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NotP Chapter 3: Session 762, December 15, 1975 Cézanne skill psyche triggered inclinations

[...] Hopefully in that book, through my dictation and through Ruburt’s and Joseph’s experiences, the reader could see the greater dimensions that touch ordinary living, and sense the psyche’s magic. [...]

[...] Specifically, though, this is what happened: Quite suddenly in the predawn hours of December 11 she began to write an automatic script that purported to come from the artist Paul Cézanne, who lived from 1839 to 1906. [...]

NotP Chapter 9: Session 788, September 6, 1976 significances predream aunt vase Sarah

(9:49.) At the same time Aunt Sarah, unbeknown to you, might pick up a blue vase, one that you had just seen in your mind as belonging on a shelf in her living room. [...]

[...] In dreams you may find yourself married to someone else, or living an entirely different kind of life. [...]

NotP Chapter 9: Session 791, January 17, 1977 dispersed Hamlet actor waking trans

There are organizations of consciousness, however, that leapfrog the species, that produce no arts or sciences per se — yet these together form the living body of the earth and the physical creatures thereon. [...]

[...] In dreams you attain the necessary information to form your lives. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 10, 1979 shovel sports driveway plowed sexual

[...] You felt that a family life would automatically plunge you into the kind of living that would not allow you such luxury. [...]

[...] While you happily worked and caroused quite innocently, you also began half unconsciously to further question the nature, not necessarily of society, but of the individual lives you met within it. [...]

TES9 Session 425 July 31, 1968 Boston stabbed Van warmth neurobiological

[...] Now your own system includes not only your physical universe as you know it, but also any personalities, living or dead in your terms, who are physically oriented.

You will be able to look back on this and other lives, and see them as wholes. [...]

TES2 Session 63 June 17, 1964 antimatter perspective ball interval Philip

[...] I also see a sort of trouble in September for a woman neighbor, who lives three doors down the street from him.

[...] On this map he indicated the location of each house, and it developed that there were two families with two children who lived three doors from him. [...]

[...] Note that two families with children live three doors from John; the Snyder family especially came to John’s mind as Seth gave the material on pages 159-160.

(As I began to put myself in a light trance state, suddenly from the living room came a static noise such as our radio often makes. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 20, 1981 handicap Tom symptoms insight aggravated

[...] When I went back into the living room I told her that we must be doing something wrong, or that we’d have achieved much better results over the years regarding her symptoms. [...]

[...] “They show that you’re not ensconced on high, telling everyone else what to do through Seth, telling them how to handle all of their problems while you live a life of wealth, talent, and happiness, free of all worldly cares and responsibilities,” I added. [...]

[...] You felt sometimes as if you wanted to spy upon life, observe it rather than live it directly. [...]

TES7 Session 306 December 5, 1966 Wilbur stamp psychedelic Marilyn rectangle

[...] Of itself, it will not give you insight into past lives or future existences. [...]

[...] Marilyn and Don Wilbur live in Wellsburg, NY.

[...] As far as we know Leonard, who lives across the hall from us, has no connection with the object or Friday, November 25. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 1: Session 883, October 1, 1979 divine progeny inflationary unimaginable sleepwalkers

You live your lives through your own subjective knowing, to begin with, and I will try to arouse within your own consciousnesses memories of events with which your own inner psyches were intimately involved as the world was formed—and though these may appear to be past events, they are even now occurring.

[...] The atoms and molecules were alive, aware—they were no longer simply a part of a divine syntax, but they spoke themselves through the very nature of their being (gesturing). They became the living, aware vowels and syllables through which consciousness could form matter.

TPS2 Deleted Session January 3, 1973 Hugh steak demands significant greater

(At about 9:40 PM, as we sat waiting for the session to start, Jane said she felt a bulky “something” off to her right, toward the bay windows in the living room. [...]

[...] Usually his particular kind of development takes place in two lives, in your terms. [...]

(Pause at 12:02 AM.) Your physical situation will change, and one day you will live closer to the sea, though not directly on its edge. [...]

TES9 Session 499 August 27, 1969 sand plain Carl Sue empty

The people represent those who still have past and future lives in your terms. [...]

[...] It has data from its own past lives that will also have a part in its psychic structure, and that is entirely independent of any information you have given it as parents. [...]

It is often bathed in dreams, and it drifts back to other lives and places as a release and a relief from the struggle that is involved in the new formation. [...]

TES2 Session 56 May 25, 1964 Callahan weather discharge female nonidentity

(Returning home from a drive on Sunday, we were surprised to see Miss Callahan and her companion sitting on the front porch; this was something we had never seen her do in the four years we have lived here; Jane said that Miss Callahan appeared to be very restless, and that the last time she had visited her Miss Callahan had doodled and written constantly on a pad without seeming to be aware that she was doing so.

[...] Needless to say, the use of energy, and of emotional energy in particular, varies in the male and female on your plane; and both methods of using and discharging energy are necessary to maintain not only psychic and emotional balance, but also to maintain physical balance as far as living things are concerned, and also in the counterbalancing effects within weather and nature as it exists in your physical universe.

As all living things on your plane cooperate to form your physical universe, so therefore do they cooperate to form not only your weather cycles, but your climate cycles in terms of ice ages and tropical spells.

TES9 Session 441 October 9, 1968 mythlin male proportionately Zeno Pitre

(“I mean other things besides the sessions in our daily lives.”

[...] He has two children and lives in Nebraska, and oddly enough he is a house painter who also wanted to be an artist. [...]

[...] Loren in particular, in spite of past male lives, is strongly feminine, and your sister-in-law is undergoing her first female incarnation.

SDPC Epilogue — A Personal Evaluation interior apport flavor provided alertness

In extracting material on dreams from our many sessions, I have, to some extent, ripped it out of its living context. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 670, June 13, 1973 peacock profusion acquired waking narrowly

(9:35.) However, there is no great reason for the vast separation that now exists between your waking and sleeping lives. [...]

TSM Chapter Eight test Rob portrait Instream impressions

[...] Now our living room is full of portraits of people we don’t “know.” Seth has said that some depict ourselves in past lives. [...]

[...] Rob was in the living room. [...]

[...] Dr. Instream wanted Seth to concentrate on naming a particular object, though, upon which he would be concentrating in the distant town in which he lived. [...]

[...] And as if to stress our new sense of freedom and further add to my confidence and training, Seth was to send me to California during a session, while he and Rob talked in the living room of our apartment in Elmira, New York. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 20, 1979 fundamental Vallee repudiation alternatives upsurges

[...] He believed that often creativity expressed itself at the expense of other portions of the self, and that if it were allowed to spill over the edges (with gestures) from artistic productivity into normal living, then it would lead to all kinds of disruptive activity. [...]

Specific creativity is but one important aspect of the psyche’s vast, almost incomprehensible productivity, for it produces your lives. [...]

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 870, August 1, 1979 impulses ideal urge civilizations headache

[...] If you truly use your prerogatives as an individual in your country, then you can exert far more power in normal daily living than you do now. [...]

In your lives, anything you want is possible within the contours of your natures, if only you understand that this is so.

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 915, May 12, 1980 particles intervals invisible sequences neurologically

[...] And her book of poetry, If We Live Again, hovers in the background of her consciousness. [...]

[...] And you are both responsible, for both of your lives merge in their fashions.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 919, June 9, 1980 master overlays Christianity events original

[...] (Pause.) Your beliefs have directed who should go to war and who should not, who should live and who should die, who should be educated and who should not, who should be isolated from society and who should not—all matters directly touching upon the survival of certain families throughout history, and therefore affecting the species as a whole.

[...] In man’s case, at least, the selection of who should live or die was often anything but natural. [...]

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