Results 1 to 20 of 116 for stemmed:meaning

TES3 Session 127 February 2, 1965 electrical decoded intensities meaningful predictions

It has changed, in other words, as far as pattern is concerned. New patterns are formed, groupings of intensities that will be meaningful to various levels of the personality. To make such data meaningful to the conscious self requires other steps of subconscious interpretation that actually have to do with an electrical regrouping and realignment.

This has to do, again, with intensities, which are decoded in many and complicated fashions. The meaning, so to speak, must be separated and made meaningful to many psychological areas, some of which would not even seem to speak the same language.

To be so decoded, there are also delicate manipulations in terms of fine distinctions. An intensity pattern is made up of electrical signals. Each slight variation in intensity is meaningful from this information, as to physical time; placement in space and the like must be comprehended, and this particular specific type of information is a relatively small part of the original dream experience, which is composed of electrical pattern, thick only in terms of intensity.

They are then decoded and the experience is translated or interpreted into meaningful data. In the original dream experience then, the electrical reality of the dream is broken down, so to speak, into its varying intensities, by the mind.

TES9 Session 467 March 12, 1969 brain perception quotes brainscape intellect

[...] It must come through the available channels of the physical human mechanism in order that it be at all meaningful. As I mentioned some sessions ago, on the one hand you can say that the method involves distortion, but without the distortions there would be no meaningful knowledge for you to understand. [...]

[...] Any perception is first of all a psychic one that is then translated in ways meaningful to the physical organism. [...]

[...] When you discover that their “logic” in quotes is far more effective and meaningful, and purposeful, your attitude will change.

TPS4 Deleted Session November 19, 1977 hired coincidences clues Beloff detectives

There is nothing in the universe that does not have meaning, that is not meaningful. That meaningfulness is not only of good intent, but of superlative intent, seeking the greatest possible development and fulfillment of all of its parts. [...]

It is a meaningful universe. [...]

[...] It is a meaningful universe. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 914, May 7, 1980 retarded technology species values council

[...] Your greatest achievements have been produced by civilizations during those times when man had the greatest faith in the meaningfulness of life in general, and in the meaningfulness of the individual within life’s framework.

(Pause.) You are, I hope, coming toward a time of greater psychological synthesis, so that the intuitions and reasoning abilities work together in a much more smooth fashion, so that emotional and intuitive knowledge regarding the meaningfulness of life can find clearer precision and expression, as the intellect is taught—as the intellect is taught—to use its faculties in a far less restricted manner.

[...] And again, the survival of the species in those terms is basically dependent upon its belief in the meaningfulness of its existence. [...]

TES9 Jane’s Notes Tuesday October 22, 1968 giant pyramid peering massive shrinking

[...] that made the rest meaningful ... [...] use or purpose independent of words; though the words are definitely meaningful.)

TPS4 Session 824 (Deleted Portion) March 1, 1978 Cinderella pretending terminology affectionate session

[...] You believed that together you could achieve what had not been achieved earlier—that you could somehow or other offer meaningful and real solutions to the world’s problems.

TES9 Session 461 January 29, 1969 intellectually mistletoe superiority meaningful Tam

[...] This ability escaped us for some time, until we finally realized the various approaches used by Seth to make the material given meaningful to the very different personalities involved.)

[...] Therefore I can phrase what I want to say in a way that is highly meaningful to them.

[...] As it is you have no real conscious conception in any meaningful way of what I will tell you; and yet you are using intuitional and emotional depths that you have not allowed yourself to use before, and I will tell you, when you are finished, the reasons.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 855, May 21, 1979 vocabulary scientific vowels professor syllables

[...] Any sentence is meaningful. [...] That one sentence is (underlined) meaningful because of its organization of letters, or if it is spoken, its organization of vowels and syllables. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 15, 1984 fetuses offspring cart born deficient

The universe is meaningful or it is not. Since the universe is indeed meaningful, then there must be a reason and a cause even for conditions that appear chaotic, cruel, or grotesque. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 902, February 20, 1980 Bible Abraham ship age Noah

[...] Meaningful work is important at any age. You cannot content the aged entirely with hobbies any more than you can the young, but meaningful work means work that also has the exuberance of play, and it is that playful quality that contains within itself great propensities of a healing and creative nature.

[...] There were many unfortunate misuses of the old system of having a son follow in his father’s footsteps, yet the son at a young age was given meaningful work to do, and felt a part of life’s mainstream. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 13 1979 worth yeoman equal Europe parentage

All people want meaningful work. All meaningful work means in the meaningful and productive relationship between oneself and the natural world, that contributes to both one’s own survival and fulfillment, and to the survival and fulfillment of the natural world. [...]

TES3 Session 128 February 3, 1965 electrical intensity shape dissection field

[...] If all of this sounds farfetched, then remember that the shapes that you perceive meaningful, many other species within your own field cannot perceive at all.

To be inside a concept is to be inside an electrical field formed by varying intensities, each intensity meaningful, distinct, simultaneous and separate, yet all taken together forming a particular electrical field. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April [1?], 1969 Christ jolly murder tulips Easter

[...] You have been given but glimpses of what I am trying to explain to you but what I will explain will make your own reality as you know it more meaningful and will give a logical and intuitive basis to it, which is lacking. [...]

You all should definitely have a basic understanding of the material, for it is the material that will help you discover your own identities and which will make other realities meaningful to you as you are now. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 888, December 10, 1979 neural sleepwalkers hinterland unit particles

[...] Now Seth gave a few paragraphs for Jane, then said good night at 10:10 P.M. Even with the many pauses she’d used this evening—most of which I didn’t indicate—Jane’s delivery had often been quite intent and meaningful. [...]

TES7 Session 306 December 5, 1966 Wilbur stamp psychedelic Marilyn rectangle

[...] The experience will still be meaningful without the ego, but it will not be as meaningful, and you will not be able to utilize in efficient manners. [...]

[...] This is of course much to those who have been primarily ego oriented, and it represents a meaningful breakthrough that can indeed provide the opportunity and impetus for a far more fulfilling earthly existence.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 617, September 25, 1972 core beliefs invisible reinforce illness

But here you become involved with one of the most meaningful aspects of the nature of personal reality, as you test your thoughts against what seems to be. There may be a time before you learn how to change your thoughts effectively, but you are engaged in a basic meaningful endeavor.

TES8 Session 417 June 17, 1968 stream refreshment Cayce emotional prospectus

I say this out of no misguided egotism, but because the essence of personality is the only meaningful basis behind idea. [...]

On the other hand your relationship teaches Ruburt to direct and mold his strong emotional feelings into meaningful, productive work. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 14, 1971 Sumari Rob language Femtori Grendah

You were right when you said that we are getting into more meaningful material and so I would like you all to listen so I do not have to give it twice. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 4 Saturday, April 17, 1982 chimes dirgelike irrepressible prologue escapades

[...] Then even our most unfortunate escapades, our most sorrowful ventures, are not dead-ended, but serve as doorways into a deeper comprehension and a more meaningful relationship with the universe of which we are such a vital part.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 4, 1972 Sumari proceed Bette gift Richelieu

Concepts, however, must be put into living knowledge and into practice or they are not meaningful and so the concepts that are received will also be translated in such a way that you can use them and put them into daily practice so you will at sometime be able to speak your body with more effectiveness than you do now. [...]

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