Results 41 to 60 of 865 for stemmed:period

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Thursday July 7, 1977 supernatural tho threw Thursday embarrassing

[...] Then, discovering that he was, after all, fallible, I felt betrayed; and worse I felt for some periods that he rejected me. [...] During this entire period, I developed a way of retreating from the world — habits of thought and action. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 22, 1977 solitude rejection hurt deposits squandering

Yet in your terms of time you are often in periods where you appear more influenced by the past. You are moving into a period where you are becoming more influenced by the future, in those terms, drawn by an impetus you feel but cannot consciously elucidate as yet.

In previous periods of improvement, Ruburt often worked nights, because he then avoided the issue—or, rather, took care of it in another manner.

[...] Therefore you have a period of instability. [...]

TES7 Session 293 October 12, 1966 energy October converting maturation demand

The level and period of your energy can be seen from a study of your dreams. Clairvoyant dreams and dreams of intuitive natures will occur in high level periods. [...] Your influence over others will be heightened, and during such periods you will project emotions and ideas with great clearness. [...]

[...] Followed by a slower period of maturation, before final conversion of energy to another form. [...] When your slower period lengthens beyond a certain point, then with you there is difficulty. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1976 paperbacks hardcover occult stance market

I have nothing against bestsellers, and as I predicted the books will succeed financially beyond anything you would have thought—but over a period of time, in a dependable fashion, and in a way that will also best be suited to the temper of the times. That is, the books will have a strong active part to play over the period of your lifetimes, rather than for example selling in the millions in a year or two, then vanishing from the scene.

(10:22.) Give us a moment....The paperbacks will not go out of print except for short periods. [...]

[...] You are in an in-between period. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 12, 1978 Emir Eleanor conservative weight truth

[...] That is, he was not going to have Emir cut in two, period, even if it meant, as he hoped it would not, that he must ship it around to many other places.

The sore periods—and Ruburt should remember this, again—are of less intensity and duration. [...]

(9:49.) There are different periods when he will suddenly feel like walking without support, and will do so, and much more easily than before. [...]

TES8 Session 417 June 17, 1968 stream refreshment Cayce emotional prospectus

[...] If your periods are not synchronized, these periods of which I have spoken, and you are not ready for this emotional actualization, and he is, then there can be also resentment of your part. (Pause.) The periods eventually synchronize and you should both attempt to realize the feelings of the other at such times.

[...] Pure, sparkling (smile) water is pure sparkling water, and a taste will lead to more when the populace is in a period of drought.

[...] You both drink it in, and it sustains you for some period. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 13, 1983 Teresa bumpity Andrew Cathy crying

[...] The blue period started after that. [...] The crying went on after that, too, but then, before midnight, Jane said, the period of blueness was gone. [...]

[...] I thought her spell might fit in with Seth’s recent material that her blue periods would gradually vent themselves away. [...]

I wanted to comment also on his period of blueness, since it certainly was unsettling to him. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 567, February 17, 1971 fluctuations multiple atom microsecond steadily

(9:41.) In those periods of nonphysical projection, the off periods of fluctuation, the atoms “appear” in another system of reality. [...]

[...] These several thousand years would be experienced, say, as a second of your time, with the events occurring within it perceived simply as a “present period.”

TPS3 Session 760 (Deleted Portion) November 10, 1975 recovery unexercised improvements trust ricochet

The period of recovery, as he has set it up, is also meant to impress upon him the fact that the kind of venture he embarked upon physically is not one to be thrown aside overnight. [...]

[...] There are periods of inner biological work, then signs of definite improvements. [...]

TPS3 Session 698 (Deleted Portion) May 20, 1974 physicians alignment canal Cyprus jaw

[...] Once they are released, hormones are automatically released also into the system, encouraging either periods of activity or tranquilizing periods, according to the specific portions of the overall process. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 652, March 28, 1973 unconscious sleep waking evil behavior

[...] They know exactly when to alter their patterns to longer or shorter sleep periods, therefore adjusting the adrenaline output and regulating all of the bodily hormones.

[...] With your habits the body is literally starved for long periods at night, then often overfed during the day. [...]

[...] The condition gives the body its refreshment, yet it does not lie inert for such long periods of time.

SS Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 562, December 7, 1970 civilization violence Lumanians technology caves

As a child is physically protected from some diseases for a while after he emerges from his mother’s womb, so for a brief period is the child cushioned against some psychic disasters for a short period after birth, and carries within him, still for his comfort, memories of past existences and places. [...]

[...] The poles were reversed — as they were, incidentally, for three long periods of your planet’s history. [...]

Not only did it make no attempt to “civilize” the rest of the world, but it did everything in its power — which was considerable for a long period of time — to impede any such progress.

TES7 Session 282 August 31, 1966 Wollheim apparitions potbellied root system

There is a period of which we have not previously spoken, when the personality continues to hover within the physical system, with however certain freedoms that it did not previously possess. During such periods, as has been suggested elsewhere, the personality can merge, blend or change various aspects of his previous existences, using them as you, Joseph, use colors.

[...] In your terms you worked out this possibility by weaving, over a period of three years, a dream framework in which you learned exactly what your life would have been, had you gone into medicine.

(I had no conscious memories of being interested in medicine while in my teens, but then neither do I recall dreams from that period. [...]

TPS3 Session 705 (Deleted Portion) June 24,1974 marshland overimpatience inclination flexibility concentration

[...] Two two-hour periods a week for particular dream activity and out-of-body practice. [...]

[...] He must continue to trust himself, and his dream activity and those periods of relaxation.

TES3 Session 132 February 15, 1965 Trainor Lepanto Elegy Father summon

[...] Your uneasy period, Joseph, or the period in which you have a tendency to become so, has passed. [...]

[...] For brief periods her voice would sound very alien. For other periods, during what seemed to be letdowns, I would know the voice was hers. [...]

[...] With the schedule that I have suggested the inner energies are vividly and intensely focused, but for a short period of your time. [...]

TES8 Session 358 August 2, 1967 Pete Boston Marilyn rugs sister

[...] (Pause.) Now as to your picture of your sister, a period approximately six months distant and the probability of a bathroom tumble, that can be averted if no small rugs are used on the floor. [...]

[...] For safety’s sake I would suggest an eight-month period. [...]

For our long-haired blonde friend, (Marilyn Wilbur), shortly a new element, another person who will play a significant part in her life, for either a long or brief period. [...]

TPS3 Session 787 (Deleted Portion) August 23, 1976 background cleavage opinions react triggered

[...] Yet in this period certain thoughts or images will be experienced in the background area. [...]

Over a period of time, then, certain portions of the body will habitually respond in any given overall positive or negative way. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 8, 1973 rituals gums shoes dissolved walking

[...] There will be periods of deep relaxation (as today), and the opportunities must be allowed for so that gains during these periods can be utilized in action later.

The badminton for 10 minutes daily is highly important, allowing a short period for the release of normal energy, motion, and activation of the joints as they are being loosened. [...]

[...] He should however either go barefooted or change shoes for some short period during each day. [...]

TES1 Session 6 December 11, 1963 Gratis levitation board aggressions Fragment

(This period began at 10:11 PM. [...] The period ended at 10:14, with nothing happening.

(“When will the next period of such activity begin?”)

TES3 Session 90 September 21, 1964 twin Loriza meditation Ida sneezing

A 15-minute daily meditation period would be excellent for three months. Then 3 weeks of no meditation; a month of half-hour meditation, followed by a week of no meditation; and for a year a daily schedule of no more than a half-hour meditation period, these periods to be regular however.

[...] If Ruburt can stand it, I would suggest a three-day period after he leaves the gallery, during which he does no writing. Perhaps playing about his apartment while instructing his subconscious to work for him in the interval, and completely divorcing his conscious mind from his writing for that period of time. [...]

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