Results 101 to 120 of 493 for stemmed:negat

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 9, 1984 circulatory temperature fever mucous blotchy

[...] Ruburt did well with his attitude — especially since the hospital help are so prone themselves to negative suggestion. [...]

The process of clearing the body out began when Ruburt started his Day 1, but with the great frequency of negative hospital suggestions, and general false beliefs connected with fever, the beneficial aspects indeed had to be taken on faith as largely (underlined) they were (louder).

TES7 Session 290 October 3, 1966 Wendell tunnel studio reunion Crowley

(The negative mention in the data is interesting, and has several connections, both here and in the rest of Seth’s data. Jane and I did not think of negative in connection with the word no, for instance, but in relation to pictures or visual images. [...] But also, negative, meaning pictures, is called to mind because Wendell’s letter deals with a group of artists who worked together in a studio, drawing comic strips, in 1941-3. In addition I personally have a studio here in the apartment, and the envelope used as object was kept in this studio. [...]

A double, or something twice, or a negative. [...]

(“A double, or something twice, or a negative.” [...]

[...] See the “twice” and “negative” data on page 77, and the listing of Wendell’s use of the numeral 2 on the second page of his letter. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 26, 1977 Ryerson Spain Carlos associations Carroll

[...] He is not to count the negative thoughts, for that is not the kind of concentration we want.

[...] I must tell you that it can help in a new organization mentally, break down some negative associations, and so forth.

Physically there is nothing wrong with Ruburt’s body, except constantly applied tension, partially caused by negative habits of thought.

TPS1 Deleted Session February 3, 1971 retracing fears chiropractor repressive symptoms

[...] Many individuals however, relying upon the physical therapy alone, set up negative associations. [...]

[...] He did pick up negative suggestions regarding retracing. [...]

A consideration of his own feelings and attitudes in class will help him see what he does right then, and what negative thoughts and emotions are present at many other occasions. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 24, 1984 Jean Del hiking daughter paternal

This also signified your knowledge on other levels that Ruburt was becoming free of any negative beliefs that were the result of his relationship with his father.

The dream signified your knowledge that Ruburt was being cleared of negative connotations in relationship to his father. [...]

TPS3 Session 682 (Deleted Portion) February 13, 1974 arthritis legs muscles alignment relax

[...] This alone removed some strongly negative body beliefs that had still remained despite his understanding of the reasons behind the symptoms.

TES2 Session 77 August 5, 1964 congenial sensuous vacation compensate psychic

[...] One belief, for example, may seem to negate another belief. [...] Simply for example, a belief in the color red does not negate belief in the color green.

When a belief in an abstract term seems to negate another abstract term, it may simply be because your acceptance or expectation is not expansive enough to include both.

TES9 Session 472 April 2, 1969 problems sculptor predisposes emergence boy

Old negative patterns of thought, always present beneath an exterior optimism, had gone unrecognized by him, and were like a thorn in his side. [...]

They are negative feelings, deliberately exaggerated so that he can understand their nature and handle them as such. [...]

[...] He is picking up the father’s negative attitudes telepathically.

TPS2 Session 599 (Deleted Portion) December 8, 1971 montella alphabet language cordella dyniah

[...] Those mentioned tonight on Ruburt’s part were “negative” ones precisely because they were so strongly inhibited. [...]

[...] This is the kind of thing I have been speaking of—the avoidance of a direct confrontation with those (in quotes) “negative emotions” blocks out the one emotional (in quotes) “solution”: an emotional statement on your part that counters it—a meeting of emotions.

I want to get around your basic fears that emotional freedom is automatically the feeling of negative emotions, though you may initially begin there. [...]

TPS3 Session 764 (Deleted Portion) January 26, 1976 techniques consistently inhibiting supersede worrying

In the main Ruburt has really decided that worrying is a negative reaction. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session September 12, 1977 Turkish outlaws monks leaders sword

On those occasions when he improved, and you did not become negative, then he instantly became frightened and negative himself. [...]

[...] You would use it, the two of you, as a measuring yardstick: if he began to improve considerably enough, particularly a few years ago, you would instantly, Joseph, become negative and guarded. [...]

This time you have maintained your health equilibrium, and you have not become negative. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 16, 1971 Kyle Bobby Joel blessings saintly

[...] If you are in the habit, for example, of deep negative thought then you will attract to yourself negative feelings and experience deep depression. [...]

(To Sue.) For this one over here, no probable self is at the mercy of negative thoughts of yours. [...]

[...] This does nothing to negate the validity and integrity of the self that you know. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 621, October 16, 1972 willpower beliefs examine imagination dissect

[...] Because your imagination follows your beliefs, you can find yourself in a vicious circle in which you constantly paint pictures in your mind that reinforce “negative” aspects in your life.

[...] But you must not be concerned for their emergence, for this brings up the fear that the new ideas will not materialize, and so this negates your purpose.

[...] By such attitudes as these just mentioned you put clamps upon your inner self, purposely hamper your experience, and reinforce beliefs in the negative aspects of your being.

[...] Now I do not mean to stress the negative by any means, so I suggest that you look to those areas of your life in which you are pleased and have done well. [...]

TES4 Session 187 September 13, 1965 electrical Peggy ulcer toothbrush Jesuit

[...] This time I picked a negative I had taken during our vacation in 1964 at York Beach, ME. [...] See the sketch of the negative on page 255 of this Volume 4.

[...] Negative electrical charges are responsible mainly for the durability of any given dream. [...]

[...] Again see my sketch of the photographic negative on page 255.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 12, 1984 cancer patients garbage disease unconscious

[...] As you grow older, however, and begin to accumulate negative beliefs, then your conscious and unconscious beliefs may be quite different.

[...] Negative beliefs can block the passageways between Framework 1 and Framework 2. It is an excellent idea for those in any kind of difficulty to do the following simple exercise.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, February 3, 1970 Brad misconceptions solve Theodore interjected

You had negative ideas but youth was strong enough to hold you up. And as soon as early youth left, then you allowed the negative ideas to hold sway. [...]

[...] I have never negated your own individual dignity nor integrity. [...]

Your imagination works in negative ways. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 22, 1984 protected association tears pregnant wouldn

(I think the important thing today was that as we talked we saw how with each category Jane described negative beliefs and reactions — an excellent point. It’s a thought we’ve had before — but it seems that each thing we’ve accomplished has been in the face of, or in spite of, a barrage of negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

TPS7 Deleted Session December 14, 1983 exuberant dietary Misnick healthy obedient

Often parents undermine their children’s confidence by endlessly repeating negatives. [...]

Such negative patterns in childhood cause adults to be frightened of freedom—because freedom seems to imply a threat to life and to health. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 23, 1977 confidence anxiety Carroll ingrained behavior

Many of the sensations or stages that are definitely considered negative at such times, and certainly appear so in your experience, are the result of misunderstandings because of ingrained beliefs about body behavior, or the result of your lack of confidence. [...]

[...] The girls’ behavior points out the importance of suggestion as it operates in a negative way. [...]

TPS1 Session 477 (Deleted) April 21, 1969 annoyance abundance reacting postponed adequately

This will avoid any overemphasis such as might occur if only negative situations were mentioned. [...]

[...] You projected negative attitudes upon her because you had not reacted adequately in the past. [...]

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