
Results 1541 to 1560 of 1879 for stemmed:now

TPS5 Session 898 (Deleted Portion) January 30, 1980 sons daughters embody bare father

(10:10.) Now: this is not dictation. [...]

Now: You are coming along again. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 22, 1981 Sinful redeemed grace church Self

(Now I did mention to Jane perhaps the overriding question I have, and have often puzzled about: the intensity of her personality’s response to the idea of the Sinful Self. [...]

[...] Now it’s supposed to be in May.)

[...] It can be told now what it yearned to be told then—that it was indeed good, and not bad or evil, that it could indeed use its curiosity without the threat of abandonment, and that it could trust its own creativity and love of play. [...]

TPS3 Session 768 (Deleted Portion) March 22, 1976 ence ex peri Wheeler tal

[...] He now had to put them together—that is, he is in the process of putting the new beliefs together, coordinating them.

You have been of great help, more now than ever, for he needs your encouraging assessment that he is physically attractive, that he is not alone but has you to discuss these issues with. [...]

[...] “And now I feel Sumari in the back of my head.... [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 823, February 27, 1978 myth fruit Introductory Framework chance

[...] That was some 18 months ago, but actually to one degree or another I’ve been involved with “Unknown” Reality for four years now; I think that temporarily I’ve simply grown tired and overly concerned about the whole project, even while I still have a considerable way to go to finish certain notes and appendixes for Volume 2. Not that I haven’t worked on a number of other things at the same time, of course — but my labors on those two books represent the prolonged, intense focus I always search for in my creative life, and without which I feel incomplete. [...]

[...] To make this discussion as simple as possible for now, at least, think of these two frameworks or states of consciousness as being connected by “undifferentiated areas” in which sleep, dreaming, and certain trance states have their activity. [...]

[...] Before the session, Jane told me now, she’d known “that Seth would talk about some of that stuff.” [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 2, 1984 Carla crying Marie murderer nurses

(“Well,” I said several times, wherever she is now, I sure hope your mother understands what she did to you. [...]

(Jane wasn’t crying by now, but her reddened eyes and face must have been revealing, though no one said anything. [...]

[...] Her delivery was calmer now, more even.)

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 19 projections levitate form panicked third

When you enter a different dimension, the abilities of the body form change, and for all intents and purposes, it is a different body form — which we will now call a mind form. [...]

[...] Now Seth said:)

Now, when you project from the dream body, consciously you are already outside of the physical one. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 735 February 3, 1975 apple composition melody music contradictions

[...] We speculated that we’d “homed in on it” now, as if for the first time, because our combined focus was opening up in the direction of homes.

Now in music the pauses are as important as the sounds. [...]

Now imagine a composition in which the pauses and the silences that you do not hear are sounded — and the notes that you hear are instead the unheard inner structure.

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 804, May 9, 1977 senility biological alien defense social

[...] She now has considerable material for her book on James. [...]

[...] Now she prefers to formally sign for a book only after she — and/or Seth — has finished most of the work on that project.

Now — dictation. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 28, 1977 ethics Protestant gifted inspirations work

[...] I now felt that it was okay to answer it. [...]

[...] She is now working on the epilogue.)

[...] You both want Ruburt to walk normally now, and you are seeing results in terms of body releases and improvements. [...]

NotP Introduction by Jane Roberts psyche Cézanne sexuality bisexuality view

[...] This desire, coupled with Seth’s seemingly endless creativity, led us to a decision: From now on, the Seth books will carry far fewer notes. [...] Now we will include usual session notes, but the reader will have to keep track of the development of the theories or correlate them with previous Seth books at his or her leisure.

[...] So “real” time and trance time have each vanished: And this week I’ll go into trance, and again Seth will dictate part of another book that Rob will be typing up for publication a year or so from now. [...]

Now we discover that such references were tailored to our own rather limited ideas of the qualities assigned to the sexes, for in Psyche Seth makes it clear that the psyche is not male or female, “but a bank from which sexual affiliations are drawn.” [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 6 tree bark Malba Rob midplane

[...] He was really laughing now, and I sulked. [...]

[...] [Rob had made a remark to this effect earlier.] The midplane is indeed an excellent description of the semi-plane which she now inhabits. [...]

[...] While Rob’s back was vastly improved since Seth’s reincarnational sessions for him, he still had some bad days now and then. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 658, April 23, 1973 hypnosis undivided hypnotist Sixteen attention

[...] Yet that experience is the image that reality takes for you now, and so in other terms earthly life is one version of reality — not reality in its entirety, but a part of it. [...]

[...] I am only addressing those here now who have effects in their lives with which they are dissatisfied. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 15, 1984 Margaret chicken squeezed throat Heimlich

Now — I bid you another most fond good afternoon.

[...] He may even refer to those feelings of distrust as a dear frightened part of himself, and then, again, address that part of the self sympathetically — telling it why it need no longer be frightened, and vocally and emotionally stressing the fact that the frightened portion of the self no longer needs defenses, but can now allow itself free and natural expression.

WTH Part One: Chapter 9: May 30, 1984 Joe Margaret gifts epilepsy dire

Now I bid you another most fond good afternoon —

I will also try to give you some further hints along those lines at our next session, and I bid you both now a fond good evening, and a comfortable and pleasant evening.

TPS5 Session 893 (Deleted Portion) January 7, 1980 easy adjustment easier cession threats

(9:34.) Now: it is easy to live—so easy that although you live, rest, create, respond, feel, touch, see, sleep and wake, you do not really have to try to do any of those things. [...]

[...] Whenever you can, again, honestly comment upon an improvement, now upon his appearance, or on a physical accomplishment, do so, for he needs the reinforcement there. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session January 7, 1981 festivals Salvador orientation magical celebration

(9:36.) You should both to some extent have further experiences now in all areas of your life with the magical or natural kind of orientation to physical events. [...]

[...] Ruburt’s dream, by the way, also signaled him that he is now approaching what the Sumarians used to call “the time of festivals,” or a time of grace. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 12, 1984 Gentamicin Jean Bactrim calories Judy

Now, I wish you another most fond good afternoon.

[...] But she hasn’t done any motions of note in a long time now.)

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 920, October 6, 1980 magical Iran schizophrenia approach debased

[...] Right now, I just want to note that since she gave the last session for this book, the 919th on June 9, Jane has come through with a series of 15 private, or deleted, sessions—13 of them on what Seth calls “the magical approach to reality.”

[...] [Two of the men were so strongly affected by the heat inside their heavy protective clothing that they decided to cut short their trip.] The reactor reclamation task is now projected to cost more than $760 million, and to take at least five years.

[...] Sue was now working on the last two chapters of the second and last volume of Conversations. [...]

TPS5 Session 852 (Deleted Portion) May 9, 1979 horrendous revolutionary session impatient doing

[...] And now I bid you a fond good evening.

TPS3 Deleted Session January 19, 1976 unsafe coping race safe species

Now: let us clear up the mystery.

Now: this is important to yourselves, but to others also. [...]

[...] Now he lives on land and travels across the oceans and in the air. [...]

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