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TES3 Session 130 February 8, 1965 semitrance brisk efficient transition outer

(After supper Jane took a nap. [...] Jane also wanted to hold the session. [...]

(Jane felt quite lethargic and sleepy as the day wore on, but did not believe this state had anything to do with our active weekend. [...]

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 919, June 9, 1980 master overlays Christianity events original

Neither of us had counted the sessions we have for Dreams, but when I made a quick check the next day I was surprised to discover that Jane’s estimate is only two short of the 32 sessions Seth has called book dictation. I’m still busy typing the final manuscript for Mass Events, but we’ve already planned that I’ll be adding several “nonbook” sessions, and excerpts from others, to Dreams when finally I get to concentrate on the production work for it And my own opinion, I explained to Jane, is that Seth is considerably more than halfway through this book, even if we add more extra sessions to it.)

[...] Jane was especially interested in trying for a short session now, however, and I brought her red wine on ice.

[...] I told Jane that I hadn’t really expected him to.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 28, 1981 Sinful raccoons rope fireplace slackened

[...] I’m glad I had it,” Jane said. [...] In the session he also touched upon several other points I’d raised very recently, including the nature of Jane’s symptoms. [...]

[...] Jane slept until about 10:30. [...]

[...] Jane didn’t feel like reading and discussing sessions, though, so we decided to have one tonight and perhaps do some reading tomorrow.)

TES1 Session 19 January 27, 1964 camouflage fuel instruments plane brain

(Jane has long slim fingers with spaces easily observable between them close to the palms. [...] At the start of the session Jane removed her rings because they had become uncomfortably tight in the previous two. [...]

(In this session Jane displayed no voice effects of note. [...] Seth spelled out his greeting on the board but Jane began to receive him within immediately. [...]

[...] Smoking a cigarette during break, Jane received the words “—and as far as mediums are concerned—” but told Seth to wait until she had finished. [...] Jane resumed dictating at 9:30.)

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 644, February 28, 1973 emotions beliefs refute revengeful hateful

[...] Jane was very surprised to learn that she’d been in trance for almost half an hour; she thought but a few minutes had passed. [...] Jane wrote it five days ago. [...]

(We held the session in Jane’s study for a change.

(During the last few days, Jane has felt that she’s been picking up “advance” material from Seth on his book. [...]

TES3 Session 101 October 28, 1964 fifth dimensional dimensions midplane resistances

(Jane delivered the above paragraph with a smile. [...] Jane has been quite surprised to find many references in these books that tally with what Seth has said. [...]

(Jane slept from 8 to 8:30 this evening, and upon arising felt quite uneasy. [...]

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...]

UR2 Appendix 12: (For Session 705) evolution Darwin appendix dna realism

(Over a year later Jane supplemented such remarks by Seth with some trance material of her “own”; see Appendix 6 in Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality. [...] Jane’s own material — including whatever she comes up with in the future — ought to be integrated with Seth’s, also, and eventually we hope to find time to do this. [...] [I can add that just as Jane supplemented Seth’s material on early man, he in turn has added to hers in a kind of freewheeling exchange; his information is presented later in this appendix.]

[...] Some probable realities might be reached — potential conscious achievements that I think are already within the reach of certain gifted individuals, Jane among them.19 Jane and I would rather say that the variability among humans [or the members of any other species] at the molecular level is a reflection of Seth’s statement that we each create our own reality, with all that that implies.

(But, I asked Jane recently, why do our sciences and religions take it all so seriously? [...] To paraphrase some other material Jane wrote not long ago: “But the earth and all upon it are given. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 689 March 18, 1974 million animal toolmaking epochs totem

(See Appendix 7 for an account of Jane’s accomplishment of a week ago Sunday, when, in an altered state of consciousness, she received the outline for a potential new book, The Way Toward Health.

[...] Jane’s rate of delivery this evening was rather slow.)

(10:47 P.M. Jane’s trance had been excellent. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 723 December 2, 1974 language rock sounds Neanderthal prehuman

(Seth postponed ending the session to make some comments on Jane’s changing attitudes toward her physical environment, added a few remarks about the drawings I’m doing for Dialogues, then, in excellent humor, closed out the session at 12:01 A.M. Jane said her trance had been considerably deeper after break; certainly her delivery had been infused with more energy. [...]

[...] Jane said her trance hadn’t been good. [...]

[...] I told Jane that Seth’s information was as penetrating as ever. [...]

TPS1 Session 472 April 2, 1969 despondencies Reread Therapy session Jane

[...] [See session 472 in Volume 9 of The Early Sessions.] Material on Jane’s symptoms, interior and exterior illness, inner-self constructions and challenges, recognizing problems, etc. [...] Jane’s despondencies. [...]

TES6 Session 272 June 29, 1966 violence docile child retaliate aggressiveness

(Jane now felt much better. [...]

[...] Jane was as well dissociated, she said, as she has ever been: “He had me so that I was more him than me… Now, how did he do that?” She could have been talking about a stranger, she continued, yet knew what she was saying and that she talked about herself.

[...] Jane was again very well dissociated. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 621, October 16, 1972 willpower beliefs examine imagination dissect

[...] He also gave some unrecorded material during a freer exchange between the two of us; I described this to Jane after the session while it was fresh in my memory. At 11:52 Jane sat quietly, still in trance, while I wrote a few lines. [...]

(A note added later: “I was wrong about this being the title of the next chapter,” Jane wrote in November, “but I know it will be one….” However, not only was the end of this chapter not so imminent; Seth never did use Jane’s suggested chapter heading.)

(Seth spoke through Jane five times last week. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 550, September 28, 1970 hate hatred sausage cheek evil

[...] Jane, as Seth, broke off. [...] I picked him up, but his claws on Jane’s leg brought her out of trance. [...] Jane sat quietly, then resumed dictation.)

(From September 7 until 19 Jane and I were on a radio and television tour of seven cities, to publicize Jane’s book, The Seth Material. [...]

[...] Now with this work taken care of, Jane was eager for Seth to resume work on his book.

UR2 Section 4: Session 710 October 7, 1974 demons journey objectified City travel

[...] His material was for Jane, and grew out of the paper she wrote this afternoon on Eastern religious thought [see Appendix 15]. The more personal parts of Seth’s delivery aren’t given here, yet enough remains to show Jane’s main challenges some 11 years after she began speaking for him.

(We have two compositions, both of them by Jane, to add to this session. [...]

(Those excerpts, in turn, came from his remarks about Jane’s second composition, which she wrote late this afternoon after we’d finished reading certain material. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Sessions May 3, 1978 Wayne flamboyant discipline housewife shine

(I might add that today, Thursday, Jane experienced a dramatic further release in her neck and other areas of her body, so we are getting results with our program. [...] As the morning passed and we continued to exchange ideas, we saw of course that all these reflected Jane’s fear or distrust of her own nature—a situation that simply must be remedied. [...]

(Jane asked that Seth comment on her fear about time, a question we’d uncovered recently with the pendulum. [...]

(“Have Jane’s dreams changed in character since we began our latest efforts to help her?”)

TES1 Session 30 February 27, 1964 refrigerator kitchen iceboxes sanitary chiropractic

(Several times this morning while we were working Jane mentioned that she was receiving flashes from Seth about a particular subject—the refrigerator in our bathroom. [...]

(Jane strongly disliked the idea of the large refrigerator in the kitchen, and actively resisted Seth’s concern with the problem. [...]

(When I picked Jane up after work at the gallery, she told me one of the flashes from Seth was this:)

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 21, 1984 inferior fortify everywhere environment injustice

(Jane didn’t call last night. [...]

(4:34 p.m. “I felt that was sort of slow,” Jane said.

[...] So was Jane.)

TPS2 Session 607 April 3, 1972 Alma Porcius Marcus Cato statesman

[...] She wrote Jane in March, 1972, about her son. Before the session Jane reread an earlier letter from Alma Priestley, and the carbon of her answering letter in June, 1971.)

[...] The two books that Ruburt (Jane) usually suggests should be read and used by her. [...]

(In all the sessions Jane has given, this is but the third time that Seth has referred to past-life connections involving historical figures. [...]

TES3 Session 112 December 2, 1964 tree field reflections stationary mental

(Jane had no idea of the material for the session tonight. [...]

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...]

(Jane smiled as she paced about the room.)

TES7 Session 329 March 25, 1967 chase Pat counterfeit Claire excitement

[...] We thought the session ended with the first 20-minute delivery, but after a break Jane returned as Seth for more material. The presence of witnesses encouraged her; strong voice effects began to show themselves, the best in many sessions and toward the end of the Pat’s delivery, Jane achieved a projection to the Boston classroom of Pat’s special class. In many ways Jane regards this session as one of the best ever. [...]

(Jane has her own notes on this session, and they may be included with these in these records. [...] Jane believes she might have delivered much more evidential material had I asked questions; but I did not know whether to or not, fearing I might break continuity.

[...] Jane’s pace had been quite fast, much faster than usual; her voice had been deeper and stronger to some extent, her eyes open at times and very dark. [...]

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