Results 441 to 460 of 865 for stemmed:period

NoPR Part One: Chapter 9: Session 638, February 7, 1973 lsd conscience oversoul nirvana Rooney

[...] Period.

TES7 Session 332 April 5, 1967 wipe Johnny misbehave despair replace

In poor periods he is almost completely vulnerable to negative suggestion, so that it operates through his own psychic and physical system. [...]

TPS2 Session 608 Deleted. Seth’s Preface: “The Manufacture of Personal Reality” April 5, 1972 correlating core Oversoul reincarnation brain

Most probably this time we will work in concentrated periods that can be broken by rests when you prefer it, or circumstances seem to call for it. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 24, 1972 thrashing felt uncherished deprived he

Now: Much of the information, and the most pertinent part, is buried in your files—I tried to give the data in various ways, although it was quite definitely given also in terms of the physical relationship several times; and only at one particular period did you try to take advantage of it.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 1, 1971 Joel Bette Indians kids didn

([Joel:] “Well, it’s not this one reincarnational period, I’m sure, and today I still think the Indians had and have a better life philosophy, a purer kind of thing.”

NoPR Part One: Chapter 6: Session 627, November 13, 1972 beliefs unexamined assess coughing power

[...] Period.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 6: Session 629, November 29, 1972 Augustus analyst cure invasion suicidal

[...] If the analyst, over a period of time, should convince Augustus that his condition in the present resulted from some specific inhibited event in the past, and if the analyst was an intuitive and understanding man, then Augustus might change his beliefs enough so that some kind of “cure” was worked. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 833, January 31, 1979 fame mate reams destination deaths

Some people’s deaths are quiet periods. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 16 precognitive dream manuscript prospectus freight

[...] In a long series of dreams, over a three-year period, I foresaw the answers to my letters and inquiries.

[...] I was in the middle of my monthly period. [...]

That series of dreams was important to me, for each of them gave me additional information about a project in which I had the highest emotional interest, and they cut down the waiting period involved in normal communication.

TES1 Session 33 March 9, 1964 limb confidence wind Kennedy permission

[...] She said that sometimes for a period of perhaps two weeks, she will have an idea of what Seth will talk about; then will begin a longer period during which she has no advance ideas. [...]

[...] They cannot exist in duration upon your level for any long periods. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 661, May 7, 1973 Dineen evil territory ill severest

In many animal groups the sick animal isolates itself for a period of rest, in which it is also free to seek out those natural conditions most conducive to its health. [...]

[...] When that period arrives the person knows it, and the great vitality of the spirit no longer wants to be encased by a suffering physical body.

TES2 Session 69 July 8, 1964 apparition constructions water temperature cool

I rather enjoy question and answer periods. [...]

(Already, due to my questions, the session had run well past the period where I was sure Seth would have ordinarily ended it.)

TES2 Session 79 August 12, 1964 property price expectations veteran minimum

(Jane has also been trying contemplation, and has observed the beginnings of a few achievements, after a long period without success in psychological time.

[...] That period, signifying what we do not know, begins today. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 22, 1984 protected association tears pregnant wouldn

[...] She mentioned various periods of improvement — her work on her unfinished and unpublished autobiography, From This Rich Bed; her published novel, The Education of Oversoul Seven, and so on. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 25, 1984 flea rats diseases inoculations autobiography

[...] Then she added, “I know he’s going into at least two other things in this chapter, too: that at certain times people mostly died in their 30’s, say, at one period, and usually lived to be very old in another. [...]

TES8 Session 389 January 3, 1968 Blanche Healy Anne Baltimore dining

Now the incident either occurred in Miss Healy’s dining room, the one with which Ruburt is familiar, or in a room very similar, in color and markings and period. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 17, 1984 Bactrim joyride car Cadillac maintenance

[...] I said that maybe by now she’d learned how to cut the blue periods shorter — a sign that we were learning something after all.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 28, 1968 impart transmit solve am community

[...] After some period of silence I say good evening to you all. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 17, 1968 dog door taskmaster yaps fear

[...] That within your activities you find a period of peace. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 2 Monday, April 5, 1982 explanations frenetic handset intercoms stoicism

[...] (Dr. Mandali told us that the hormone dosage has to be increased very slowly, over a period of months, in order to avoid strain upon the heart and the endocrine system.)

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