimensional seventeenth

These interchanges represent periods in which the soul and flesh meet under the most optimum conditions. [...]

[...] Within this, a seven-year period is important individually. [...]

Now: As there are better times than others in your sphere of activity for sending rockets or spaceships to the moon, so there are peak periods when the self and the soul (or entity) coincide — when communication is at its best.

TES3 Session 120 January 11, 1965 fields chemicals mankind bravo excess

[...] For the species this present period is transitory, but the length of this period, if drawn out, could bring about results most unfortunate.

[...] She reminded me of Seth’s suggested phrase to bring her out of the trance state every half-hour, should she show signs of remaining in it for longer periods.

[...] Two, the inner self, restrained and denied for too long a period, could explosively overwhelm the ego so that existence in the physical field was made most difficult, since the ego is equipped to handle such manipulation. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 12, 1978 mystic incubation public trust concealed

[...] Certain important kinds of creativity demand incubation periods, during which the conscious mind cannot follow the inner processes. [...]

[...] To some extent that kind of activity gives his conscious mind something to concentrate upon during creative periods of incubation. [...]

In other periods, for example, there were acceptable frameworks through which mystics expressed themselves, and most cultures have such avenues. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 20, 1984 couldn Jeff vitamin Shannon worrisome

Ruburt has been trying too hard (pause), and it is not unusual for a period of new decision to be accompanied by a period of worrisome doubts.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 17, 1977 Framework paperback detailed operate suggestions

[...] He gave himself a time period that he knew he could reasonably handle. [...] That kind of method gives you something to work with, and a time period you can handle.

(9:41.) Your intimate periods are of prime importance from all angles. [...]

[...] Such periods also provide definite regeneration of the spirit, body, and mind. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 724 December 4, 1974 counterparts personage races century personhood

Give us a moment … Certain abilities can be developed with much greater ease in particular time periods — in a highly industrialized technology, for example — and those interested in that kind of an environment did not generally appear in the eras of the cavemen, simply because those alive at that time were working with different challenges. So this hypothetical greater identity also chooses to be born in different time periods, historically speaking; and the same pattern appears in which counterparts are born as individuals, each biologically and spiritually connected, but with great intertwinings and variations, as with a physical family tree.

[...] Period.

SS Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 576, March 29, 1971 fluctuations blank waking memory normal

It is precisely in the low points of fluctuation that such experiences originate, for normal consciousness is momentarily at a weak state and in a period of rest. [...] These periods also fluctuate, following rhythms that have to do with the characteristic personality. [...]

(Pause at 10:23.) In periods of conscious “blank spots” or certain fluctuations, these memory systems are often perceived. [...]

Now: Periods of reverie and creative moments of consciousness both represent excellent entryways into these other areas. [...]

TES9 Session 483 May 21, 1969 Reverend Crosson Berkshires cybernetics psycho

It is fortunate that his most creative periods come in late spring and through into autumn. [...]

[...] The nature of your particular achievements has something to do with the period in your life in which they are accomplished.

Continue your combined prayer periods. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 14, 1983 exuberant dietary Misnick healthy obedient

[...] I’ve managed to keep my mind off the whole situation for considerable periods, though occasionally the subject returns and I catch myself thinking about it. But those periods seem to vanish, to my pleasant surprise.)

(“I was going to tell you about them sometime,” I said, meaning my own blue periods, “but I hadn’t done it before because I didn’t want you to feel bad. [...]

TES1 Session 32 March 4, 1964 Jews starlings gulping killing reverence

His discipline is improving and has improved this life, especially since the ending of the adolescent period. [...]

[...] There have been however a few periods in mankind’s history when this happened en masse. [...]

(“In what century did this period begin?”)

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 657, April 18, 1973 reinforce past beliefs current mercy

[...] A correctly utilized five-minute period of time can be of great benefit, however. In this period concentrate upon the fact that the point of power is now. [...] Use visualization or verbal thought — whatever comes most naturally to you; but for that period do not concentrate upon any lacks, just upon your desire.

[...] A great many unsatisfactory conditions result because individuals become frightened at various periods in their lives, doubt themselves, and begin to concentrate upon “negative” aspects.

[...] Simply make sure that in that period your intentions are clear. [...]

TES3 Session 99 October 21, 1964 cellar vessel Tubbs furnace collaborate

[...] It is after this period that the trance little by little weakens its hold. By the period you call old age the inner attention is already escaping. [...]

[...] You are also aware that certain physical organisms seem to withstand this final dissolution, or hold it off for a greater period of your time. [...]

During that period you refer to as old age, once again emotionally and psychologically the individual is less bound by physical time. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 3, 1973 Hugh steak demands significant greater

[...] Creativity as you understand it is the three-dimensional aspect then of greater abilities that belong to our consciousness innately, whether it is consciously materialized or not (period).

[...] He would also be driven to critically analyze the phenomena (hyphen)—and in books, because he is a writer—before he felt free enough to simply create (period).

[...] “It’s like you’ve been through a training period you didn’t even know you were going through—and now, in our terms,” she said with surprise, “it’s taken all that time. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 1, 1973 improvements tomatoes badminton tendons mobility

[...] The body changes for the better seem to be long-lasting—already they have existed for longer periods than any others in recent years. [...]

These improvements are happening in such a way that no undue stress is placed upon any particular group of muscles or tendons, and yet there will be some periods in which feelings of unaccustomed activity are present, and perhaps some tenderness, as muscles and tendons are gradually activated.

[...] The changing entails adjustments at all body levels, so there are in-between periods, so to speak, physically in your terms, as all portions of the body react to any given improvement.

TES8 Session 421 July 8,1968 spontaneity problems pent solved endeavor

The pent-up spontaneity, too long restrained, then latches upon normal low periods when the personality is tired, and comes out as strong discouragement, feelings of desolation, aggravating normal low periods. [...]

The daily working methods allow for the natural and periodic use and release of both aspects of the personality. [...]

[...] Spontaneity itself has its own rhythm, with needed periods of rest that follow naturally. [...]

TPS1 Session 472 April 2, 1969 despondencies Reread Therapy session Jane

[...] Reread periodically.)

TPS4 Deleted Session January 9, 1978 Christ thy condemnation thesis crucified

[...] The disapproval was still present, however; yet now and then through the years would come a period of release, of sudden ease and sudden physical improvement—each time when he suspended self-disapproval, and when for your reasons you began to suspend your own.

Ruburt is quite correct: his vision has fluctuated through the years, and in periods of mental ease, understanding, and physical improvements, his vision also improves.

[...] Tell Ruburt that if he continues in this manner, and if the two of you can manage to maintain your peace of mind long enough—over a two or three day period, for example, then you can expect rewards in all areas. [...]

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