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UR1 Appendix 8: (For Session 690) ocean climate plunge camouflage likened

The value climate of psychological reality can be likened to an ocean in which all consciousness has its being. There are multitudinous levels that can be plunged into, with various life forms, diverse and alien, but nevertheless interconnected and dependent one upon the other. I like the ocean analogy because you get the idea of continuous flow and motion without apparent division.

What is required is more than a shedding of clothes, however. To plunge into this ocean you also leave the physical body at the shore. It will be there when you get back. Your camouflage patterns can be likened to those cast by sun and shadow upon the ever-moving waves. As long as you keep the pattern in mind, you create it, and it is there. If you turn your head away for a moment and then look quickly back you can see only the wave. Your camouflage and your world are created by conscious focusing and unconscious concentration. Only by turning your head aside momentarily can you see what is beneath the seemingly solid pattern. By plunging into our ocean of value climate you can dive beneath your camouflage system and look up to see it, relatively foundationless, floating above you, moved, formed, and directed by the shifting illusions caused by the wind of will, and the force of subconscious concentration and demand.

TES9 ESP Class May 6, 1969 subconscious surface mind birthdays sow

[...] Your subconscious mind can be likened to the soil which can grow all kinds of seeds, good or bad. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 6, 1969 subconscious surface mind birthdays sow

[...] Your subconscious mind can be likened to the soil which can grow all kinds of seeds, good or bad. [...]

TES3 Session 141 March 17, 1965 perception patterns action Piper minor

[...] Jane likened it to the vibration one might feel through the floor of a house, say from traffic passing close by. [...]

(Jane also likened this feeling, which she called feeling a “certain way,” to the rhythmical, not-too-strenuous opening and closing of a hand. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 10: Session 935, August 13, 1981 electrons backup genetic species latent

[...] The pleasure principle can probably be likened most to the latent appreciation of beauty that is everywhere apparent if you look for it: the ecstasy of each form of life for the wonders of its own existence, in which love’s values go beyond themselves, and yet a condition in which each species or life form “realizes” that its own fulfillment adds immeasurably to the existence of all other forms.

TES1 Session 12 January 2, 1964 wires cubes plane board female

[...] Your plane could be likened to a small position between four very spindly and thin wires, and my plane could be likened to the small position in the neighboring wires on the other side. [...]

TES2 Wednesday, May 13, 1964 Callahan divan Miss tongue mouth

[...] While trying psychological time, Jane again experienced the feeling she has likened to ecstasy, and described so thoroughly on page 66. [...]

TES1 Session 39 March 30, 1964 Willy purring award portrait capsules

[...] It is that the sixth inner sense, of which we have spoken briefly, can be likened in some respects to the instincts of the inner self. [...]

UR1 Appendix 3: (For Session 681) capsule plane massive tissue boundary

“In some cases the distortion could be likened to the reflection of a solid tree in water. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 5, 1978 distractions Hoyle crashes Ed beset

[...] In other terms, this can be likened to the discovery of a new world or land that has existed, of course, but whose existence was unsuspected. [...]

TES1 Session 4 December 8, 1963 Gratis wall Watts ha humility

(“Can Jane’s poems be likened to experiences or conclusions on her part of past events, lives, or dreams?”)

TSM Chapter Three wires mirror séance palm cubes

[...] Your plane could be likened to a small position between four very spindly wires, and my plane could be likened to the small position in the neighboring wires on the other side. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 2: Session 515, February 11, 1970 environment cocreators dimensional perceptors microbe

[...] If you were thinking in terms of physical reality, then this area could be likened to one immediately above the atmosphere of your earth. [...]

TES1 Session 15 January 13, 1964 Willy fragment dominant plane cat

That state which you achieved could be likened to my state, except that I am fully conscious and able to use the abilities inherent in it. [...]

[...] The dominant personality can be likened on your plane to the dominant entity. [...]

TES1 Session 19 January 27, 1964 camouflage fuel instruments plane brain

[...] The inner senses are the carriers of our fuel, that is, they can be likened to the various cars of our imaginary train. [...]

Almost but not quite, our invisible fuel carried to us by our inner senses could be likened to the air which you breathe, and which on a calm day is so difficult to perceive.

TES3 Session 139 March 10, 1965 action sphere pulsation perpetuating termination

(While speaking tonight, Jane said she has within a definite “feeling of a pulsation”; it might be likened to the perpetual opening and closing of a fist, she said, with each opening and each closing creating a new reality, and thus moving itself perpetually on.

TES6 Session 280 August 24, 1966 indispositions sprain hay Wollheim cheese

[...] She likened the experience to manipulated dream images; none of them had bothered her.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 844, April 1, 1979 nuclear Harrisburg Island Mile smarter

[...] And indeed, the present physical event as it exists now at the energy plant near Harrisburg can easily be likened to — and is — a warning dream to change man’s actions.

TES2 Session 45 April 20, 1964 camouflage Callahan cube hypnotism Miss

The value climate of psychological reality can be likened to an ocean in which all consciousness has its being. [...]

[...] Your camouflage patterns can be likened to the patterns cast by sun and shadow upon the ever-moving waves. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 8, 1981 dmso innocence Sinful bonding Christianity

[...] When Jane read her material of this afternoon to me, I thought she likened the Sinful Self’s renewal to reincarnation, meaning that she thought this renewal might account for many of our overt ideas of reincarnation—that at least some of our ideas about reincarnation were based upon our intuitive knowledge of the return of portions of one’s self to that earlier state of innocence—a rebirth, in other words, that we might translate into the idea of physical incarnation. [...]

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