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ECS2 ESP Class Session January 13, 1970 garden plants joy flower Florence

[...] And if the consciousness within the leaves did not sing with the vitality of existence, then no amount of chemicals would make it live. [...]

[...] And even when you say “no” to it, you are shouting “yes” as long as you live! [...]

And you will realize that there are no limitations to the self except those that you insist upon—because of your own limited conceptions—and that joy is still yours, it has always been yours, and after more lives than I should tell you, that joy is still mine. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 20, 1971 Florence ii secret Ron observe

[...] I am very afraid to tell you that I have forgotten what I considered secrets through the lives that I have lived. [...]

[...] There are married couples who meet in their daily lives with a good measure of honesty, compassion and understanding and the two people that you mentioned relate in that manner. [...]

NotP Chapter 8: Session 783, July 12, 1976 hub language cordellas circular wheel

Though you may not realize it, you really manage your subjective lives in a rather circular fashion. [...]

(Pause at 9:40.) It is not quite that simple, however, for you live in the midst of multitudinous small deaths and births all of the time, that are registered by the body and the psyche. [...]

[...] Events can be considered in the same fashion, as psychological sentences put together from the alphabet of the senses — experienced sentences that are lived instead of written, formed into perceived history instead of just being penned, for example, into a book about history.

TPS5 Deleted Session January 5, 1979 moral conscientious typeface judgment pedantic

[...] They are individuals, doing their best to develop their abilities and their lives—but your indignation was moral in narrow terms, rather than in quite acceptable artistic ones. [...]

The pessimists insist that nothing will work out right in the everyday world, and that is where you live. [...]

The resolutions I gave you would automatically seep through to the overly conscientious selves if you kept them in mind, and resolved to live by them. [...]

TES1 Session 10 December 20, 1963 board brother wolves Loren wound

[...] A boy, lived in England. [...] (Jane dictates:) Lived in the third house before the end of a dead-end lane. [...]

[...] Many of her generation women were so wearied by drudgery in past lives that they wanted no children or responsibilities in this life, and may felt subconsciously cheated when children were born. [...]

TES7 March 27, 1967 Notes on Seth Session Held Saturday, March 25, 1967 Pat sitters critically classroom clicks

(While the voice boomed out toward the end, I was in that classroom, certainly not in our living room. [...]

[...] The volume is somewhat objectionable in our circumstances, living in an apartment. [...]

NotP Chapter 7: Session 781, June 28, 1976 language unstated God archaic tenses

[...] Remember, I said that you lived in your psyche somewhat in the same way that physically you dwell in the world.

[...] Each person alive is a part of the living God, supported in life by the magnificent power of nature, which is God translated into the elements of the earth and the universe.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: July 31, 1984 custard yolk Frank Trenton quavering

[...] And the two of you together also live within one life that expresses multitudinous voices, and sheds its own mercy, gladness, and joy, out into the world at large, enriching it, renewing the springtimes, and never truly ending.

(4:10.) To one extent or another, Ruburt then speaks in the sessions for all peoples, for the united psyches that overflow with thoughts and feelings that are registered by the wind, giving voice to the private, intimate, yet connected lives of men and women throughout the centuries — so that many people, listening to or reading the sessions, hear their own inner voices also, and feel the contours of their own natures, and universal nature as well.

TES9 Session 449 November 18, 1968 integers Roger zero math minus

[...] The exception is my brother Bill, who looked at the questions briefly last week on a trip through Elmira, from Rochester, where he lives, to Sayre, Pennsylvania, where our mother lives. [...]

(Below is a copy of three questions sent to Jane by Roger Sullivan, a friend of Pat Norelli; both live in Boston. [...]

(All of which is not to say that Jane and I haven’t encountered math in some form(s) in our daily lives, probably at times without being conscious of this. [...]

[...] The atom lives in the unpredictable factor where the integers meet and fall apart. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 669, June 11, 1973 imagination twenty simultaneous current solution

[...] In its own way, the twenty-four hour period represents both an entire lifetime and many lives in one. [...]

Now: This does not mean that you will necessarily have a flood of reincarnational information, instant intuitive recognition of “past” lives, or experience any such intrusive data. [...]

In itself, such an exercise creatively alters probabilities, for you no longer live with the problem as an unchanging concrete reality. [...]

Such practice also activates within the self all of its unconscious but quite valid experiences, drawing out similar episodes on the part of other simultaneous lives. [...]

TES3 Session 90 September 21, 1964 twin Loriza meditation Ida sneezing

[...] Yet in the latter instance she had finally acceded to the lively curiosity, and because both of us felt this welcome, held the session. [...]

The personality should live alone for a while, and work separate from the family establishment. [...]

[...] If solitude is achieved through living alone, then the personality should so be able to relate itself outward.

The suggestions given herein, that the mentioned personality live alone, work apart from the family, walk briskly a half-hour a day, strike a balance between altruistically helping others and quietly opposing their ideas through expression when he does not agree, are very important.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 866, July 18, 1979 cancer norm Autistic host children

[...] After all, I said, man is but one species who creates his perception of the living earth in concert with nearly innumerable other species — and each other species does the same thing from its viewpoint. [...]

[...] The chicken and the plant can choose to live or die, however — rather important issues in the existence of any entity. [...]

I am not speaking of greatness in terms of fame, or in terms of usually understood artistic or intellectual abilities alone, but also of people whose lives have the capacity for great emotional content. [...]

[...] You must seek meaning in your lives. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Sessions July 9, 1977 Saturday July 10, 1977 fanatic threat fools safety rancor

[...] It was a humid night and our living room door was wide open. [...]

[...] Like a number of our other recent callers, he was traveling around the country, seemingly free of all ties, doing odd jobs on occasion, but living on little money. [...]

Our work is affecting the lives of millions—of millions (repeated in answer to my surprised look at Seth), through direct readership, and through the influence of those readers upon others, who may not, for example, even read the books, or who may read rarely in any case.

[...] If you concentrate upon your daily, natural prime events, you will not live under a constant sense of threat. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 23, 1981 granary Debbie bookstore July gifts

(8:32; eventually a one-minute pause.) The symptoms have served to “allow you” a certain privacy, A certain detachment from the world, while at the same time providing a way of relating to others, of sharing life’s misfortunes so that it might not be said, for example, that as artists or people you lived in an ivory tower, untouched by life’s usual dilemmas. [...]

[...] Small changes in your lives or habits can also be extremely helpful, because small as they are they break down habitual habits. [...]

[...] I realize the difficulty that involves both because of practical living, and the question of light for painting. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 30, 1983 fund insurance Cardwell Del Maude

Exuberance and high spirits are natural characteristics of all living creatures. [...]

[...] It is true, nevertheless, that many of the world’s organizations are formed around a completely different, opposing concept—taking it for granted that the worst possibility rather then the best one will be activated in the lives of its members. [...]

[...] All of these ideas unfortunately become a part of people’s daily lives, undermining their assurance, pride, and almost obscuring the body’s natural state of exuberance and strength. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 852, May 9, 1979 Hitler Aryan Germany Jews grandiose

[...] To save life, to save American lives. The intent to save American lives was certainly “good” — at the expense of the Japanese this time. In that regard, America’s good was not Japan’s, and an act taken to “save life” was also designed to take individual lives.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 24, 1983 Thanksgiving Gail turkey Judy pranks

The overall reliance upon Framework 2 also arouses other events, and propels them into being—events that are favorable in other areas of your lives also, including the creative and business aspects. [...]

[...] “That’s the key to our new method of living,” I said, quite enthusiastically. [...]

TMA Appendix B magical e.s.p pesty grinned conversation

There were several other themes floating about our lives … Sue Watkins’ new book Conversations with Seth about my E.S.P. classes was to appear in the fall. [...]

[...] Numerous but subtle instances of “magical” orientation kept appearing in our lives. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 831, January 15, 1979 copyedited Tam Sue medieval private

[...] So interspersed in all of that private material are some excellent — and lively — discussions of events current in the world at that time, as well as discourses on connections between creativity and Framework 2, and topics as diverse as psychotic behavior and early civilizations. [...]

[...] Church was the authority, and the individual lived out his or her life almost automatically structuring personal experience so that it fit within the accepted norm.

So your present experience is quite different than that of those forefathers who lived in the medieval world, say, and you cannot appreciate the differences in your [present] subjective attitudes, and in the quality, as well as the kind of, social intercourse that exists now. [...]

[...] Now, you have far more decisions to make, and in a world of conflicting beliefs, brought into your living room through newspapers and television, you must try to find the meaning of your life, or the meaning of life.

TPS5 Jane’s Notes March 26, 1979 Moonies dissatisfied superimpose Anyway Jonestown

[...] (There was some other stuff I got but I’ve forgotten it already.) Anyway the chapter was to be followed according to what I got, by one on frightened people who suddenly break out of old ideas, open their mental environments, and seemingly work miracles in their lives; like the old man, the old woman....

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