Results 1201 to 1220 of 1825 for stemmed:jane

TPS2 Deleted Session June 24, 1973 dance mountaintop tours restraint loyalty

(This morning Jane and I embarked on a new program in an effort to track down the origin of her symptoms. [...] As expected, some of Jane’s beliefs at least partially answered some of the questions we had for Seth, but we still desire him to consider the questions.

(Jane’s beliefs as listed already are very revealing, and much more is sure to come. [...] Jane got up at 5 AM to do some work, and also went for a walk around the block before calling me for breakfast at 8.)

(Seth’s reference to Jane’s book idea, Aspect Psychology, touches on one of our other questions. [...] We’ve been wondering if it is a good idea for Jane to become involved with Adventures, in light of past problems. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 824, March 1, 1978 Cinderella fairy tale godmother adult

(After supper tonight Jane and I had a discussion about the theory of evolution. [...]

[...] Jane’s pace in trance had been considerably faster than in recent sessions. [...]

Dictation: Some years ago, before our sessions actually began (in late 1963) — though immediately previous — Ruburt (Jane) had an experience that he has described in his own books.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 639, February 12, 1973 Rooney puddle nightmares lsd creature

[...] Jane didn’t remember any of that material. Seth had referred to probabilities and hinted at reincarnation in connection with Rooney, I realized as I scanned the notes, but before I could ask about such relationships he returned with a page of information for Jane on a different subject. Then when she came out of trance again, Jane said, “He’s got stuff on Willy, too,” but she was tiring. [...]

(After the last session, I told Jane that I was most intrigued by Seth’s assigning two headings to Chapter Ten, but the dilemma was hardly very complicated.)

[...] Jane’s trance had been really deep, her pace as fast as it’s been since Seth began this book. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 850, May 2, 1979 idealists idealism kill shalt Thou

(Jane held the session later than usual this evening because at 9:00 we began watching the first half hour of a made-for-television movie that was aired on one of the major networks. [...] We saw her in several scenes, and Jane will be writing to her.

(Since giving the 848th session for Mass Events, on April 11, Seth has devoted three sessions to personal affairs that Jane and I have let go for a long time. [...]

[...] Seth launched into a few paragraphs of material for Jane and me, then ended the session at 11:05 P.M.

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 804, May 9, 1977 senility biological alien defense social

(Jane’s birthday was yesterday, and a couple of events that made pretty nice presents revolved around that date. [...] [In the note she’s making for her Introduction to Seth’s The Nature of the Psyche, Jane describes a world view as “…a living psychological picture of an individual life, with its knowledge and experience, which remains responsive and viable long after the physical life itself is over.”]

The beliefs people acquire when young can be changed, of course, and according to Seth (and the ideas Jane and I have also) this process of change would be the best “inoculation” there is against senility. [...] In our imperfect understanding, Jane and I and other family members saw this process go on: We did not feel there was much any of us could do.

[...] Jane was doing so well delivering the material for him at a steady, intent pace that I’d expected her to continue for some little while. [...]

TES2 Session 53 May 13, 1964 Dalmatian brief peaks harm tanned

(This morning Jane’s neck was better; but since she was far from well we anticipated but another short session tonight, if we had one at all. [...] At 8:55 Jane had no idea whether or not Seth would appear, and she did not seem to be nervous. [...]

[...] Jane said she was fairly dissociated, somewhat to her surprise; she said she must have been, because she was not conscious of her neck while delivering the material.)

TPS5 Session 874 (Deleted Portion) August 22, 1979 sperm nest quaked undersides bears

[...] I’ll quote a few lines from the closing passages for that session in order to lead into what follows for Jane.

(See the copy of Jane’s dreams attached. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Notes May 2, 1981 anyhow angered stretching awaken till

Nightly adventure: Last PM we ask German couple from Big Flats over, the woman mentioned in God of Jane, decide we should change the pace from intense sessions, etc. [...]


TPS6 Session 931 (Deleted Portion) July 15, 1981 dmso stomach anatomy reconciled sympathetically

(Today, for the first time since we received it on July 7, we didn’t apply DMSO to any portion of Jane’s anatomy. [...] Jane did experience feelings of panic when she moved from her chair to the bed, and on another occasion. [...]

TES7 Session 299 November 2, 1966 lassitude peek rigidity complete yawning

(Jane began speaking in trance while sitting down, her eyes closed. [...]

[...] Jane was out as usual, her eyes both open and closed, and very dark.)

TPS1 Session 241 (Deleted Portion) March 14, 1966 kick omitted tenants foot motor

[...] As did Jane, even while she spoke in trance.)

[...] (Results of Jane’s envelope-ESP test.)

TPS5 Session 853 (Deleted) May 14, 1979 feminine male creativity connotations prostitute

(A copy of this session is also being placed in the deleted notebook, since I’d like it to be placed under both categories.) I think it contains some excellent general material that, I told Jane, I was afreaid wouldn’t be seen by anyone if it were filed exclusively under private material.

[...] Jane said we could have “just a question-and-answer Seth book”—one made up of just those ingredients, without the formal session format. [...]

(Actually, this evening’s session grew out of several insights Jane had given voice to in recent days, and osme relaxation effects that had followed several of those. [...]

TES3 Session 122 January 18, 1965 electrical field system force protrudes

(While trying psychological time on January 18, Monday, 11:30 AM, Jane achieved the following results: “Extreme feeling of weightlessness. [...]

(Jane did not feel well, but decided to attempt the session anyhow. [...]

[...] Jane was well dissociated as usual. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 853, May 14, 1979 feminine male creativity women marketplace

(Although this is a private session that Jane and I are filing separately from “regular” material, we’re also presenting it in Mass Events because of the many insights Seth offers into individual and mass events in general, and into our personal realities in particular. [...]

(The session really grew out of several insights that Jane herself has voiced since giving last Wednesday night’s book copy. [...]

Ruburt (Jane) was highly creative, and so following the beliefs of his time, he believed that he must watch his creativity most carefully, for he was determined to use it. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Sessions May 29, 1978 attitudes towels jeopardize soreness protect

(Today Jane did well, walking about the house quite a bit more often than she has been doing lately.

[...] They had to do with inspiration, Jane’s attitudes toward me as an authority figure, and so forth. [...]

[...] In past days Jane’s rhythmic alterations between soreness and comfort in various part of her body continued, almost as though on a schedule.)

TPS5 Deleted Session November 8, 1978 taxes complacency contemptuous Edgecomb alike

[...] No sooner had I returned home Thursday after the extractions, than Jane told me Eleanor Friede wanted to visit this Saturday. [...] Jane and I hardly think it coincidental that Tam and Eleanor will be here within a few days of each other. Besides books both have in the works of Jane’s, what other reasons could have caused them to decide on almost simultaneous visits, we wonder....)

(I asked Jane if Seth would comment on my throat difficulty. [...]

(Jane continues her physical improvements—especially in the walking area, which has improved noticeably just in the last week. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 904, February 27, 1980 choices Eden neurological free Garden

(Jane called me at 8:15 for the session, but it was 8:50 before we actually sat for it. [...]

(Jane paused, eyes closed, often seeming to grope for words while in trance.) This is, again, difficult to explain, but free will operates in all units of consciousness, regardless of their degree—but (whispering) it operates within the framework of that degree. [...]

(9:39 P.M. “Before the session, I knew he was going to talk about the Garden of Eden, choices, and reincarnation, “Jane said. [...]

UR2 Appendix 27: (For Session 739) Grunaargh Gutenberg movable beefy Sue

[...] Since Sue herself is a Sumari, like Jane and me, I asked her to write an account of her feelings, thinking it would furnish a good example of one person’s emotional and intellectual involvement with a family of consciousness other than their own — and yes, of their reincarnational memories of those activities.

[...] In Jane’s final class, Rob read Seth’s explanation having to do with family ‘mergings.’ Right away, right there in class, I knew what was behind the feeling I’d had about this family: Members of the Grunaargh, and I personally, were involved in the invention of movable type. [...]

5. “My friend wanted nothing but plain, simple letters — nothing fancy,” Sue told Jane and me as we discussed her material. [...]

TES4 Session 157 May 24, 1965 resistance bunch unbalanced pendulum smooth

(Before the session began, Jane said she felt much more restless than usual. [...]

[...] Jane was more dissociated than usual for a first delivery. [...]

[...] Jane was well dissociated. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 30, 1981 Marie mother Sinful grandmother background

(This afternoon I’d suggested that she might like a word from Seth on her mother’s present situation—meaning that if her mother now had more insight as to her treatment of her daughter, this knowledge might help Jane feel better about her own reactions to her mother. Yet Jane wasn’t sure. [...]

(Jane had a pretty good day today—until we read over some of the late sessions this afternoon, those having to do with her relationship with her mother. [...]

(“See, I got scared then,” Jane said at 8:17, coming awake and sitting up straight on the couch. [...]

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