Results 1 to 20 of 27 for stemmed:monk

TES5 Session 234 February 16, 1966 letter Fell Rhoda Marian January

(“With the numbers four three”, was also general. Jane speculated that it could refer to the age of either the publicity director of F. Fell, or to Rhoda Monks, the author of letter # 2. Jane telephoned Frederick Fell on February 8th, and in so doing spoke first to Rhoda Monks; to Jane she sounded as though she could be about that age.

(“A note—there is some confusion here—that was not sent, or did not arrive. This lead Ruburt to think of a note he wrote but did not send, to Father Martin. I mention this for your information.” There is an interesting example of association at work here. Jane saw it before I did. Father Martin is a monk in a nearby monastery close to Elmira, and the author of letter #2, possibly enclosed by the envelope object, is Rhoda Monks.

(Letter #2: Written January 25. This acknowledged Jane’s letter of January 20, and was written by F. Fell’s secretary, Rhoda Monks. She informed Jane that F. Fell was out of town for two weeks, and that he would be back in town—NYC—on February 7. F. Fell was out of town from Monday January 24, to Monday February 7. It developed that he was in Florida on a selling trip and vacation.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 12, 1977 Turkish outlaws monks leaders sword

Only monks could afford it, and there were thousands of different groups scattered throughout Europe. [...] People of solitary nature born in medieval times had to make their own structures, and if they were not hermits or monks, they were outlaws of one kind or another, frequenting the woods, which were often full of semi-permanent but isolated communities—men and women who preyed upon travelers, for example.

Often there was little difference between the outlaws and the monks, and fanatic roving bands of monks often went through isolated communities or farmlands with a vengeance.

In some ways the monks and the outlaws had much in common: a desire for privacy, a bent for independence, an unconventional curiosity, and yet a need for some kind of communal existence, for there was no technology to support such people.

TPS1 Session 473 (Deleted) April 7, 1969 aggressive maze hurt college monks

The girl from the monastery is perfectly all right, as long as she comes here unaccompanied by a monk, or met by one. [...] There is no harm in her coming to classes, or in the simple fact that she lives in one of the monk’s cottages.

[...] The monks coming to the house subconsciously rearoused old fears and resentments. [...]

(“Concerning episodes like those with Elmira College, and the monks and the monastery: How come Jane doesn’t take steps to protect herself in advance from such implications?”)

TPS3 Deleted Session November 26, 1975 heroic Latin Teresa Deus title

[...] They included a projection through the eastern wall of our living room, and a “visitor” who returned with her; the Latin title of a book; her awareness of a third eye; some material, with diagrams, of me as a monk who wrote manuscripts in an underground chamber that he later sealed; a vision of Seth in a brown robe, looking as I’ve painted him—but the brown robe was “too easy,” Jane said suspiciously. [...]

[...] At 10:15 she elaborated; the title would be The Spiritual Adventures of a Monk at Large.

[...] Was the monk Nebene—me when I was a very strict teacher of the children of rich Romans in first-century A.D. Italy? [...]

TES5 Session 212 November 29, 1965 temperature correlations test Martin wall

(Father Martin is well read in ESP and related fields; he conducts a correspondence also with monks in other countries, including a Tibetan monk.

[...] He is a monk in a nearby monastery, an ex-doctor, and knows of the sessions casually. [...]

TSM Chapter Twelve Doris Matt reincarnation Rev Jon

[...] I watched the monk from some point behind and above, as he wandered away from the monastery and through the fields. Seth went on to say that the monk’s experiments contributed to achievements made later in the same field by another monk.

“The monks were routed out … [of] the order … in the 1400’s. The name of the monk in the order seems to have been Aerofranz Marie [Rob’s phonetic interpretation].”

[...] Another interesting point: a few years earlier the editor had written two plays—one featuring a monk who lived on the seacoast near Bordeaux, and the other also set in France in the thirteenth century. [...]

TES9 Session 434 September 6, 1968 monastery Tam Bordeaux intellect monk

The monks were routed out much later from this monastery, in the 1400’s —that is, the order itself. [...]

It is surely a sad sight to think of this poor monk, trying to find his monastery, and prayer only betraying him indeed as he falls into the stream. [...]

The later development was also connected with a monk. [...]

TES2 Session 47 April 24, 1964 Roarck Jim esthetic a.s.p.r office

Mark took the word nun for monk, because he knew Roarck when Roarck was a priest, and substituted monk really for priest.

(Bill was also curious to know why he had written down, in his own notes, that Jim was once a monk; whereas Seth had stated that Jim had been a nun, in the Middle Ages.

TES9 Postscript to Session 454 December 7, 1968 Eve plant Tam clarifying bonsai

[...] (He went on to say that the same power could be applied to plants as well, and that I had apparently used same in my previous existence as a gardening monk.) A plant cannot fight back, (and it would be good to practice on something whose subconscious could not give me trouble. [...]

TES8 Session 339 May 3, 1967 coastline garage dunes Chula Vista

[...] Something to do with a priest or monk, something of that order: a member of the family or confidant.

UR1 Section 2: Session 690 March 21, 1974 Christ architect species religious Jehovah

[...] The religious ideas served as social organization, much needed, and many of the monks managed to preserve old manuscripts and knowledge underground. [...]

[...] He was a monk as a young man but, eventually rebelling against the Catholic Church, became the leader of the Protestant Reformation in Germany.

SS Appendix: Session 558, November 5, 1970 Baal Ron Speaker Bael b.c

We have known several people who were monks in a previous existence. [...]

TES4 Session 182 August 28, 1965 Bill hay kill fever mother

(Seth dwelt upon the Tibetan monks who use astral projection, and follow their strict religion, while the peasantry live miserable practical daily lives, without hope for the most part. [...] He said the monks use psychic energy, which all of us have available; but they don’t use it for any great ends, and thus are shallow.

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 588, August 2, 1971 pope bells Rome donkeys occupations

My lives as monks followed my experience as a pope, and in one of these, I was a victim of the Spanish Inquisition. [...]

[...] Once as a monk I found myself copying a manuscript that I myself had written in another life.

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 589, August 4, 1971 soul reincarnational sprang Two blasé

Though I yelled at my children and screamed sometimes in rage against the elements, I was struck through with the magnificence of existence, and learned more about true spirituality than I ever did as a monk. [...]

NotP Chapter 5: Session 773, April 26, 1976 sexual sex devotion Church expression

There were also some women who passed as monks, living lives of a solitary nature and carrying on for years. [...]

TES1 Session 13 January 6, 1964 enzymes chlorophyll solidified mental wires

[...] The man was a monk on a pilgrimage.

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 568, February 22, 1971 Speakers devil evil soul religions

[...] There are many manuscripts still not discovered, from old monasteries particularly in Spain, that tell of underground groups within religious orders who kept these secrets alive when other monks were copying old Latin manuscripts.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 663, May 14, 1973 criminal power aggression violence prisoners

(Long pause at 10:36.) Throughout the ages monks, priests, and religious organizations have become segregated from the rest of humanity. [...]

TES4 Session 168 July 7, 1965 fate accent Lorraine sensation Jesuit

I shall be discussed from all angles, and scrutinized, and like the monks in the Middle Ages we will wonder if I can fit on the head of a pin, but I will not get stuck. [...]

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