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(The carpenter was to see our landlord last week, and let us know about our kitchen enlargement by last Saturday. [...]
But he tries again, and in the dream he discovers another radio on your bookcase, Joseph , where our material is kept. [...] The shock is his knowledge that our material would cease were he to shut off his abilities in such a manner. [...]
(In the 198th session of last Wednesday, October 13, Seth stated that financial matters and our kitchen problem would be settled by Saturday, October 16. [...]
(This evening’s session will see the first of three scheduled attempts for Seth to clairvoyantly tune in on our friends, Bill and Peggy Gallagher, who arrived in Puerto Rico on vacation yesterday, Sunday. [...]
Now I will begin, there, on our book at our next session.
[...] This does not mean that you cannot travel to other planets, for example, within that physical universe, any more than it means that you cannot use tables to hold books, glasses, and oranges (as our coffee table did at that moment), although the table has no solid qualities of its own.
(During break Jane got a brief but clear message from Seth: We should turn our bed back so that its head pointed north again, instead of to the west as it does now.
[...] I discussed these notes with Jane when I wrote them—Thursday, July 30—and our individual attitudes toward the mail in general, which is steadily increasing in volume. [...] For both events obviously involved effects her work was having in that outside world we shied away from: Seth, it seemed, had even managed to make his way into a court of law, the very fabric of our society; and regardless of whether he was praised or knocked, his ideas were “officially” discussed. And the medium, Thomas Massari, was basically spreading Seth’s ideas among the so-called leaders of at least segments of our society: M.D.’s, psychotherapists, and others in the medical field. [...]
(Then, not long before the session this evening, I mentioned to Jane my question about the Sinful Self’s reaction to our latest efforts. We haven’t seen the kind of physical response we want yet, and I wanted to know if our efforts were prompting the Sinful Self to step up its own protective behavior to keep Jane “under control.” [...]
(Lest some hypothetical readers of this material in the future regard Jane and me as idiots, incapable of learning, I’d like to note in our own defense that we’ve made many efforts to put the symptom situation out of mind as much as we’re capable of, yet it doesn’t leave us. [...] As I asked Jane the other day when she talked of resuming work on that project: “Can you stand any more complications?” I meant of course, that after 17 books, we’re at our present situation, so I have difficulty understanding how doing another book will suddenly, magically, turn anything around for us as long as we stay on the same old course. [...]
In the case of our book (Dreams), however, Ruburt himself was worried about your attitude. [...]
[...] [Appendix 11 contains excerpts from The Wonderworks, the paper Jane wrote almost two weeks ago on Seth, dreams, and the creation of our reality. In my notes for The Wonderworks I described her own recent dream series — which still continues, by the way.] And: “In our case,” Seth said a bit later, “Ruburt almost ‘becomes’ the material he receives from me. If certain other beneficial alterations occur, and further understanding on Ruburt’s part, we may be able to meet at other levels of consciousness — in the dream state, when he is not cooperating in the production of our book material.” [...]
[...] It has many good things in it, but we’re disturbed when we come to passages in which the author describes “life” as opposed to “nonlife”, or in which he postulates an ultimate chaos — the running-down of our universe into a final random distribution of matter — as inevitable. [...] Also, as we grew up independently of each other, Jane and I gradually dispensed with conventional scientific ideas that life had occurred by chance; the emotional natures of our creative endeavors led us to question the theory. [...]
[...] This will be elaborated upon later in the book.3 Our dream-art scientist learns to recognize such points of correlation.
[...] All of this, however, is but a beginning for our dream-art scientist, for he or she then begins to recognize the fact of involvement with many different levels and kinds of reality and activity. [...]
[...] We will of course finish our book in our usual style.
[...] It seems that we also got our signals crossed, for I learned today that she’d been ready for a session; but because I didn’t come out of the writing room and ask her if she wanted one, she thought I didn’t want one....
[...] All our doors and most windows were open because of the heat, yet when Jane went into trance her delivery was quite energetic, almost fast, and at times very emphatic. [...]
[...] The world is being changed through our work—but because that work is primarily a creative endeavor in the fullest, deepest meaning, now, of the word creative. [...]
(In closing: Our list of “house connections” is still increasing. [...] 63 as of 11/75], with additional ones entering our reality every so often. [...] At book’s end Jane just laughed and said: “Well, it looks like we just moved our old neighborhood up here—or at least a version of it....”
[...] Now see the lists of our house connections.
[...] The bureau it came from is an old- fashioned one that had sat in the garage of “our” apartment house for some years. Our landlord gave it to us, and we fixed it up and repainted it.
[...] We will also try to verify some of the impressions through our landlord, Jimmy Spaziani. We do not know how much he can help, since he has owned our apartment house but a few years.
[...] I always distinguish between our lines of thought when this happens. We will perhaps discuss this sort of test at our next session.
(It will be remembered that in the 194th session Seth promised to discuss in the 195th session our cat’s rather frequent if brief bouts of illness. [...]
(About the letter business: Yesterday Jane had called Tam, and learned to our complete surprise that last August Pocket Books had published a paperback edition of the second Seven book: The Further Education, etc. [...] It seems our problems with communication with Prentice-Hall are getting worse by the month.... [...]
(Through all of our personal activities, Jane and I are intensely conscious of the cultural, scientific, artistic, and economic aspects of the world we’ve chosen to live and work in. [...] Right now, we’re very much aware of all of the good things the people of our world are providing for us and for millions of others, every minute of every day — yet a certain portion of our joint interest in that “outside” world is also directed toward the situation at Three Mile Island, the nuclear power generating plant located some 130 airline miles south of us. [...] The whole world was a spectator at the worst accident in the history of our country’s nuclear power program.
(And these final notes: We still don’t know whether the Dutch edition of Seth Speaks has been published — but we do know that our good friend Sue Watkins is presently working on Chapter 15 of Conversations With Seth, the book she’s writing about Jane’s ESP classes. [...] I also know that as I prepare these notes our 7-month-old kittens, Billy Two and Mitzi, are racing through the house.
[...] Our friends very accurately picked up on her need, likening the room changes to a mini-vacation for her.
(Over two years ago, in Note 2 for Session 801, and in the opening notes for Session 805, I described our decision to add the writing room to the house. [...]
Now I give you my regards and to our visitors and now tell Ruburt what I said. [...]
[...] And our friend, Ned, for all his troubles with your draft board, is quite well aware of the nature of existence and joy, but it is because you are so well aware of it that you become so desperate in the field of reality in which you are presently focused, and you must find a way to give that joy and freedom a release in the reality in which you are presently focused. [...]
Now, in our friends dream of probable reality what you have, though none of you will admit it for some time particularly this one (to Molly), is practical experience with probable reality as it exists with people that you know. [...]
(To Sue.) The other room exists simultaneously, as this room now exists, and your two friends are as closely connected as our Ruburt and Joseph. [...]
[...] I would like him to become familiar with our innovation. [...] In one way I am indeed able to make closer contact, but we must take advantage of all of our sources, and so we shall.
I also participate to some degree, personally, in your system during our sessions. [...] That other portion has gone a different way, but we, are aware of our relationship.
(The article concerns the drug supply available in plants, and the paucity of our knowledge about this vast field. [...]
[...] The very nature of our sessions should show you that self-structures are indeed transparent, and communications can flow through them.
[...] Our black cat, Rooney, was scratching at the door of our living room. [...] Before I got back inside the apartment our paperboy arrived; by the time I finished paying him Jane was out of trance. [...]
I called upon Jehovah, but to no avail, because our Arab did not know of Jehovah — only of Moses — and it was in Moses he put his faith. [...] Our Arab cried out again. [...] Our friend was convinced that one of the three of us must be destroyed, and he feared mightily that he would be the victim.
A friend and I, with some others, staged the ceremony, and from opposite clouds in the sky Allah and I shouted out our claims upon his soul — while he, poor man, cowered on the ground between us. [...]
[...] Now, because this is known to us, we can change our environments and our own physical forms as we wish, and without confusion, for we perceive the reality that lies beneath.
Back to our book.
[...] We have what you might call a game, demanding some expertise, where for our own amusement we see which of us can translate any given thought into the most numerous forms. [...]
[...] Many of these have been derogatory; we now plan to ask Tam for the names of the individual board members, and we want to learn how to write to them to be sure they personally receive our messages. We would like to eventually tell our side of the story, and resent being treated like children in the interim. [...]
[...] I started it because of a couple of questions I had about our relationship with Prentice-Hall. [...] The fact that such ideas do not occur to entities like the legal—or even the editorial—departments at Prentice-Hall shows, I think, the great gap that exists between our own views of life and theirs. [...]
(I suppose we don’t know what our response to the legal department missive will be. [...]
[...] On the other hand, we haven’t forgotten Seth’s recent material about our being protected—and I for one really think that’s true. [...]
[...] It took me long enough in your terms to set up our communications, and our relationships in the past helped in this behalf. [...]
(Before tonight’s session I read to Jane this question: “In the 462nd Session, page 232, you say [meaning Seth] that any perception, however slight, alters every atom within our physical structure. [...]
[...] This is basically what I told you in our early analogy with the mazes and the wires.
(Long pause.) Any questions that you have from this material, ask at our next session and I will answer them.
[...] We danced all night, and now dancing is one of our favorite activities. We knew that something had happened very important to our lives, but we had no idea what was really involved.
Seth told us that such images have a definite reality, but we certainly weren’t prepared to hear that someone else encountered our York Beach selves in a dream! “To create them with all our negative feelings was bad enough,” I said to Sue, “but then to cast them loose on their own!”
We attempt to save even the shadows of ourselves, and we create light in even the darkest recesses of our own hidden fragments. To that extent and in those terms, we are our own redeemers.
[...] Quite frankly, I didn’t expect any of us to have practical experience along these lines, thinking that any probable realities were beyond our reach. [...] Through our experiences, the concept became a reality with which we were confronted.
[...] There is someone else who has been here and who is connected with our new student. But our new student does not know this person—it is no one with whom she has previously communicated. [...]
[...] I am not afraid that we shall be kicked out of our apartment. And I also am quite sure that as you grow to know Ruburt and as you grow to know me you will realize that there is a difference in our personalities and that indeed when I tell you that my vitality spans both space and time, then you will know that I know whereof I am speaking. [...]
He has learned much however since our last session, and you can see that it was much better that we allowed the distortions to come through in our first test, since it allowed him to learn more about the simultaneous existence of our consciousnesses during a session.
[...] [This is to be our second such test.]
(Tonight’s session was held in our back room. [...]
Our Ruburt is indeed relaxing, having just finished his book, and he has my congratulations.