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ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 19, 1971 peer fantasies ii indivisible perceive

[...]  eons ago we helped create as you are now continuing in what you might call dreams our fantasies now do create. [...] You do not physically recall those journeys that you have yourselves made and are now making. [...] Now, that is reality .... [...]

Now, I understand that you have had a visit from a friend of mine. [...] Your imagination, at least now, can lead you to think in terms of various dimensions personality can take ...for your intellect is highly limited in this regard. [...]

Now, I’ve said this before, you concentrate very nicely upon the similarities that exist in the phenomena of the physical world, and you ignore what is not similar of a large field of available data. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 4, 1972 wheelchair knees devil re giant

(Jane had laughed, but now she sobered. [...] Now they’ve got bushels of blood, fresh blood, and they’re throwing it into my veins... And now they’re changing electrical fixtures in the back of my spine; and now my knees are lighting up....”

[...] Now the little men are doing it with my right leg, but they’re having more trouble with it than with the left one. But now they’ve got it. I’m getting a funny feeling now, like I’m almost physically up off the floor, in a sitting position—I know I’m not—but it’s almost as though the chair wasn’t there.”

(“Now I feel really big—like that figure. [...] “And now these little men’ve got little things like trowels, and they’re taking scoops of white stuff out of my body and throwing it away. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, August 3, 1971 Margie Wally joy class strangers

Now there are two main possibilities that can emerge here, and these people can become quite real to you. [...] Now, however, you should also become aware of other personalities who work with you when your normally conscious ego is quieted. [...]

Now, do you want the information now? [...]

(To Bette.) Now to our friend over here who should understand the reason for the question. Now if there is any discipline that I would tell you to adapt, it would be the discipline of joy which is spontaneous and from which, initially, all creativity comes. [...]

TES9 Session 499 August 27, 1969 sand plain Carl Sue empty

Now. [...] See now the empty plain, as a scooped-out and hollow place from which the water has fled. [...]

[...] Then to Sue:) Now. The house to you now represented a new dimension that you were to explore. [...]

[...] Now give us a moment. [...]

TES9 Session 485 June 2, 1969 rent landlady raised Leonard resentment

I am speaking now of Leonard. Now your landlady is in somewhat the same position, and it is for this reason also that a corresponding sympathy is set up between them. [...]

Now I am giving you an apartment-by-apartment version simply to make my point. The elderly widow fears living alone now, and hopes her children will take her in. [...]

Now, good evening—

TES7 Session 314 January 25, 1967 restraint err ailments pendulum discipline

Now give us a moment.(Pause.) The sessions with the pendulum are of great advantage. [...] I suggest, however, for this evening that you hold your pendulum session now and then return here for my comments. [...]

[...] There is no need for him to punish himself now either, because he did not take full advantage of his psychic opportunities. He can more than make up for this from now on. [...]

[...] Now, dealing with small children, this simply was added to the fuel. He can understand now however that this connection can be broken. [...]

TES8 Session 347 June 19, 1967 cues recovery vacation swelling reversal

The left arm is in the position of having held its own now, and now starting toward physical improvement. Barriers are now falling away. [...] Ruburt learned however from his experience and has taken steps so that it will now add to his recovery. [...]

Now the benefits of such activities, and hear me now, cannot be over-emphasized. [...]

The physical results are now showing in greater daytime freedoms, and will continue to improve. [...] Ruburt’s mental energies, as I told you, are now accumulating and working to recovery.

TES7 Session 309 December 14, 1966 structure yous psychological selves step

[...] It is now composed of more various elements from the whole personality. Retaining its own consciousness of reality it can now afford to step out of itself momentarily in order to gain further experience.

[...] Now this altered ego retains its highly specialized self-consciousness, and yet it can now experience itself as an identity within and as a part of action.

Now, these do not represent more highly evolved selves, necessarily at all. [...] In other words, I am not now speaking of portions of yourself that exist in your so-called future.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, October 19, 1971 Dee strangers tosses joy met

Now, I would like all of you to try this with me. [...] Now, close your eyes if it suits you. [...]

Now return to the room, open up your eyes, and feel it filled with the energy that is your own from the source that existed before the self that you now give a name, but the energy that is yours by right and the energy that sustains you. [...]

Now, my welcome to those who came for the evening, and I have a few remarks to make to our regular class members. [...]

TES8 Session 355 July 26, 1967 Ferd Australia Madonna Halfway Pete

Now, there were abilities shown on your part in Poland, in the 1200s. [...] (Pause.) Then, you did not use your abilities properly and as a result they have only now reappeared. One of your children in the life given earlier is now your mother.

Now. [...] The breather and the change of environment is good for you just now. [...]

Now. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session August 16, 1971 game trust mistrust areas healthy

[...] This and your satisfactory sexual relationship, now, will also help. He feels more now that you accept him as a woman. [...]

Now. [...] Ruburt sees himself imaginatively as completely healthy and free now, which is something he has not been able to do. [...]

Now. [...]

TES6 Session 246 March 30, 1966 pointer Wyoming Jimmy young Marilyn

(When we discovered the pointer was lost, I remarked to Jane that now Jimmy would probably want the board back. [...] Jimmy now told us it had been on his mind in recent days. [...]

[...] She ended the session with a broad smile, and explained now that she’d had a strong feeling of rapport with Seth. He would, she said, be only too pleased to speak to us and be of help; he would speak now for hours, Jane said, were it not for the work involved on our parts.)

[...] They have been reading some of the early material and now want to attend a regular session, so arrangements were made whereby they would witness the 247th session. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 2, 1972 Seagull Aerofranz Dick Bach Eleanor

[...] Now give me a moment, for some of this material I want you to have now.

[...] Now I can get rid of my symptoms because I’m getting out of the occult field. Now I don’t have to go on any of those shows as a psychic,” etc.

For now do not do shows. [...] Your position as not being publicity seekers works strongly to your advantage now, as far as Seth Speaks and The Seth Material is concerned. [...]

TES9 Session 455 January 6, 1969 John Bill Peg fluids retention

[...] Let us see now; you should take those fruits that are strong in vitamin C, but are not acid. [...] Now this is not forever, merely until the condition vanishes. You should not eat grapefruit now under any circumstances. [...]

[...] I do not recall if the dream book, now at Ace, was mentioned; or if others were.[Jane died in 1984. [...]

(Earlier today Jane had said she thought this development referred to the dream book, now at Ace Publications, and that a sale was quite possible.

TPS1 Deleted Session January 18, 1971 trivial hopelessness fears anger evokes

Now neither of you know what difficulties are, in the terms with which most people speak. (A point with which I can disagree.) Now you are dealing, through your creative endeavors, aside even from the psychic work, with highly subjective material; many people are completely unaware for great periods of time of their own mental and emotional states. [...]

Now. The persons who are immersed in physical activities must now and then have a counterpoint and an encounter with the inner state. [...]

Now when I said the problem lay mainly in the present, I did not emphasize past roots, where the patterns originated. It is the patterns themselves, regardless of their origin, that is now (underlined) important.

TES9 ESP Class June 3, 1969 Tom health wl secure VMcC

Now, indeed you are. [...] But you will have freedoms within it that you do not have now.... [...]

Now. [...] Therefore, now you must learn the nature of your thoughts and how to handle energy.

[...] Now there is no better reason to solve your problems.

TPS1 Session 378 (Deleted) November 8, 1967 Otto outflow success cramps grouping

(10:36.) Now. The death of the old grouping now allows for the birth of a new grouping, this time a grouping that will effectively deal with the problems at hand, and that will allow the personality to develop and expand. [...]

Now. [...]

You are both at such a point now. [...]

TES9 Session 429 August 14, 1968 entity sepia analogy intensities nontime

Now. [...] (Pause.) Do you want an explanation concerning the sepia episode, or do you want, now, some material concerning the entity and time?

Now. [...] Now the entity is in itself composed of such intensities. [...]

Now the image analogy is in some respects distortive, but good enough for our present purposes. [...]

TES8 Session 356 July 27, 1967 Stephen Ferd Pete Australian Osburn

Now. (Eyes closed, smiling, Jane leaned toward Pete.) Now, my dear young man, quite innocently, you have made an early and understandable error. [...]

[...] This is too complicated, and you do not have the background now. [...] These events did not occur, and another group of probabilities now exist.

[...] Now there is no great loss here, and take me seriously. Both you and Stephen shall have gained, and better now than later: for you cannot live your physical life in such a fashion. [...]

TES5 Session 231 February 7, 1966 bureau leaflet plates Mono sheriff

Now. [...] Now each of these selves experience time in their own manner, and as you should see by now this only means that they build their own realities according to the nature of their own perceptions. [...]

Now when I first spoke of the inverted time system, I spoke of it as if it were apart from your own time system, to enable you to see it with some objectivity. However as you know by now, this system operates within your own. [...]

Now, Ruburt’s subconscious simply got in our way at last evening’s session. Now and then it is to be expected, but I regret the particular circumstances deeply. [...]

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